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the max

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Everything posted by the max

  1. the max

    Best closer song?

    The only one that I know of is Trevor Hoffman's 'Hell's Bells', but he's been out for the season and the Padres suck, so we probably wouldn't hear it too much.
  2. the max

    What is your battle cry?

    Skulking across the icy wasteland, attacking with a jeweled meat hammer, cometh MaxPower27! And he gives a gutteral roar: "I'm going to fuck you in such an inhumane manner, your pets won't recognize you!!"
  3. the max

    I Love The 70s

    because rick astley's so much easier to make fun of. Yeah, that "I'm a whi-i-te boy, with a big ol' bla-a-ck voice!" cracked me up.
  4. the max

    High School Freshman here

    I feel confident everyday that I'm in class knowing that I could feasibly do that.
  5. the max

    24 Season 2 Marathon on FX - Labor Day

    Exactly. While I really liked what they did with Mason, the rest of the secondary characters at CTU were basically washed out with strong performances by Donnie Keshawarz (Yusef Auda) and a great performance by Gregg Henry as Jonathan Wallace.
  6. the max

    PIn ups In NHB

    Certainly not, miss.
  7. the max

    24 Season 2 Marathon on FX - Labor Day

    That was all Season 2 had over Season 1 though. Season 1 was written better (besides amnesia) and had the better ending. Season 2 had the more realistic story, but the ending sucked (IMO) and it just seemed to wrap into a nice sparkley little bow, unlike Season 1's ending, which was far more realistic and true to life.
  8. the max

    Question about downloading music

    heh, the only thing I could think of would be to install it, download what you want, and then uninstall it when you're done. Other than that, maybe MP3.com?
  9. the max

    I'm finally done with WWE for a while.

    Here's my problem with holding matches from Summerslam to put on the brand exclusive PPV: It's Summerslam, one of the biggest shows of the year, yet actual matches are pushed aside for the ineffective brand exclusive PPV's.
  10. the max

    I Love The 70s

    Nope, I Love the 80's STRIKES BACK is coming in October.
  11. the max

    24 Season 2 Marathon on FX - Labor Day

    Did you rent the rest of Season 1 on DVD, mole? Both are great, but they have their strong sides. Season 1 was written MUCH better than season 2, IMO. Far more personal with Jack and his family, which made it better to watch. Season 2 had more of a shocking story to it, which added something, but the personability of Jack was gone. Since he was colder and more distant, it was hard to rationalize with him on a lot of stuff that he did. You know he's the good guy, but you're left with a "WHAT THE FUCK!?" a few times. I prefer Season 1 over Season 2, and hold up the first half of Season 1 to almost any first season of any show ever made and say that it's just as good or better.
  12. the max

    24 Season 2 Marathon on FX - Labor Day

    I plan to buy the set when it comes out. I already have the whole season on 5 tapes and I have to work on Labor Day.
  13. the max

    I have 10 hours to type four 2000 word essays!

    I have to write about something that inspires me by Sept. 9. I'm really not inspired enough to write it, so I figure I'll have a great idea for what to write about when the idea pops into my head to write the paper. Or, I'll just write about a random song.
  14. the max

    What Was The 1st Video....

    My first tape that I bought was Wrestlemania III, only because my copy had been worn out from me watching it so many times. The last tape that I bought was the Raven shoot.
  15. the max

    I Love The 70s

    Michael Ian Black was born Michael Schwartz in Jersey in 1971. I agree that he was a bit too negative, and agree with getting people who were actually alive then. I think VH1 invited Hal Sparks and Michael Ian Black because they were quite funny on I The 80's, so they figured they'd just capitalize on that. Overall, I still got a kick out of Hal Sparks, and while Michael Ian Black has the great sense of humor, he is/was far too negative for my tastes, especially once it got to 1978 and he was still bashing everything.
  16. the max

    What do you look like...

    What happened to your elbow? That's a pretty swank shirt too.
  17. the max

    I Love The 70s

    I enjoyed it. I mean, most of the stuff happened when my mom was still in high school, but it was still cool seeing things like "The Gong Show" and "JAWS" and "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" The only downside for me was the fucking Saturn commercial airing every commercial break.
  18. the max

    What do you look like...

    Meanie Before Meanie Now And thank you. lol
  19. the max

    Folder Champions

    BASTARD~! After that birthday gift that I got you, you say that?
  20. the max

    Folder Champions

    Barron, how the hell did you manage to get "their" right in one of those and then screw it up in the next one? No, he got it right. We ARE hockey, and we know it.
  21. the max

    What do you look like...

    I got a scanner, so I figured I'd bump this thread. I'm in my sig.
  22. the max

    MTV VMAs...tonight

    I have class tonight, and Smackdown is on down here, so I'll catch one of the 13 replays on Sunday.
  23. the max

    Happy Birthday

    For your birthday only, I'll say that I only mildly dislike the Leafs. happy bday.