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the max

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Everything posted by the max

  1. the max

    Current Hates and Likes

    Likes: Dropkick Murphys (that thread a few days ago made me go find all my CD's), KMFDM, NOFX Dislikes: Metallica
  2. the max

    what sport is the true american pastime?

    I totally agree. I mean, there was football on in AUGUST. And down here, we get high school games played on the Sunshine Network...FROM LAST YEAR. Seriously. College football is too confusing and controversial for me to really get into. I mean, how can a team that has more losses than another team be ranked higher up than the other team? I don't get it.
  3. the max

    what sport is the true american pastime?

    Baseball. I never really connected with football, because I was always too small to play it. At least in baseball, I could play almost any position.
  4. the max

    Melnyk officially purchases Senators

    Man, the Devils sure bring in the celebrities, eh? Joe Piscapo, Whoopi Goldberg, who's next? Anthony Michael Hall?
  5. the max

    Ok I know my job isn't the worst....

    Do you come home with a "A fat woman walked in the shoe store today" story? That would make you the MAN~! sadly, no. For some reason, we only get attractive girls. They seem to like me, only because I'm not a chauvinist bastard like most of the guys that I work with. And I already AM the man
  6. the max

    Melnyk officially purchases Senators

    I put a hole in my wall when I threw my hockey puck when the Devils scored with two minutes left. I was going to buy that DVD though. Do they cover the entire playoffs, or just the Devils? I ask because I was incredibly bored by Jersey v. Boston and Jersey v. Tampa, but the rest of those rounds were OK.
  7. the max


    I have a Craig Pittman action figure.
  8. the max

    Melnyk officially purchases Senators

    I was willing to bet that neither team in the Philly v. Toronto series would last much longer in the playoffs. A grueling, physical 7 game series, and then you turn around and have to play against a faster, deeply talented team? I'm surprised Philly even won two games in that series. Ottawa is going to win it all soon.
  9. the max

    Melnyk officially purchases Senators

    I wonder if Barron is still going to call them Team Bankruptcy. They would have played/beaten Toronto this year in the playoffs, had Toronto advanced.
  10. the max

    Ok I know my job isn't the worst....

    I sell shoes. Most of my complaints are people yelling at me about them not getting a discount, them thinking that I'm following them around the store, them getting mad for asking how they are doing, and people trying to rip me off with the register. Oh, and one guy threatening to kick my ass because I wouldn't exchange his shoes out.
  11. the max

    Anybody do any sports?

    I played hockey in high school
  12. the max

    Melnyk officially purchases Senators

    They'll still make them, Chris. Leafs fans live in the past.
  13. the max


    No, it would delay spamming by 30 seconds.
  14. the max

    Favorite Homestar Runner character?

    Bubs. "Please baby, please baby, baby baby baby, please. Gimme some candy!"
  15. the max

    Two Towers DVD

    It's coming in the mail. I got it from FreeDVD4Me
  16. the max

    Is there anyway to..

    See DrTom, this is one of those instances where you bust him down to -10,000 posts.
  17. the max

    Why is it that...

    Usually CD's and videogames and magazines.
  18. the max

    Everyone pisses me off....

    So is today the worst day of his life?
  19. the max

    An interesting statistic

    You'd know. ^^^ That made NO sense.
  20. the max

    Everyone pisses me off....

    Give them free shit. Donuts, etc. They come back all the time and tip very well.
  21. the max

    Everyone pisses me off....

    I hate TrebleCharged. And the Leafs.
  22. the max

    Everyone pisses me off....

    I hate excessively negative people.
  23. the max

    Pedro Martinez is GONE after 2004

    He's pissed because the fans and media have taken shots at him because he was sick this weekend, so he didn't even come to the ballpark. I think he'll be back.
  24. the max

    Yes! Dropkick Murphy's again!

    Skinhead on the MBTA.
  25. the max

    Anyone else besides me...

    You are not alone. I watched an episode and decided that I didn't like it. *runs away from the masses*