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the max

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Everything posted by the max

  1. the max


    Brad Bird is great and has been for a long time. We saw a trailer for this in Best Buy a few months ago and I think it looks interesting.
  2. the max

    What did you eat today?

    We had no bread or hamburger buns when I came home for lunch today, so I flattened a leftover hamburger from last night, added some cheese and onions, put it between two tortillas and put it in the quesadilla maker. Voila. A cheeseburger quesadilla. With some of this Arizona Arnold Palmer 1/2 tea 1/2 lemonade that I've been all about lately.
  3. the max

    Movies you like...

    - A Mighty Wind. Eugene Levy fucking stole this one for me. - Sideways. I really, really liked this film. I watch it about once a month. - The Hudsucker Proxy. Probably my favorite Tim Robbins movie outside of Shawshank.
  4. the max

    2007 Stanley Cup playoffs - second round

    My post was meant to be sarcastic. I watched those playoff series that Joe never showed up for. I'm all too familiar with them. Then again, the Bruins essentially got Sturm, Kobasew and Ference for him.
  5. the max

    2007 Stanley Cup playoffs - second round

    Joe Thornton?! INVISIBLE?!? Clearly he must be injured. That's the only explanation behind it. There are no other reasons for him to be invisible. None. No sirree.
  6. the max

    2007 Stanley Cup playoffs - second round

    We really enjoyed the game tonight, having no allegiance to either team. End to end action and without Brodeur, I think the Devils would have lost this at least 4-0.
  7. the max

    Box Office Report...

    I've heard of two of these films (Hot Fuzz and Blades of Glory). Spiderman...I'm going balls out. 140 million opening weekend.
  8. the max

    Harry Potter Movies

    No. And I think all three of Harry, Ron and Hermione are signed for the rest of the films as well.
  9. the max

    Tom Hanks is going to be paid $50 million

    Ladykillers was underrated. Not my favorite Cohen Bros. film, but not awful.
  10. the max

    2007 Stanley Cup playoffs - second round

    I know he won the Cup in Colorado with Joe Sakic, Patrick Roy, Peter Forsberg, and Adam Deadmarsh. One of these things is not like the other... And it's not Forsberg being the only non-Canadian.
  11. the max

    This Week in Baseball 4/23 - 4/29

    I hope the entire weekend series with Sox/Jankees isn't going to be the ESPN/FOX two-headed monster. Dealing with Kruk/Dusty/Ravech, Buck/McCarver/Rosenthal and finally Miller/Morgan left me questioning whether or not to just watch the highlights online the next morning. Awful, awful stuff.
  12. the max

    The road to the Stanley Cup begins.

    Same here. The girlfriend will likely stay up for it, but I think I'll just read a book or something.
  13. the max

    Harry Potter Movies

    Just looks like they made the Voldemort/Harry confrontation at the MoM a bit longer. Two things they need to have, IMO: - Harry being forced to write "I must not tell lies" with his blood and scarring his hand. It shows just how evil Umbridge was and brings out the stubbornness of Harry's character. - Dumbledore's speech to Harry in his office after the Battle of the Ministry. Shows Dumbledore's love for Harry which makes that much harder for Harry to deal with. IMO, it's very important for the sixth film.
  14. the max

    This Week in Baseball 4/16 - 4/22

    So by that stupid logic, the team sees that they failed to score another run and walks off the field, resulting in a loss? There's no blame on the offense for not scoring anymore runs? It's all on Cholly? Bullshit.
  15. the max

    Xbox 360

    Got the Ring of Death last night. Took my receipt and everything back the gamestop where I bought it with the PRP and had a new one (with a chrome disc door cover) within five minutes. Outside of them trying to keep my hard drive, it was my best gamestop experience ever.
  16. the max

    The road to the Stanley Cup begins.

    http://www.nhl.com/nhl/app?articleid=30024...mp;service=page Sean Hill suspended for 20 games. Looks like the Islanders' season is over.
  17. the max


    We lost HDNet and HDNet movies, both of which piss me off. We now have MTVHD which is a channel I don't watch anyway, National Geographic HD which hasn't had much on since being added, and A&E HD, which I only know for 24 reruns. Comcast sucks the cock.
  18. the max

    The road to the Stanley Cup begins.

    I almost had to punch myself, as my hatred for the Lightning seems to be outweighing my "meh" for the Devils. I'm sure if I ran into anyone from this board, they'd probably stone me or something.
  19. the max

    This Week in Baseball 4/9 - 4/15

    What a jag. Someone please buy the Bulls. I think he also said the one White Sox championship means more to him than all six in the Bulls dynasty. Good luck finding kindred spirits there. The Jordan Bulls will be remembered as a larger-than-life phenomenon and a cornerstone of what it meant to live during the 1990s. The White Sox had some guy named "Jon Garland." EDIT: Oh, and the way they kicked Frank Thomas to the curb was unacceptable. I can't think of a trashier organization in baseball than the White Sox. In a world of Jeffrey Lorias, Theo Epsteins, etc, the White Sox gets trashiest organization? Impressive. Theo Epstein?
  20. the max

    This Week in Baseball 4/9 - 4/15

    I'm offended.
  21. the max

    Imus Remarks

    Let's see: Untalented bimbo that married a 90 year old and died of a drug overdose VERSUS White man being censored by unforgiving black reverends with threats of more censorship to come
  22. the max

    Imus Remarks

    Threatening sponsors is a mob tactic. Threatening the employing companies is as well. And it is nowhere within S&J's rights to get Imus removed from the air. They have the right to protest, petition and raise holy hell. But once they start getting shows removed on the grounds of them not agreeing with/liking what is said on the show, it becomes censorship. Censored based on the FCC. Not S&J. The FCC dictates what is and isn't allowed on public airwaves. Not S&J. S&J should be concerned with the artists and record companies who are allowing those lyrics in that music to go unchecked. It is? How? These artists in hip hop are in the same community that S&J are trying to protect, yet their actions and words are bringing it down from the inside. If S&J were truly fighting the same fight as they did against Imus, they'd be calling for sponsors to stop backing hip hop artists, they'd be calling for labels to drop them on the grounds of being sexist and hateful, etc. Yet they don't. I don't have a problem with them petitioning and protesting the I-Man. What I have a problem with is them using whatever influence that they have to censor what is on the public airwaves. Again, Imus committed no FCC violation. Disagree with what he said, protest what he said, whatever. What he said was perfectly within the guidelines of the ridiculously strict FCC. S&J bullied sponsors and used influences with Imus' bosses to have him removed from the air for saying something that they didn't like. THAT is not the first amendment. That's censorship. And yet, until S&J raised a stink about what Imus said (about two days after he said it) those same sponsors weren't pulling out. Hey, they can do whatever they want. But it wasn't until S&J got a hold of them that they started backing off. I vehemently disagree with those sponsors for kowtowing to two men who do not speak for a majority of their own population, but that's neither here nor there. And yet, again, neither company had taken any action towards the I-Man for his comments until S&J told them that the comment was offensive. Again, I completely disagree with both company's actions. They could have stood by Imus, a twenty year veteran of CBS, but instead buckled under pressure from a stupid interest group that by and large holds as much power as it is given by fearful white men. I never said he was being PERsecuted by the government. My issue is that he had a right given to him by the government taken away by two selfish blowhards who are too scared to fight the fight within their own race. They made Imus the scapegoat for their inability to police their own race. And instead of accepting Imus's legitimate (I feel) apology, they attacked the sponsors of his show and had the show removed from the air. That to me is the most ridiculous thing in all of this. They censored Imus for a stupid, unfunny joke.
  23. the max

    Imus Remarks

    Sharpton and Jackson use their mob tactics to get Imus removed from the airwaves but do little to nothing about the blatant sexism and endorsement of the "gangster" lifestyle that has a much larger effect on the children. Instead of fighting the larger, and most would argue more important fight gripping their community, Sharpton and Jackson would rather take the easy fight and go after a 66 year old man who made a poor attempt at humor on his comedy show. Did getting the mean white man removed from the airwaves help anything? Is the black youth safer now than it was before this stupid firestorm? If "yes", how? There was no threat. And saying that the public airwaves needed to be "cleaned up" isn't any of Sharpton and Jackson's business. There was no FCC violation. Imus didn't go o the air and scream "Nigger!" or "Fuck!" or anything to violate the FCC's already strict guideline. As far as the public airwaves, Imus was already clean. People may have disagreed with his joke, people may have been offended by the joke, fine. That all should have been taken care of when Imus apologized. He didn't harm any of those players. This whole thing is a first amendment issue. Imus has the right to say what he wants, yes. Sharpton and Jackson have the right to be offended and protest Imus's comments, yes. They DO NOT have the right to use mob tactics to remove Imus because of something he said, no matter how much they may disagree or not like what he said. That matter should have been left up to MSNBC/CBS. The fact that nothing had been done about it for a few days until Sharpton and Jackson really started raising a stink about it tells me that MSNBC and CBS would have kept Imus and let him run out the rest of his contract. The fact that Sharpton has said that Imus is only the beginning of this fight, that all shows will be monitored and basically insinuating that any show that makes comments that Sharpton and Jackson don't like/agree with/whatever, will be treated in the same way...well, I don't want to say it, but it sounds an awful lot like racial censorship.
  24. the max

    Imus Remarks

    What about Imus's apology? Not good enough that he spent half of his fucking show apologizing for what amounted to a stupid fucking joke? How about the fact that he's meeting with these players whose lives are ruined by the mean white man (more than likely to apologize more)? Still nothing? How about the fact that he's been on the air for 40 years and has been making jokes about race, religion, et al. and nothing has ever been this AWFULLY bad to RUIN these girls' lives? Imus made a fucking joke and apologized for it. That should have been the END. Instead, Sharpton gets all fucking uppity and declares that this is only a start. Wonderful.
  25. the max

    Imus Remarks

    Yeah, that's exactly why this happened. Because CBS and MSNBC hate children. Anyways, it's clear from this thread he has a fanbase, he'll probably get a new show somewhere else and continue doing his thing. Well, they removed him from MSNBC just hours before the radiothon that he's done for the last 18 years. And now he can't be on CBS airwaves for his radiothon. They have the right to fire him, obviously. But to remove him from television hours before a radiothon to help SICK KIDS because of pressure from two fucking assholes is asinine to me. My comment was made tongue in cheek.