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the max

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Everything posted by the max

  1. the max

    NHL Thread - December

    Broons win. Sun also rose this morning.
  2. the max

    Merry Xmas!

    Got a bunch of personalized stuff from the girl for our new bathroom once we move. Really like it. From my mom, I got a stand mixer, tart pan, Simpsons Season 11, 24: Redemption, socks and underwear (a yearly tradition), and $4,000 for appliances in our new house (once we find one). From my girl's side of the family, Simpsons pajama pants, $30 itunes card, a shower radio and almost a bottle of Crown Royal in Yankee swap, but since I drew 4 of 7, I knew the chances of me walking out with it were slim to none. Instead of a nice bottle of booze, I got a stupid pet nail groomer.
  3. the max

    Merry Xmas!

    It's good so far. Got some cool stuff from the girlfriend and she liked the stuff I got her. Two more xmases to go to today.
  4. the max

    The 2008 MLB Offseason Thread

  5. the max

    NHL Thread - December

    Probably because they don't really have anyone else. I'm interested to see if they make the move to bring in Khabibulin.
  6. the max

    NHL Thread - December

    Kessel's point streak ends at 18 games, but I think he'd rather have the win tonight. Goals from Lucic and Krejci (EN). They've won 20 of 23. Where's that other shoe? Oh and the Rags lost a 4 goal lead and lost in OT to Warshington.
  7. the max

    The 2008 MLB Offseason Thread

    Better at what game? Not baseball, since the Yanks missed the playoffs last year and have marginally upgraded at positions while costing themselves four draft picks. Not championship winning, since the Yanks haven't won since 2000 and have spectacularly failed recently in the playoffs due to a lack of pitching depth. But yeah, they're great at overpaying free agents.
  8. the max

    The 2008 MLB Offseason Thread

    God help us if they get Mordecai "Three-finger" Brown or Cap Anson.
  9. the max

    Need suggestions/help

    My gal's weird cousin put it on a BLT one time. I tried it and it was great.
  10. I thought you got both showcases if you were at less than $250.
  11. the max

    The 2008 MLB Offseason Thread

    He also hit Reggie Jackson in the face because Jackson hit that famous All-Star game homer off of him. Just one of those characters.
  12. the max

    The 2008 MLB Offseason Thread

    Dock Ellis died.
  13. the max

    NHL Thread - December

    Fun, who-cares-about-defense? game tonight. Krejci is unreal.
  14. the max

    NHL Thread - December

    An actual retard? Or what most people call those wearing Habs shirts?
  15. the max

    NHL Thread - December

    Zzzzundin went the Canucks. Great work Mats. Now to decide what number to wear. #_ _?
  16. the max

    TSM Death Pool -- 2009

    My bounty on the Kostitsyn women still stands at $1000. If nothing is done by the playoffs, I'm going to take matters into my own hands.
  17. the max

    The 2008 MLB Offseason Thread

    Wonder if Moyer's contract sets the bar for Randy Johnson.
  18. the max

    TSM Death Pool -- 2009

    I think if it's big news for a news outlet, it should be allowed. But if it's one of those after-thoughts as they're rolling credits, it shouldn't count. Marvin made a killing on "Oldest living _____" nonsense, which kind of ruined the fun. CNN or NBC aren't leading with that.
  19. the max

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    That happened to me in high school. Senior english class we had to build a model of some kind from a book we read (can't remember what book). But we also had to write a book summary and answer a bunch of questions too. I took the summary/questions, he took the model making part. So of course, it comes down to the last weekend before xmas break. My stuff is done, had been for about a week. I tried calling him all weekend, finally his mom picks up the phone late sunday afternoon and tells me he's been out all weekend dirtbiking and camping. So I built a model too, I was up until like, 2 in the morning. I narced on him to the teacher. I got an A-, he got a D and had to do a bunch of work to bring his grade up so he could graduate. I think he barely squeaked by.
  20. the max

    NHL Thread - December

    Or maybe a player like Hossa next season won't want to take less to play for a non-Cup winning team and sign with another team. Hossa obviously felt that Detroit had the best chance to win the Cup this season, else he'd have made huge cash from someone else long-term.
  21. the max

    NHL Thread - December

    When they were signing those players there was no salary cap though.
  22. the max

    NHL Thread - December

    No, in other words, Czech doesn't like it when teams he doesn't like get any sort of breaks whatsoever. Players take pay-cuts sometimes to play for good teams, something that completely baffles Czech.
  23. the max

    Confessions of a Grocery Store Santa

    When I donned the Santa costume three years ago it was because the Santa Coca-Cola truck (the one you see in the commercials) stopped by. They take it on a nation wide tour every year. The guy that was supposed to play Santa fell ill, and they were just going to have the Polar Bear. They asked me and I at first thought they were joking and I said no. Then I saw two little kids ask one of the coke men if Santa was going to show up and he said Not this year and the kids walked off with a sad look on their face. This was the moment I decided to put on the costume. It was a fun gig, and those two little kids were surprised to see Santa made it after all. This xmas miracle brought to you by refreshing
  24. the max

    NHL Thread - December

    It may not completely show in the scorebook, but complete domination by the Bruins tonight over Atlanta. They had a stretch of almost two minutes of non-stop attacking in Atlanta's zone. Phil Kessel continues to just kick ass and possibly take names. David Krejci has 29 points in 30 games this year, already eclipsing his totals in 56 games last year. They're just rolling over everyone. I think this fares well for later in the year when they start playing real teams.
  25. the max

    Sports Economic Thread

    The big ticket free agents sometimes wait until december. Vlad Guerrero didn't sign until almost the middle of january in 2004. They don't always just sign on the first day of free-agency, like the NHL or something.