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the max

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Everything posted by the max

  1. the max

    NHL Thread

    It's amazing what can happen when you have no defense.
  2. the max

    NHL Thread

    I think he misplayed it and Friesen took control. Havlat's defensive responsibility was Friesen and he blew it.
  3. the max


    Freddie Mercury is rolling over in his grave. If he were still alive, he'd spit HIV into these people's mouths and then probably die. Poor Brian May, having to watch these people destroy his life's work.
  4. the max

    TWIB No. 2: 10 April-16 April

    Wily Mo Cerrano looks really, really bad.
  5. the max

    NHL Thread

    That's the definition of a choke, buddy. They couldn't close the show. They came from being down 3-1 to make a game 7 and lost on a late fluke goal. That's not choking. Friesen scored because Havlat didn't hustle back to make a defensive play, Friesen torched Havlat and had an uncontested shot. As good as Lalime was that postseason, he's still Patrick Lalime and thus is terrible.
  6. the max

    If it gets shut down, oh well-Duke LAX team not a match

    This case just took a Law and Order: SVU turn.
  7. the max

    24: Season 5

    Jack: How's he doin'? Wayne: He's dead! Jack: *mumbles* dammit. Great set-up for next week, where there will be a lot of action.
  8. the max

    MLB: Week 1 (4/2-4/9)

    ...why should we? Just kidding dude. Welcome to the thread. You should take about the 'Stros because they're not the Yankees or the Red Sox. Seriously, the Yankees/Red Sox feud is like two rich kids in high school slap fighting each other. The respectul pseudo-rivalry between the 'Stros and Cardinals is alot more entertaining. More entertaining to some.
  9. the max

    MLB: Week 1 (4/2-4/9)

    Fun game tonight, killed my plans by starting after an hour and a half rain delay though. Schilling looked good again, he went 7 with 4K...the only run was a Matos homer that barely left the yard. Timlin looks much improved from last year and Papelbon seems too good to be true.
  10. the max

    MLB: Week 1 (4/2-4/9)

    These Orioles announcers are terrible. They're taking this game way too seriously.
  11. the max

    Best sountrack ever

    A Mighty Wind. Most of the songs are very well done by both parody and musical standards.
  12. the max

    NHL Thread

    The Bruins have officially quit on Sully and are mathematically out of the playoffs. Toronto needs a win at any cost to stay in the race for the playoffs. ... This could get ugly.
  13. the max

    MLB: Week 1 (4/2-4/9)

    I get the same thing for any and all Marlins and D+ Rays games on the extra innings.
  14. the max

    24: Season 5

    Kim being killed is the only way Jack would leave the game though. I don't think he'd be able to mentally handle the rigors of everything that he goes through knowing that his job has cost him: - His wife - His daughter - His freedom - Any semblance of a normal relationship with any woman since he's too emotionally detached to everyone - Any close friends that he may have had over the years (Tony, Michelle, Guile, David)
  15. the max

    24: Season 5

    That's too recent though. There's no way they could pull off a 48 hour day with no sleep. Plus, if Jack wants to kill Logan, it wouldn't take him 24 hours. He'd probably use a jedi mindtrick or something.
  16. the max

    NHL Thread

    Thomas was sparkling tonight, turning aside what felt like 65 shots (it was only 42). I had the tsn feed and whoever was calling it brought up an excellent point. Thomas is definitely the back-up next year once Hannu gets healthy, leaving Razor as the odd man out. Why aren't they playing Raycroft? Sully was asked before the game and his rough quote was, "we're trying to win." Uh, Sully? Win what? The playoffs are long gone and it doesn't matter what goaltender plays in net since you insist on giving serious minutes to people whose defensive abilities make it seem like they have ADD. Put Razor in net to see if he can play his value back up, there is nothing else to lose. Oh, and kudos to Murray for showing his leadership skills by drawing an additional two minute penalty while already in the box almost half-way through serving his penalty. No matter what, you can't skate into the goalie, even if he is slightly out of his crease. Moron.
  17. the max

    2006 NFL Off-Season

    He probably "got off" because he likes 'em young. I agree with what he said though, regardless of whether he likes 'em young.
  18. the max

    24: Season 5

    Brilliant twist. It may have saved the season as well. We're so used to everything coming together by this point in the season; Knowing who was behind it and why and watching our superhero track them down. Now, we have a completely foreign twist, with the person who has the most power in the country possibly being behind the entire thing. Sure, it's completely unrealistic that a president would be a terrorist, but that's the fun of it. It also leaves us wondering what is actually going to happen. Like I said, with the previous four seasons, we knew (for the most part) what was going to happen, who was going to die, etc.etc. with some good twists in along the way. What they've done is given us a complete 540. We've been spun around completely to the same plot that we've come to know and love (evil mastermind is now being tracked by Jack) with the extra twist being who the evil mastermind is. This may have redeemed the season for me.
  19. the max

    NHL Thread

    Bruins lose to Florida in a shootout, getting goals from Bergeron and Boyes and solid, spectacular at times goaltending from Thomas. I think we've been watching the same game for the last two and a half weeks. No other lines can create any kind of offense or defense. Sturm-Bergeron-Boyes has been carrying this team for the last almost three weeks, all of the other lines are out there because SBB needs a breather.
  20. the max

    24: Season 5

    Just when I think I'm out, they drag me back in. Awesome show tonight. Everything in the gas plant was well done.
  21. I know he died in a horrific nuclear plane crash, but did he really need a college named after him.
  22. the max

    NHL Thread

    MOC is gone, I'm betting Sully will be shown the door as well. The season is over.
  23. the max

    24: Season 5

    All the German agent has to do is mention Jack Bauer's name and I'm sure that someone has heard of him. One person finds out that Jack's alive and screwed the Germans over and the Chinese are only a phone call away.
  24. the max

    24: Season 5

    That fake Jack thing is what makes me think that Henderson is behind the entire thing as a way to get back at Jack and the rest of the government for what happened to him. Henderson would be the type to frame Jack for the whole thing.
  25. the max

    NHL Thread

    Embarrassing effort for the black and gold tonight. Truly embarrassing. Let's go(lf) Bruins!