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Everything posted by AntiLeaf33

  1. AntiLeaf33

    Spoilers for Raw on 2/11

    honestly, with the incest angle where does Vince expect it to go? This angle has no where to go but down in flames.
  2. AntiLeaf33

    2/4/08 Raw Thread

    The belt has been like that for a while. One week it spins, the next it doesn't. I assume when Cena gets his belt back it will spin all the time. joy
  3. AntiLeaf33

    Spoilers for Raw on 2/11

    Seems like a decent RAW, but sounds like they might have shot their wad too early with jericho beating JBL clean and Hardy beating HBK clean with no build up.
  4. AntiLeaf33

    WWE Hall of Fame Candidates 2008

    Hacksaw should be in there, but I can see them waiting until he isn't wrestling semi-regularlly on the roster As for the rest: Owen Hart Davy Boy Smith Ricky Steamboat Road Warriors to name a few
  5. AntiLeaf33


    The last 5 or 6 minutes is pretty damn intense. So much blood in so little time.
  6. AntiLeaf33

    How much are you getting back in taxes this year

    Haven't done it up yet, but I should get a good return between my RRSP and tuition money that I can claim this year
  7. AntiLeaf33

    NHL February 2008

    How come the announcers went from calling Huet "Hue-eh" to "Hue-et" this weekend? Did I miss something?
  8. AntiLeaf33

    Superbowl XLII

    After years of working for Comcast Digital Cable tech support, I can't say I feel bad for the Pats or their fans. Bunch of arrogant, better then you cock suckers get what they fucking deserve.
  9. AntiLeaf33

    WWE General Discussion - February 2008

    Yeah, looks like really are hyping up No Way Out a lot this year. Still don't know if I'm a fan of Cena using his Royal Rumble title shot early. Kind of cheapens it a bit for me.
  10. AntiLeaf33

    The OAO WWE DVD Thread

    Austin's DVD is looking really good. Gonna have to pick that one up for sure As for the Triple H DVD: that cover is enough for me NOT to buy it
  11. AntiLeaf33

    WWE General Discussion - January 2008

    Eh...I think MVP is bought as a legit threat now. Kennedy, not so much. The problem with having a heel beat Flair is that it would be such a downer. If a face like Michaels beats him, they can do the respect hug at the end of the match, then the face lets Flair thank the fans, celebrate, etc. Also, when Flair loses I can see it being by a school boy, roll up, or some kind of quick pin, rather then to an actual finisher. It allows Flair to look on in disbelief that he just lost, lets the crowd give him a standing ovation out of respect, and do a "farewell speech" without no-selling a knockout move that he took minutes earlier.
  12. AntiLeaf33

    NHL January 08

    I'm curious to see how Maurice responds to this
  13. AntiLeaf33


    I got my hands on a DVD Screener and I skimmed through it. Looks pretty awesome. Might go and pay to see it now (I'm a broke ass student, so I need to choose wisely what movies I pay to see in theatres)
  14. AntiLeaf33

    WWE General Discussion - January 2008

    The Pay Per View was at the same time of year, just a different name of the event (St. Valentine's Day Massacre). Still, I can see Big Show re-debut the next night on RAW. He would get lost in the shuffle if he comes back at No Way Out; just too much happening already on that card.
  15. AntiLeaf33

    CIW and Networking+ Certifications

    I did the Network + Exam a while ago and failed it. Mainly the reason why I failed was because it was poorly written so your assuming a lot, which is never a good thing. I was going to write it again, but I'm going for my MCSE and Network+ will become obsolete when I get that, so there is really no point of paying to re do it.
  16. AntiLeaf33

    Is it possible to use your DVD/CD burner to death?

    It's like any piece of electronics, after a while or heavy use it can just crap out. But like Cowboy said, if your using it to read DVD's as well as burn them, then that can only speed up the process.
  17. AntiLeaf33

    The 2008 Royal Rumble Thread

    I just re-watched Jeff's entrance, and he does kind of look a bit out of it and pissed off. Even when he's high fiveing thw crowd, he did look a little pissed. Still, I called the finish of that match from the get go. Wasn't too bad of a match.
  18. AntiLeaf33

    Box Office report 1/18-1/20

    I was kind of surprised that they made Cloverfield so cheap, but I guess when your not blowing your budget on the actors, then you can make a great movie for a decent price.
  19. AntiLeaf33


    The only real issues I had with the camera being shaky was during the party. Camera was moving around and it was kind of hard to watch (had to look off screen a few times to get my bearings). Aside from that, the camera wasn't an issue at all....added something extra to the movie if you ask me.
  20. AntiLeaf33

    WWE General Discussion - January 2008

    Welly, Kelly Kelly is listed as being 5'5", and considering most of the wrestlers at easily 6'+, I can see her looking really short in comparison.
  21. AntiLeaf33


    Ok, so I work as internet (and former cable TV) tech support and billing for Comcast. As you can see by my profile, I live in Canada, which means I obviously cannot get the service here. Now, as customer service I usually get fucking idiots or people getting a raw deal from their service (after all, who calls in to say everything is working fine). I've always been a little curious to what the service is really like
  22. AntiLeaf33


    Just as well post this is the old thread. Today is my last day working for Comcast....thank Christ. Tomorrow I start working for Bell/Aliant
  23. AntiLeaf33


    Good movie. Didn't seem as short as it was. I thought I was going to get sick during the party at the beginning because the camera is constantly moving and the focus goes in and out. Once shit goes down, I didn't notice the camera shaking too much (well, aside from the times when the cameraman was running). Overall, I liked it. Worth the hype.
  24. AntiLeaf33

    The Simpsons Question

    That makes two of us
  25. AntiLeaf33

    NHL January 08

    Nice goal by Nash last night. Goal of the Year by a long shot so far.