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Everything posted by AntiLeaf33

  1. AntiLeaf33

    Microsoft Coffee Table computer

    I'm curious if you were to upload a bunch of pictures, or a large movie to a PDA like in the video would it have a status bar, or is it instant. I would assume that there would be some type of status bar on the larger items.
  2. AntiLeaf33

    RAW XV

    I wonder how many of the older guys will accidentally say WWF instead of WWE if they get a chance to talk?
  3. AntiLeaf33

    Microsoft Coffee Table computer

    That does look pretty incredible.
  4. AntiLeaf33

    Wireless Router

    Why would you want to get a wireless booster? It would probably be cheaper to get a router with a larger broadcast range. That and using a booster can cause some issues as boosting a shitty signal can usually result in a shitter signal....just more wireless bars.
  5. AntiLeaf33

    WWE General Discussion - December 2007

    Probably in here as it is relivant to this section. Either way, if the mods deem it should be put in the general wrestling section, they can always move it
  6. AntiLeaf33

    NHL Thread - December 2007

    Good to see the Habs win last night, but they have to start beating other teams besides Boston and Toronto on Tuesday nights. Also, given the line changes last night and the fact that they won, I wonder if there will be any line/roster changes for the game on Saturday? Probably not
  7. AntiLeaf33


    I was bored watching the 2 minute trailer. I can only imagine how un-interesting the film was. The only part I'm moderatly interested in seeing is the shooting up the school part, just to see how it was shot. Probably poorly by the sounds of it
  8. AntiLeaf33

    PC Gaming

    Yeah, I can't get over the specs for GH3. It's a simple rhythm game...there is no way in hell those specs should be THAT high.
  9. AntiLeaf33

    NHL Thread - December 2007

    That is a pretty weird rule there, but if it means the Ducks need to unload a decent defenseman, then the rest of the league will love it now
  10. AntiLeaf33

    Winamp 5.5 can go fuck itself.

    I currently use Windows Media Player for my music. Have all of my songs in my library, so I don't really need to drag and drop my songs in. I usually just have all of my songs on and hit random. Having the Windows Media Player taskbar addon is a nice touch as well. Lets me change my songs easily without having to actually open the program up.
  11. AntiLeaf33

    The Old School questions thread

    1) I assume that Rock's feet were not supposed to hit the floor, and they had to run with it afterwards 2) I recall Andre being "undefeated" to the casual WWF fan heading into Mania
  12. AntiLeaf33

    WWE General Discussion - December 2007

    Oh I will...I will. I'm sure you will
  13. AntiLeaf33

    WWE General Discussion - December 2007

    Kelly didn't really have to do any acting besides look sad and sympathetic. Balls did all the work to sell the angle and thats why it seemed to work
  14. AntiLeaf33

    WWE General Discussion - December 2007

    See, I really don't understand why Vince would even start and angle like that if he didn't plan on seeing it through. But then again, trying to make sense out of anything Vince does is a fine art at best
  15. AntiLeaf33


    Apparently its just the general description of the movie with the release date. Nothing new that we don't already know. FYI: I don't know Japanese but one of my classmates lived in Japan for a few years and he did a brief translation
  16. AntiLeaf33

    the shittest album cover in recent memory

    where are his hands?
  17. AntiLeaf33

    WWE General Discussion - December 2007

    Didn't TNA get killed because it went head to head with Raw (or was it Smackdown?)? TNA has a better shot going against ECW then it does against Smackdown or RAW, so things should be pretty interesting. Still, I don't see TNA winning here
  18. AntiLeaf33


    I biggest problem with THAT moster is the huge ass tale. If he is supposed to be walking around the city, I can really see that making it look a lot more awkword then it has to be
  19. AntiLeaf33

    The Dark Knight

    That is a fantastic poster
  20. AntiLeaf33

    NHL Thread - December 2007

    Poor Ryder. The guy is stuck in a slump that doesn't want to end. Considering that this is his 4ht season in the league and this is his first major slump, its not too bad. Still, he needs to start scoring, and soon. Even the fickle Montreal crowd started booing him last night.
  21. AntiLeaf33

    Smackdown Spoilers for Dec07

    Gotta say, I am really digging this talent exchange. Good to see guys like Burke get to wrestle in front of a better TV audience to really show what he's got....even though it's against Batista
  22. AntiLeaf33

    ECW Spoilers for Dec 06 2007

    So I guess Punk's title will be safe for the rest of 2007
  23. AntiLeaf33

    NHL Thread - December 2007

    TSN is reporting that Huet is day to day with a groin injury and that Price has the flu. They recalled Halak and he may be in net Tuesday against the Wings. Guess thats 2 points we won't be seeing....
  24. AntiLeaf33

    Smackdown Spoilers for Dec07

    Probably because you know they can do a hell of a lot better then that
  25. AntiLeaf33

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    That page is down now, unless it's just my browser. Way to point it out to them, ya narc! It's your browser. It works for me. As for me as well