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Everything posted by AntiLeaf33

  1. AntiLeaf33

    Who would you prefer winning at SSlam?

    Cena certainly does need, and deserve some time off. At the rate at which top guys are getting hurt, its only a matter of time before Cena gets hurt and has to quickly job, or relinquish the belt.
  2. It would be minimal to no change in frame rate. A new video card can have dramatic changes, but not a sound card
  3. AntiLeaf33

    "John Morrison" is a Horrible Gimmick

    I really have no issues with the name/gimmick change. Johnny Nitro seemed too odd to be a World Champ beacuse he was always the guy from MNM. John Morrison is a way to clean the slate and re-establish his character
  4. AntiLeaf33

    Troubleshooting a problem

    How big is your power supply? You might not have a big enough power supply to keep everything running
  5. AntiLeaf33

    NHL Offseason - 2007

    So the Sens got their new RBK EDGE jerseys today, and I'm really not a fan of them. Maybe I'll take to them after I get used to them, but as for now, they look pretty gross Jersey Tour
  6. AntiLeaf33

    Wrestlers You'd Like to See Return to WWE?

    Chris Benoit
  7. AntiLeaf33

    Just because I spent the last 4 hours at a bar discussing it...

    Metallica around 1989
  8. AntiLeaf33


    Sweet. Just got my new Video card just in time (N-Vidia 8600 GTS OverClocked)
  9. AntiLeaf33

    Who would you prefer winning at SSlam?

    I'll have to go with Orton. Nothing against Cena, but he's become really stale on RAW as the Champ, and as a result, the show is getting pretty bland. Orton as Champ could be a shake up that RAW needs so badly.
  10. Has potential to be a decent PPV, but nothing overly special. Batista/ Khali has got to be short. Cena and Orton should be decent as they both work the typical WWE style, so there really shouldn't be any weird clashings of style here. Return matches usually aren't anything too special, so I don't expect a hell of a lot from either one. The ECW match has potential as the guys are at least familiar with each other.
  11. AntiLeaf33

    Michael Vick's "Dog Fight" Investigation

    With Canada, he would have to get a pardon, which I really doubt he could aquire easily.
  12. AntiLeaf33

    WWE General Discussion for August 2007

    Wow, I figured that would have been thrown out right away.
  13. AntiLeaf33

    The OaO Raw Thread for August 20, 2007

    hasn't Snitsky lost by DQ a few times already? I'm pretty sure he did in ECW. Just don't know if they're going to refer to him as undefeated after getting DQ'd. Maybe they'll just play up that he hasn't been pinned or submitted. Taz referred to Snitsky as the "unpinned Snitsky" at one point on RAW, so they are really bringing too much attention to his previous DQ losses.
  14. AntiLeaf33

    Video Card issue

    Got it taken care of now. What I did was turn on on0board sound in the BIOS, and then when Windows booted up, I had all sound options I had before + HDMI
  15. AntiLeaf33

    Video Card issue

    Ok, so I finally got a new card installed in my computer, and the video is excellent. The issue I'm having now is I have no audio. I had a look into it, and my sound device thinks I'm using a HDMI cable (when I'm really only using a VGA cable). As for the card, I'm using an ATI HD2400 card. I have the latest drivers, and when I install the only video card, I get sound back. Here's a screen shot of my sound devices before and after I hooked up the new card.
  16. AntiLeaf33

    NHL Offseason - 2007

    As good as Forsberg is, I don't see why anyone would pay full price for a player who will more then likely miss 50% (if not more) due to injuries
  17. AntiLeaf33

    WWE General Discussion for August 2007

    I think the problem with the Condemmed was that Stone Cold was in it. Say what you want but Austin is almost too recognizable as a wrestler and it may have turned some people off. Kind of the same way as you see a movie with Hulk Hogan and pass it off pretty quickly as a gimmick. I don't think Triple H being in Thor would make that much of an impact to box office gross/reception unless they really start to get on his wrestling background, which may turn some people off of the film. Just a thought....
  18. AntiLeaf33

    Britney Spears' SISTER is pregnant

    The media turns on someone way to quick for anyone to ever be considered down and out, but it sure as shit looks like Brit is looking her rock bottom dead in the eye.
  19. AntiLeaf33

    Going to a house show next week

    I was at a house show a few months ago and I couldn't get over the amount of kids and women that were cheering Cena/buying his shirts, etc. We also had a Cena/Orton main event and there was a pretty steady "Lets Go Cena" "RKO" chant.
  20. AntiLeaf33

    oAo ECW on Sci-Fi -- 8/14/2007

    It's a shame that they got rid of Ariel. That's about the only reason I enjoyed his matches. I'm still not sure why they completely changed his character when he got hurt. The "psycho Jesus freak" character (the name escapes me for some reason) might have gone somewhere had his big rivalry with Undertaker come about. Mordecai Thank you. That was going to bug me. Hell yeah, I used to mark out for Mordecai! I remember one week in 2004 when he cut a promo in his "church" about Eddy Guerrero, teasing a feud with "he who is a lier, cheater, ...............and thief", but the next week or maybe that same week, he jobbed clean to Mysterio and was never seen again. I liked his catchphrase as well, "Hear Me......Fear Me!". Yeah, that was a pretty bad ass gimmick. How come they pulled the plug on it so quick? Was he too green or something?
  21. AntiLeaf33

    SAW IV

    Hmm, I never noticed that before. I'll have to check that out
  22. AntiLeaf33

    *Smackdown Spoilers*

    Without Edge or Taker, Smackdown is really hurting for some main event guys who can actually work a match. Batista is losing heat and he needs to be carried to a good match, and then we have Khali who is improving, but he's still a Giant with a limited moveset.
  23. AntiLeaf33

    *Smackdown Spoilers*

    I always found people leaving before the end of a show stupid, even if it sucks. I'm pretty sure the tickets were not free, so they essentially threw their moeny away by walking out. Still, sounds like a pretty shitty show all the same....
  24. AntiLeaf33

    *Smackdown Spoilers*

    I always liked the jaw-jacking D-Lo did before he did his leg drop...always thought it was a pretty cool visual
  25. AntiLeaf33

    *Smackdown Spoilers*

    When did D-Lo get signed? Or was it a try out match?