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Everything posted by AntiLeaf33

  1. AntiLeaf33

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Really I downloaded the demo and got bored pretty damn quick. Level design was repetitive as hell, and the combat is really nothing more then a button masher. Most of the challenge is removed by the regenerating health bars. On a side note, I was more impressed with the Wanted demo. I had no expectations what-so-ever for the game. The game is a typical gears of war type, cover based shooter. I did enjoy the curving bullet feature as well as the bullet time deal when going from cover to cover. You have to boost up your adrenaline to use these tricks, so you can't really over use it. Pretty decent demo, but I wouldn't pay $60 for it...probably $40 range.
  2. AntiLeaf33

    Resident Evil 5

    Alright, so I have my season of NHL 09 complete, so that is 1 more game off my list to free up some time for RE5. If I can manage to beat the main story of GTA IV between now and next Friday, I should be fine to only worry about 1 game (I'm a little over 60% completed on GTA IV so I shouldn't have too much time left on the game.)
  3. AntiLeaf33

    NHL Discussion

    It boils down to the Leafs paying for a draft pick
  4. AntiLeaf33

    WWE Smackdown - March 6, 2009

    Well Shelton is all but a lock for the MITB match. So we have our running of something spot taken care of for another year
  5. AntiLeaf33

    What will be the worst movie of 2009?

    Probably the same 2 idiots that gave Wall-E bad reviews. Some critics will go against the grain so people will want to read their 2 cents.
  6. AntiLeaf33

    WWE Raw - March 2, 2009

    WWE.com mentions that tonight Randy Orton has to officially choose which World Title he wants to go after at WrestleMania. Not that there is a lot of doubt or anything.....
  7. AntiLeaf33

    Wrestling Quirks

    No, but damned if the timekeeper in WCW was going to stop ringing the bell
  8. AntiLeaf33

    What will be the worst movie of 2009?

    Wait....whut? What? The first MK movie was decent enough. The second one, however, was the definition of the word "clusterfuck"
  9. AntiLeaf33

    Resident Evil 5

    That's why I have the game pre-ordered. I can't see why I won't like it, but its always good to have some type of guarantee. Also, I managed to get $27 in trade in credit for SmackDown Vs. Raw 2009, so that takes care of about half the price of the game (I never play SmackDown! anymore since the online isn't even remotely playable due to the lag)
  10. AntiLeaf33

    WWE General Discussion - February 2009

    That 3 year delay isn't doing your street cred very good - not that you have much. During the Extreme Strip Poker on ECW Kelly made a comment saying that she can't drink because she was only 19. Don't know why I remember that for some reason.
  11. AntiLeaf33

    What will be the worst movie of 2009?

    Wikipedia has it listed with a budget of $60 million. Who the hell green lit this project with such a big budget. Also, it was only a few days ago I realized that Kristin Kreuk was playing Chun Li. Apparently she is half Asian, but she sure looks like a run of the mill white girl with a small bit of Asian in her. Horrible casting decision on a number of fronts for this epic piece of fail.
  12. AntiLeaf33

    Killzone 2

    I played the demo last night. Game looks good. The gears of war type of cover system takes some getting used to with the first person point of view. Game looks amazing. It reminded me of the first time I played COD 4, or Bioshock....just amazed at how well the game and the world look. I don't know if it was just me, but I found aiming to be a complete pain in the ass. It seemed like it took a long time to aim, and once I took a shot the recoil on the gun almost destroys how you were aiming. I'll play the demo again to see if I feel any differently. Don't get me wrong, it seems like a great game, just not the second coming of Christ like some other reviews have been calling it.
  13. AntiLeaf33

    WWE General Discussion - February 2009

    Probably the braintrust thought Scotty was trying to get himself over, making the story more about his bump than the Umaga squash. It's also proof-positive that they saw him as nothing more than a jobber. He had no future with the company. Thought the visual of Scotty taking the spike in mid air was pretty cool. If you look for the impact, then you can see he missed. Looked like he was trying to get Umaga over more than himself. Either way, its not like he was destined to be world champ or anything.
  14. AntiLeaf33

    PlayStation 3

    Speaking of Fallout 3, how is it for the PS3?
  15. AntiLeaf33

    Firefox Issues

    Uninstall it again, and delete all of the registry entries for it (Start > run > regedit). Look for the keys under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software > & HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software. Look for any folder named Mozilla and delete them. It could be something fucked up in the registry thats causing the issue.
  16. AntiLeaf33

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Fuck, thats pretty sad. Sure, the game is pretty old now and did fairly poorly sales wise, but now they are practically giving it away. Still, it's an awesome steal for anyone who has never played the game before.
  17. AntiLeaf33

    NHL Thread

    Hillary Duff better have her passport ready Mike Comrie is a Senator...again
  18. AntiLeaf33

    Vince Fighting Internet Leaks

    That makes sense for a lot of the bigger issues. Other issues, like guys working house shows before they debuted on TV is going to get out to the masses regardless (Tomko being the most recent example).
  19. AntiLeaf33

    Vince Fighting Internet Leaks

    That is damn near impossible to stop. They can stop a lot of the main stream feeds, but people are always going to find ways to steam Pay Per Views and TV regardless.
  20. AntiLeaf33

    Christian's Re-debut in WWE has occurred!

    Vince wasn't all that big on Punk when he started either.....
  21. AntiLeaf33

    Title Lineage Trivia

    I manged to get 92. Considering I wasn't much a wrestling fan until the attitude era, and then lost interest from 99 till about 2001 I don't think I did too bad.
  22. AntiLeaf33

    WWE No Way Out 2009

    Like being the demented Edge he was during the Taker feud instead of Vickie's pussy-whipped husband. I like bearded, bat shit crazy Edge from Survivor Series when he won the belt.
  23. AntiLeaf33

    Xbox 360

    This is probably old, but I got a kick out of it. Red Ring of Death from AOTS
  24. AntiLeaf33

    NHL Thread

    Mathieu Schneider's coming back to Montreal Hopefully this will help out with the PowerPlay.