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Everything posted by AntiLeaf33

  1. AntiLeaf33

    Boring! Boring!

    "You suck dick!" "Your mother taught me how!!!" Gotta love the fellatio chants!
  2. AntiLeaf33

    WWE General Discussion for June 2007

    Well they can't exactly do an angle where the beat the retarded out of him or anything. But I know where you are coming from. Some people are going to recognize him. The again, some people see Kane and think Isaac Yankem, or look at Vis and see King Mable. Or Konnan and Max Moon. The thing with any gimmick change is time. The more time you give the new character to develop the more people are going to forgot about who he was before. Woth a short for Dismore at least. Hell, if it fails then Eugene can always make a recovery and come back to the ring.
  3. AntiLeaf33

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Yes. Brain damage. Unnatural levels of chemicals like dopamine or seratonin. Various shit like that. To the best of my knowledge, TNA doesn't have one at all. Not even a pretend "oh yeah we're testing LOL" policy. Remember, they've had multiple guys (Hennig, Crash, Wall) die via ODs during their TNA run. Exactly. It's the industry itself. Pointing the finger at Vince does not take care of the issue. As for this generation of wrestlers, I can see them go down the same path. Sure, they don't wrestle as many dates as they did in year past, but they do more hardcore shit which is hard on the body, as well as a lot of the high risk stuff which can be taxing as well. Honestly, I don't ever see them getting the wrestling industry "fixed" in terms of permature deaths, but they sure can do some things to limit the number we have been seeing.
  4. AntiLeaf33

    Let's talk about John Cena.

    A long reign as champ in the 80's or 90's is a hell of a lot different then it is now. Now we have wrestling on TV every other night, so after a while you can get sick of seeing the same thing over and over. In the 80's and 90's wrestling was on TV 1 or 2 nights a week....not exactly over-exposure to the product, which in turn helps keep a long reign as champ from getting stale as quick.
  5. AntiLeaf33

    WWE General Discussion for June 2007

    Eugene would be easy enough to kill off. Have Khali fuck him up bad, and then have a report the following week claiming his has "career ending injuries". Maybe a few months later have Dinsmore come out as himself (sans last name or a different name alltogether) and bango....you have an upper-mid card guy in only a few short months.
  6. AntiLeaf33

    What did you eat today?

    I had a bowl of Cheerios before I went to work, and I will probably have a Big Bacon Classic at Wendy's in about an hour during my lunch break....can't wait
  7. AntiLeaf33

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    You're in a bar. One guy sits in the corner quietly drinking a beer. Another guy is accidentally bumped by a passer-by and, in a drunken state, starts to scream and beat the shit out of him. Who would you be more worried about? That sounds very similar to what George Carlin said in one of his books: "Ever hear someone say, 'Its the quiet ones you gotta watch?" If you walk in a bar and one guy is sitting there minding his own business reading a book, but the other guy is screaming 'I'M GONNA KILL THE NEXT SON-OF-A-BITCH THAT WALKS IN HERE'.................Who ya gonna watch???"
  8. AntiLeaf33

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    It's so easy to say "it's always the quiet ones". Some people are naturally quiet and don't end up killing anybody. It's insane to expect every neighbour to feel paranoid or that they need to get the police involed everytime they have a neighbour that keeps to themselves or is quiet.
  9. AntiLeaf33

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    This gets more and more fucked up by the day
  10. AntiLeaf33

    We Have Us An Iron Man

    That still of the suit isn't exactly the best. Looked a lot better in that video. Doesn't see to be clunky or restrictive.
  11. AntiLeaf33

    Live Free Or Die Hard (Die Hard 4) trailer

    Well thats good that the edits don't stand out. Still, I'll wait for the DVD
  12. AntiLeaf33

    Let's talk about John Cena.

    Have Cena drop the belt to Orton and have an Orton/Kennedy fued. Would be refreshing and I think they would gel pretty nicely together
  13. AntiLeaf33

    Live Free Or Die Hard (Die Hard 4) trailer

    I can wait for the Unrated or R-Rated cut DVD
  14. AntiLeaf33

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Not really surprising with the title history. They still have to mention he won the belts, but as for how he won the belt, that makes perfect sense. Can't have your website promoting how a child killer won some of your top championships
  15. AntiLeaf33

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    But decided to compensate for it by getting a knife tattooed on his chest thats hardcore
  16. AntiLeaf33

    Let's talk about John Cena.

    A mongoose crawling out of antileaf's ass would get the biggest pop? I'd pop for the mongoose if I didn't have a fucking mongoose coming out of my ass!!
  17. AntiLeaf33

    Let's talk about John Cena.

    I would shit myself if Triple H beat Cena in a quick squash like how the Warrior beat the Honkey Tonk Man for the IC title. Though the odds of me having a live mongoose crawling out of my ass are better then that happening.
  18. AntiLeaf33

    WWE General Discussion for June 2007

    Strikers promos a re pretty good. I usually get a chuckle out of them. Wouldn't surprise me to see Striker manage a tag team down the road with Matt cutting all of the promos for them.
  19. AntiLeaf33

    I'm stupid

    Use your notes a guideline. Once you start fooling around with it, it should start coming back to you.
  20. AntiLeaf33

    Let's talk about John Cena.

    I haven't cared about the RAW Main event scene since Cena beat Edge at Unforgiven
  21. AntiLeaf33

    NHL Offseason - 2007

    I can't see the cap moving a lot over the next few year. I'd say we are stuck at the $50 Million mark for a nice while now.
  22. AntiLeaf33

    Big-ass Pig killed by 11 year old boy

    I didn't shoot that animal. It just fell on the bullet and squirmed around until it got lodged into its body
  23. Well they are helping to sharing copyrighted material. I can't see why they wouldn't want to shut them down.
  24. AntiLeaf33

    Boring! Boring!

    I wouldn't consider the boring chant to be disrespectful. As a fan you are paying your hard earned money to be entertained. The encourage you to cheer your favorite stars and boo the ones you don't like. If they are failing to entertain you then its your right as a fan to voice your opinon.
  25. AntiLeaf33

    Transformers The Movie

    Dude, you can never top "The Touch" After "The Touch" anything else is bound to fall on its face