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Everything posted by AntiLeaf33

  1. AntiLeaf33

    Nintendo sends Bush a birthday gift...

    Great, like the fucking President needs more free shit!
  2. AntiLeaf33

    OAO ECW Week 4 on Sci-Fi, July 4th

    Apparently everyone in WWE thought that RVD 4:20 was just a cool catch phrase, and not the way he lives his life
  3. AntiLeaf33

    OAO ECW Week 4 on Sci-Fi, July 4th

    I'll agree with you there....but since I live in Canada I can't watch it regardless yet anyways
  4. AntiLeaf33

    New Kurt Angle T-Shirt Poll

    Number 2 is the only one I would actually wear in public
  5. AntiLeaf33

    OAO Raw Thread- 12 June 2006

    It's Charile Haas....run away Lilian!!!!
  6. AntiLeaf33

    OAO Raw Thread- 12 June 2006

    Speaking of Kane 2, who the hell is it? Could it be test? He was about that size (height wise) and he is not as ripped as "real" Kane
  7. AntiLeaf33

    OAO Raw Thread- 12 June 2006

    They are ditching that belt, thats why Cena's name is still on the belt....or at least, I hope thats why his name is still on the belt.
  8. So I'm starting to fell better about the fact that I'm going to see ONS at the theatre now
  9. AntiLeaf33

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    What??? That was the best part of the match
  10. AntiLeaf33

    ECW gets a normal time slot

    Unless Space picks it up, then I don't think it will be
  11. AntiLeaf33

    The Great American Bash

    If the last 2 Bash's are any indication, you will get to see the Undertaker kill off someone if you go the Bash
  12. AntiLeaf33

    The OAO Raw Thread 5/1/06

    Now that was a fun shoot to watch
  13. AntiLeaf33

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Considering that they never liked Cena in his current gimmick since day 1, I'd say they are going to fucking eat him alive!
  14. AntiLeaf33

    Super Mario Bros. Race

    That was pretty damn crazy. Thought I would really hate to be player 2 playing with one of those guys
  15. AntiLeaf33

    "Traditonal Fans"

    People don't really hate John Cena...they just hate where his CHARACTER is heading to right now. If you were to put Cena back to his old school, battle rapping ways, he would probably get a warm baby face reaction again. Also, if he were to add a fe more moves and some variation to his matches they might actually become watchable!!!
  16. AntiLeaf33

    "Traditonal Fans"

    Pretty much any Canadian city tends to fuck up WWE's plans as to who is supposed to be getting a heel/face reaction
  17. AntiLeaf33

    Where can I find this Tim White footage?

    I don't know about uncut, but you can find all of the Tim White videos at http://www.wwe.com/superstars/timwhite/videos/
  18. AntiLeaf33

    OAO Post Mania 22 Raw Thread

    That's what I was thinking. "Hmmmm, well, at least I'll get a paycheck for another few weeks"
  19. AntiLeaf33

    OAO Post Mania 22 Raw Thread

    Not a fan of this jerk off......we need an oversized hook to yank this guy off screen
  20. AntiLeaf33

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    looks like Tim must have thrown a heard of cattle into the fan this week from all of the blood that shot out
  21. AntiLeaf33


    I was gonna go and pay to watch it in theatres, but I will probably go and save my money and watch it at the bar instead
  22. AntiLeaf33

    Who do you hate less?

    I voted for Triple H simply because most of his matches are somewhat watchabale
  23. AntiLeaf33

    ECW Bloodsport

    Picked up the DVD last night and between last night and this morning I watched it all from front to back and I gotta say, it was pretty damn fun to watch. In the future though, I would like to see a DVD going through the hisotry of several of ECW's greatest fueds, and include some of the great "pay off" matches.
  24. AntiLeaf33

    THE OAO Raw thread for 2/20/06

    And a deafening silence covers the arena