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Everything posted by imajackoff?

  1. imajackoff?

    The Aristocrats (ta-da)

    great flick. Bob Sagat had me cracking up!
  2. imajackoff?

    Hogan/Michaels Backstage gossip

    A Cena v. Hogan match at WM would have to be without the title. Call me cynical, but I cant see a WWE title match at '22' without HHH involved.
  3. imajackoff?

    The NFL Offseason/Pre-Draft Thread

    TO + Schottenheimer = disaster
  4. imajackoff?

    Matthew Mcgory Dead

    Also heard today that he was working on an Andre the Giant biopic.
  5. imajackoff?

    WWE Main Eventer Leaving After SummerSlam

    I hope Jericho saved his dough. I dont want to see him wrestling indy shows in 15 yrs.
  6. imajackoff?

    For our black folks and wiggers

    And see, this is when people make no sense. Criminals aren't wearing CRIMINAL gear. They are wearing what the style is. If I wear a suit and tie and go sell drugs and rob banks, and join a gang, suits and ties are not "gangsta wear". I happend to do gangsta shit while wearing a suit and tie. Wearing baggy jeans and a T is not GANGSTA wear. GANGSTAS just happen to be wearing what is in style at the time. What else are they supposed to wear? bellbottoms and spandex? Criminals are people that will wear what ever is in style the same way everyone else does. They just happen to put on their clothes and go committ crimes while everyone else goes to the mall and...well...sip smoothies or something. *sips smoothie* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Of course the simple answer is "people just wear what's popular". Im guessing that Rant was asking WHY the clothing was popular, and the reasons for that are nebulous. This look is practical for drug/gang activity. May I be so bold to say that is a fact? I wasnt there when the first runner (most likey in NYC) decided to go outside wearing this clown suit, so I cant say with 100% certainty that it started there. This attire was brought to the masses by a musical genre in which many are respected for the amount of bulletholes in their bodies and criminal pasts are worn like badges of honor. I dont think its too hard to connect point A to point B. Of course now its just sheep wearing what they think is cool, but it had to start somewhere.
  7. imajackoff?

    For our black folks and wiggers

    I dont think there is one definite answer to this question , but I may be able to shed a little light on the matter. I live and work in Baltimore, where the long shirts are super over with the kids. In the inner city, those that deal in the drug trade like their runners and jugglers to wear the shirts because it makes them more indistinguishable. Comfort is just a byproduct of the loose fitting clothes in the city. The ability to camoflage your size as well as what you may (or may not) have with you are the true reasons. This is some of the rationale behind the criminals wearing the gear. Then you take into account that everyone wants to look like a badass even if they arent and there's your trend.
  8. imajackoff?

    Ultimate Warrior 2-Disc DVD

    Ive pretty much have lost all recollection of his run in WCW. Did they ever do any sort of angle with Sting when he was there?
  9. imajackoff?

    It's that time again

    It's funny that PTI is such a simple formula, but only works when the two principle stars are there. However, I do llike the Lebatard shows cuz he doesnt mind playing the heel. Does anyone get the feeling that Stephen A. Smith hosting the Rome show was more of an audition than a fill-in.?
  10. imajackoff?

    The Future of Smackdown

    With the London attacks happening just earlier the same day, I dont sense a conspiracy. This angle airing can be attributed to indifference or incompetance, whichever you think applies.
  11. imajackoff?

    So who does Cena face at Summerslam?

    I dont follow the E as closely as I used to, so this is probably a stupid question: Was'nt Edge's MITB a shot at Batista's title, not Cena's?
  12. imajackoff?


    Branagh as Iago = greatest heel ever.
  13. imajackoff?

    Don't fuck with Wisconsin RB Booker Stanley

    a perfectly good Earl Campbell throwback ruined. what a waste.
  14. imajackoff?

    Most consistently enjoyable actors.

    Paul Giamotti was the first name that popped into my head.
  15. imajackoff?

    King Kong

    Naomi Watts
  16. imajackoff?

    Super Bowl XXXIX discussion thread

    NE 30 PHI 6
  17. imajackoff?

    Hellboy: The Director's Cut

    IIRC the first release of Hellboy was pretty loaded. I find it hard to believe that they could have MORE quality stuff to fully justify a double dip.
  18. The HBO shows are very funny IMO.
  19. imajackoff?

    Terrell Owens

    With his skills deminishing at an alarming rate, Ray Lewis has become nothing more than glorified pile jumper. With all that said, it still obvious that he is a leader of men, a team player til the end. Owens is all about self. Whether its crying like a bitch after wins like he did in SF, the classless queerbaiting of Garcia, or bringing up the murders of two people just to exonerate himself from his own foolishness, its always been about HIM. In the end, he's just a silly attention whore who can really, really ball. BTW.... the silly dances dont bother me, they just show me what kind of person he is. Being from Bmore, I cant deny that I didnt have a smirk on my face when I heard the news today. He had to come here to get his 2nd MRI on Monday. Thanks for finally showing up for your physical TO.
  20. imajackoff?

    CNN Live projections

    what's so wrong with making sure all the votes are counted in THE swing state of this election? Heck, they arent even certain how many provisional ballots are out there. If this is such a lock for the GOP (which it appears), just sit back, relax and let democracy play it self out.
  21. imajackoff?

    CNN Live projections

    yay! another 4yrs of thinly vieled racism and blatant homophobia.
  22. imajackoff?

    I needed that...

    i got a call on my cell phone from a repub. canidate last week.
  23. imajackoff?

    3rd Party choice for tommorow

    Voting 3rd party in the Presidential election truley is wasting your vote. What I do is vote 3rd Party on the local level. This is the only way that a legitimate alternative voice will ever be heard. These canidates need to gain prominance and respectabillty on city councils, boards of educations, etc. Then, perhaps in 10-20 yrs. viable opposition to the bullshit we're currently served will be given to us on a national and presidential level.
  24. imajackoff?

    Death in Gaza

    Sure the ending was heartbreaking, but how could it have been a shocker? They basicly tell you what happens at the very beginning of the film.
  25. imajackoff?

    New Pic of Batman

    I was sort of hoping that Batman would be rocking the gray in this movie. Oh well. It was a solid teaser, but nothing to get overly hyped about. Im keeping my faith in Nolan and the fact that Ras is the villian.