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Naked Snake

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Everything posted by Naked Snake

  1. Naked Snake

    WWE Raw (4/21/2008)

    In a WCW like move, the Toronto promos for the upcoming Raw show in Toronto, had a main event for the WWE title of Orton versus Jericho. Looks like Orton is retaining at Backlash.
  2. Naked Snake

    Favorite Build-ups?

    97/98 had some good build ups. As much of a clown Vince Russo is, there were some pretty well planned out storylines during that era. Undertaker versus Kane leading up to WrestleMania 14. The seed of Undertaker having a brother was planted in May of 97 and Kane didn't debut until Badd Blood in October. Kane started destroying superstars and even took the Undertaker out of action in January. After refusing to fight his "brother", Taker came back in March and was ready to do what he really didn't want to do. Michaels/Undertaker Badd Blood was set up with 2 straight PPVs. SummerSlam 97, costing Taker the title...the formation of DX and then the no contest at Ground Zero set up the first Hell in the Cell match. Also, the set up for the blowoff casket match at the Rumble 98 was great. The Triple H/Rock feud and the Shamrock/Owen feud actually started off as Rock/Shamrock and Owen/HHH. It started when Rock was helping out Owen against HHH, but got to the point where Rock and HHH were more annoyed with each other instead of the guy HHH was originally feuding with (Owen). Same goes for Owen and Shamrock.
  3. Naked Snake

    Favorite Build-ups?

    Austin Rock X-7 was a pretty good buildup, aside from the Debra stuff. Austin kept stunning the Rock to end every Raw and when Rock Stunnered Austin it was awesome. Austin vs Triple H 2001 had a great buildup. The video package for No Way Out 2001 is tremendous. I'm going to add more later.
  4. Naked Snake

    Lookin' for a Rock promo

    I'm looking for a promo with the Rock when he just came back from his SummerSlam 2002 hiatus and was now the heel Hollywood movie star. Anyway, the promo has Rock on the Ovaltron and he says, "Finally, the Rock has come back to" and then he says, "actually, the Rock isn't in [i forget the city name]", and he mentions to someone off screen, "remember last time we were there, it was cold man". That was a great promo and he was feuding with Hogan at the time. I can't remember the city name though, and once I figure out the city name, it will be easier for me to locate this promo on you tube.
  5. Naked Snake

    Lookin' for a Rock promo

    That promo posted was great. Heel Hollywood Rock was awesome. I'd put the title on him for 2 years.
  6. Didn't the WWE let the Rock's contract quietly expire a few years ago due to WWE's oversight? Anyway, the Rock is the fucking Rock. He can call his own shots. He's done more than enough for the business, he's already given back. He's jobbed to pretty much everyone and a lot of his title reigns were transitional reigns.
  7. Naked Snake

    Wrestlemania 24

    I want Triple H to pedigree John Cena on every Raw leading up to the one before WrestleMania and then on that Raw Cena pedigree's Triple H!
  8. Naked Snake

    OAO Raw Thread - February 18, 2008

    Finlay was a god in that segment. He really sold it well. Wasn't 2007 the best year in revenue for the WWE ever? Part of that is for Cena being a face, and I wouldn't turn him at all.
  9. Lesnar versus Angle in 2003. Lesnar starts off face, Angle heel, and by summer 2003 we have the heel, real Brock Lesnar versus the babyface Angle.
  10. Naked Snake

    WWF/E Tidbits from the past

    It isn't. Now, over 3 years later, thanks to Bret's book, we find out this is true.
  11. Anybody have a link to that great Wrestling Observer article a year or two back, that basically laid out the scenerios to WrestleMania matches that were planned, but never happened. I want to read it again. Thanks in advance...
  12. Naked Snake

    Matches that shouldn't have been on free tv

    There was a Austin/Rock versus Jericho/Angle match on SmackDown! in late 2001 that could have main evented a PPV like a No Way Out but they did it on free tv. You had to give props to the WWF in 1995 when Nitro debuted. They were debating about doing Diesel/Undertaker and Hart/Michaels on Raw to compete with Nitro, but instead they stuck to their guns and saved it for Mania 12.
  13. Naked Snake

    Nightmare on Elm Street

    I agree with part 6 being great. Here's what the director has to say about it from the Crystal Lake Memories book. "That was the goal I set for myself- that the comedy would work with the horror, that my Friday the 13th still delivered, that is wasn't just another Jason movie. In general, there has been negative response to Jason Lives from hardcore horror fans - that there wasn't enough sex leading to the decapitation or whatever. And the line that is still quoted more than any other from the film, in both the positive and negative responses to it, is the one when the caretaker looks into the camera, breaking the fourth wall and says, "Some folks have a strange ide'r of entertainment." It has almost been taken as a question. Are you making fun of the audience? Are you making fun of the genre? Are you making fun of yourself? It really sparked a lot of interest. Any time I noticed a sequel being successful, it's because you've taken another genre or another element and challenged the formula. Put Sigourney Weaver in a monster movie and have her be tougher than the alien, and you've got something. Cut to many years later, and I was sent a script called "Scary Movie" by Kevin Williamson. Of course that ultimately became Scream, but I passed on it because I'd kind of made this movie already with my Friday..."
  14. Naked Snake

    Nightmare on Elm Street

    I liked Friday part 6 and especially 7. Jason took some crazy bumps and sold to put over the new girl, Tina in part 7. Some pretty gruesome and creative deaths too. Jason's make up was great (at the time).
  15. Naked Snake

    Moments where titles were buried

    I was going to say that, but it was in 2002 I think. They at least coulda had a tournament for the thing. And who can forget, Pat Patterson's "title win" in 1979.
  16. Naked Snake

    The 2008 Royal Rumble Thread

    I really wanted Jeff to win, but the Rumble, really, is all about getting the heel champions strong for WrestleMania. As soon as I heard the announcer screw up Jeff Hardy's name, I knew it would be his night. When Jeff lost clean, I knew something was up. Why end the feud there unless something bigger was coming down the track? Lo and behold, John Cena! WWE got us good! New Yorkers are the worst fans. They are always trying to get themselves over.
  17. Naked Snake

    Hitman: My Real Life in the Cartoon World of Wrestling

    You would never be able to download this book. It's too big. It's worth the buy. Paperback edition is coming out in May, so sayeth the Meltz...
  18. Naked Snake

    The 2008 Royal Rumble Thread

    I hate how they hype, "the winner of the Rumble gets to be in the main event of WrestleMania!" For the last two years, that hasn't been the case. Rey's match was followed by two others (which is ok I guess), but I don't get how someone that doesn't win the Rumble has better standing than the person who won it. Batista and Undertaker were the 4th match in I think at WrestleMania 23.
  19. Naked Snake


    That's actually a very good friend of mine. He's such a Hogan mark. He still has it. +1 for the Austin staring in the mirror before WrestleMania X-7. Great foreshadowing to the finish.
  20. Naked Snake


    Austin's WrestleMania 13 enterance with the glass shattering and Jerry Lawler's "Whoa, Whoa" The Rock talking to Austin after WrestleMania XIX...I always wondered what he said to Austin...
  21. Naked Snake

    Worst excuse for a heel turn

    There were some horrible turns in 2001. Austin's first turn was in Texas...how dumb could they be? Then he turns face one week...and then a lame heel turn/swerve again at InVasion. Angle then turns heel after the Survivor Series and Austin turns face. All these stupid turns and him walking out in 2002 and getting buried on Confidential really killed Austins heat with me.
  22. Naked Snake

    WWE Roster: Age Analysis

    30-33 seems to be the age where a lot of the guys win their first Rumble/Title/Mania main event.
  23. Naked Snake

    2008 Wrestling Dead Pool

    Marty Jannetty Jim Neidhart Sid Eudy
  24. Naked Snake

    Hitman: My Real Life in the Cartoon World of Wrestling

    I thought this was a tremendous book and the best wrestling book I've ever read. Sure there was a lot of arrogance, but fuck, it's Bret Hart, what do you expect? This is a guy who can't get over being screwed out of a worked title ten years ago and screwing himself (and the fans) out of a WrestleMania appearance where all he has to do is show up and drill Vince McMahon in the face. He contradicts himself a few times, and a lot of his dates are way off, but the 1997 stuff between him and Shawn (my 2 favorite wrestlers of all time) is tremendous. He says he hates the sheets, but whenever he has to bring up a point about a good match or him drawing better buyrates than Shawn he always directly quotes from Meltzer/Observer. As well, he tells Davey Boy in 1981 not to let anyone but yourself cut your forehead and then he blades Austin at Mania 13. I would like to have heard more about the Hall of Fame and the DVD compilation, but otherwise, I am really satisfied with the book.
  25. Naked Snake

    The OAO WWE DVD Thread

    There were a variety of reasons why Bret played nice to make that DVD. I remember reading a story about him where he saw a 4 year old kid at the dentist playing with wrestling figures and one of them was a Bret Hart figure and the kid didn't know who Bret was. So he decided with all these new wrestling fans that have come into the scene since Bret left the national spotlight that he had to do the DVD with WWE in order to get this new generation to see him in his prime. Also, he wanted to get the rights to some WWE owned pictures for his book (which I don't even think he ended up using?) Whenever I see the cover of his book I think to myself, "what a mark". Can't wait for the Savage DVD because I have never seen Warrior/Savage from SummerSlam and I want to see it. (It's not on youtube).