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cameron chaos

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Posts posted by cameron chaos

  1. In something very weird, Hardcore Holly and Val Venis called up some guy that broadcasts on Justin.tv and talked to him for about 8 minutes.




    Awesome, Val staying in character and saying he's fucked almost all of the divas was great (unless it's true, which would make it even better).


    Considering Edge is his old brother in law that might not make the best confession, unless one hand washes the other in regards to cheating.


  2. I was glad to see Joe get the belt but I don't even think it was the best match these guys have had. Best booked? Of course. But to me MMA and pro wrestling are two separate genres and I might enjoy the occasional move or nod to it during a match, but I'd rather not see two wrestlers emulate a worked MMA fight.

    So I take it you hate all UWFI/NJPW/AJPW/NOAH matches after about 1995 then? Because Pancrase/Shooto fucked the formula up way back in the day before TNA tried to straddle the barrier between the two. The idea of worked shoots is two decades old at this point, let the shit breathe and move on. Fact and fiction don't have to be opponents all the time.

  3. Am I the only person able to appreciate someone's efforts in their career as separate from their personal life? I can enjoy a Woody Allen movie even though I know he married his step daughter. I can watch Rosemary's Baby and enjoy it even though the director was accused of being a pedophile. I watch Humphrey Bogart movies and enjoy them even though Bogart was an abusive husband...



    The difference is Bogart, Woody Allen, and Polanski didn't kill anyone. Benoit killed not only his wife, but his 7 year old son. That puts him in a whole different league, the only similar comparisons one could make that I can think of are to O.J. Simpson and Gig Young (an obscure actor who killed his wife and himself in the 70s).

    I can watch Naked Gun movies with no guilt even though O.J. is featured. Again, I separate the entertainer from the person. The on screen performer is not someone I ever knew or had the frame of reference to understand, judge or care for.


    Bps, I stopped caring about your opinion sometime back in 2002.

  4. Am I the only person able to appreciate someone's efforts in their career as separate from their personal life? I can enjoy a Woody Allen movie even though I know he married his step daughter. I can watch Rosemary's Baby and enjoy it even though the director was accused of being a pedophile. I watch Humphrey Bogart movies and enjoy them even though Bogart was an abusive husband. I can watch a Benoit match and appreciate his efforts to entertain even though he murdered his son and wife before hanging himself. Does that make me a bad person? I don't think so. I think it makes me someone capable of seperating a person from their profession. I never knew or cared to know these people personally but that doesn't mean I am incapable of appreciating their efforts to entertain me. I believe the term is throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Was Benoit, in the end, a mentally disturbed psychopath? No doubt, but he still did his job well and that's what I paid to see and be interested in. If it makes me less of a man to be able distinguish the person I saw portray a character I cared from from the person playing the role I never knew, well I guess I'm a piece of shit. I never knew Chris Benoit as a person so I can't judge him on that level, but I enjoyed Chris Benoit the wrestler and likely always will. I'll watch the first best of 7 series, Angle matches and NJPW J Cup Matches without a shred of guilt and enjoy them for them what they are because as far as I am concerned, they didn't drive a man to murder, his own mental instability did, in the same way Bogie's temper led him to slap Bacall around, Polanski's perversion drew him to little girls and Woody's nature made him decide on a teenage bride. Does it make their actions right? No. But I didn't invest in their personal lives, I paid for them to entertain me and if they did that, then I got what I wanted.

  5. I'd like to nominate the Full Contact Fighter site for inclusion. They are a lot more comprehensive at times with their fightfinder search engine, including amateur shows a lot more. Since the Crave buyout things have went a bit to shit over at the 'Dog with admin issues out the ass due to too many cooks spoiling the broth.


    Portal Vale Tudo and ADCC news are also good for info on foreign events and fighters.


    Adrenaline MMA is funded by Affliction and has no links to M-1 Global, which was a Japanese event promoted by the existing M-1 promotion backed with additional funds from Japanese sources. M-1 Global is now defunct. Also interesting to note is that Affliction have been planning to get involved in the promotion side of things for a while, hence their gear being banned for fighters to wear on UFC events since the beginning of the year when word first circulated about them scouting for partners. Looks like Mark Cuban is going to be that partner.


    Josh Barnett is not with DREAM, he is with World Victory Road, as are Kevin Randleman and Roger Gracie.

  6. For those that have seen the movie, please read these links.





    Apparently the splash in the background of the Coney Island scene may not have been the Tagruato satellite crashing, it may have a younger baby monster which is the one that devours Hud while the adult is the one that got bombed to crap and who's carcass is in the new 1-18-08 website picture. So perhaps they killed the mother but not the baby, hence the "Help us, it's still alive" message at the end of the movie. A lot of people have said that the monster that devoured Hu and snuck up on them in Central Park didn't make the same amount of noise as the first monster shown attacking the city and looked a lot smaller so perhaps it actually was.

  7. One big thing that I don't understand and is such a crucial part of the Spider-Man story is the issue with Gwen Stacey. She's still dead and it is established that nobody knows Spider-Man's identity, but the whole reason she got killed was because Norman Osborne found out Spider-Man's identity. The whole thing is confusing to the point where I just won't bother buying the series rather than to try an figure it all out.


  8. One thing a buddy of mine and I noticed...if anyone has the Free Comic Day Spider-Man issue from this year, go back and take a look at it, and check out the superhero "Jackpot" that shows up in the book. Potential hint at the reality we're facing in the book now?

    Preview pages and interviews have confirmed MJ now has superpowers thanks to Peter saving May from being united with Uncle Ben in the afterlife and aborting his unborn child.

  9. Am I the only one who finds it weird a 30 year old is dating a teenager?

    Not so much an 18 year old with a 30 year old, more the fact he was there for her 18th birthday on set and probably had his eye on her for a while now. I personally preferred Candice.

  10. I think that was debunked on the IMDB boards a couple weeks ago. Thought that particular design does have a strong reseblence to Sin from Final Fantasy X.

    Elaborate and well done hoax if that is the case but with the Slusho.jp site mentioning turning into whales in the "customer comments" and the whole "Yoshida dedicated her life to refreshment! Her classmates called her the Smallest Whale" thing I think this may have some merit, even if it's an early concept drawing and not the finished article we'll see on screen.

  11. Also: I was dumb as hell watching Diaz/Noons because when Nick was getting his cuts checked I was thinking "Oh, come on, he was looking worse in the Gomi fight" and also when KJ dropped him I was also like "Oh, come on, he'll recover and kick KJ's ass, just like in the Gomi fight" forgetting that he was high off his ass during the Gomi fight and that kinda changes things.


    He wasn't high in the ring against Gomi otherwise his co-ordination would have suffered and even if he was, being high doesn't make you immune to pain, if I smoked a joint and someone broke my orbital bone, it'd still hurt like Hell, pot doesn't kill all your pain receptors but it does slow your reaction time, do you honestly thing he could have pulled out that last minute gogoplata if he was baked? Do you think he'd have even left the locker room? Don't you think the staff would have noticed smoking billowing out of his door when he opened it? Don't you think the referee would have noticed his red eye? Consider getting a better perspective on this subject before you speculate. And yes, you can say, "oh, the doctor said this and that", well, I doubt the doctor's been high and been punched repeatedly in the face before, let alone had his orbital bone fractured while stoned. I've been baked and got hit and it hurts just as much and is twice as distracting.


    Diaz actually showed some decent wrestling defense against Sean Sherk using the switch but I think he was able to defend so well because Sherk had to shoot from so far out because of the height difference.

  12. Found this on youtube. It is a video on of the promos run in slow motion.

    Revelations 2:25 "Just hold on to what you have until I come."


    Revelations 22:12 "I'm coming soon! I will bring my reward with me to pay all people based on what they have done"

  13. They also lost a couple of international TV deals due to the Benoit tragedy which put their plans for international expansion back. MMA has drained some of their audience and brought back old wrestling fans who have now grown up. UFC now has the same kind of popularity WWE had in 98-99.


    A little off topic, but am I the only one that thinks UFC is as fixed as wrestling?

    No, there are many like you who can't accept that just because their favourite "sport" to watch as a kid was/is worked, not every other physically violent sport is a co-operative wink wink nudge nudge exhibition. There are a few noted works in MMA history, all under the PRIDE banner and all of them associated with the early shows that had pro wrestlers like Nobuhiko Takada and Alexander Otsuka booked to get a puroresu crossover audience interested before they raided UFC, RINGS and IVC. They are known and not disputed.


    if the NSAC or CSAC suspected UFC were rigging fights, they'd not exist for very much longer. Real sports can't get away with rigging works without lawsuits, investigations and serious damage to their reputations. Look what happened to PRIDE when it was alleged Yakuza were trying to pay people to "put on a good fight but go down".

  14. I dont think even Ludacris knew he was supposed to accept that award. You would think someone would have clued him into that, and pardon my ignorance but how in the fuck is he associated with Fergie anyway?!

    He did that song "Glamorous" with her.
