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Everything posted by Boon

  1. Boon

    Sportsmanship between the Sox/Yanks?

    I guess you could say the Red Sox players hate A-Rod more then they do the Yankees. But the fans, believe me, hate all the Yankees. Maybe not in New York, but I'll tell you here in Boston, a Yankee player or fan is marked for death at some points throughout the season. Just look at the market for "Yankees Suck" t-shirts. Yankee hatred is always on the mind- I was at a Raw taping in the venue-formerly-known as the FleetCenter, and a Yankees Suck chant started. During a break, for no reason other then some poor shmuck was wearing Yankees gear and the fans decided to rip on him. Maybe the players only hate A-Rod (since Pedro is no longer here) but the fans sure hate all of the Yankees.
  2. Credit: ESPN.com There's also a poll up asking if they should shake hands and other stuff. Personally, I don't see the point in the showing of respect between the Sox and the Yanks. The focal point of their rivalry according to many is the hatred between the two teams. I just have a vision of a handshake and then six innings later another brawl. It would be stupid, I think.
  3. Boon

    OMG I think I am going to be sick

    I wish he'd get to guest host SNL once. He's usually pretty funny, and that program's had far worse. Even his appearance on SNL w/ The Rock hosting was great.
  4. Boon

    Sportsmanship between the Sox/Yanks?

    see also Bronson Arroyo. 1) A-Rod started that shit with Varitek, Varitek was stepping in front of A-Rod, protecting Bronson. Everyone clearly say A-Rod say "fuck you" to Varitek. 2) A-Rod slapping the ball out of Bronson's glove, like a little bitch. And what I hear coming out of New York is more A-Rod bashing then Red Sox bashing, esp. after the series. "He's not a Yankee," and such.
  5. Boon

    Orton's RAW promo

    Because some of us don't possess the blind hatred of him that you do? It's not blind hatred if the guy legitimately sucks.
  6. Boon

    Florida Bill Would Allow Students To Sue Teachers

    Hahaha. Wow. We could use something like this in Massachusetts. Damn liberals, lying to kids about landing on the moon and making them explain their theories and ideas. For shame!
  7. Boon

    School shooting in Minnesota

    Let the media frenzy begin!! "John Lennon must be banned from our radios and our record stores, as his music encourages teenage violence and aggression."
  8. Boon

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    Just wondering- do we even know that he didn't try to divorce her? It seems to me that once it became obvious that she wasn't recovering and he would want a divorce, I don't know how she could sign the papers. Maybe I'm missing something- if somebody knows how one can get a divorce w/o the other's consent (assuming that she could not speak, write, etc.) how can it be done? I'd like to know. Well, it's hurting her if she didn't want to be alive, but I don't think that's your point. It's probably hurting everybody that's close to her, the burden being put on the family for so long, emotional and financial, etc. Yes, I know the rebuttal will be, "How can you put a price on a life?" but then the issue becomes that of the family, not the courts or the government. Back to my point- the gov't should have never gotten involved.
  9. Boon

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    As much as I don't care for Jon Stewart's politics, they said something quite interesting on the Daily Show. When the republicans weren't in control, they were all about less gov't intervention. Now that they are, it seems like they can't keep their hands out of anything. As a pretty conservative guy, I believe that the gov't should not have been nearly as involved as it has been. For that "checks and balances" reference- the legislation should have never even been passed, b/c the judiciary had already ruled. I understand the bill was passed and it allowed the Schindler's to take it to the Supreme Court, and that's what kills me. For once, it's the legislature stepping on the toes of the judiciary. At least they've been consistent with the rulings. Truly and deeply ashamed? Mike, I'm normally with you on a lot of stuff, but I think you're really trying to empathize with somebody that you don't even know, while a few pages back you ripped on somebody for saying that they hated her mother. The people making these calls do not care about Schiavo, they care about pushing the right to life agenda. I have no problem with pushing the agenda, but don't hide behind the smoke and mirrors of this woman that all of a sudden is a martyr.
  10. Boon

    How the U.S. Uses Globalization to Cheat

    At least I could read the "10 Myths" article without wanting to jam an icepick into my eye. But that's neither here nor there. The only problem I see w/ globalization is when it turns into Americanization. But if you want to have a true free market, somebody's going to prosper and somebody's going to fail. That's just the way it is, if a global, free market is what you're after.
  11. Boon

    Create the Worst. Videogame. E-EHH-EHHHVAR!!

    How about you make a fighting game, but instead of a warrior, you have a rapping basketball player go around and fight villians with powers ala Mortal Kombat!! Oh wait.
  12. Boon

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory?id=607930 The courts have once again determined that the tube should not be reinserted. As for this whole Schiavo/Reeves comparison- Christopher Reeves could have said "I don't want to live like this." Schiavo cannot. I think it's apples and oranges, really. EDIT: That, too.
  13. Boon

    School shooting in Minnesota

    Why couldn't he have just killed himself quietly like everyone else? No need to make a big scene out of it.
  14. Boon

    Lucas to Release Star Wars 3-D films in 2007

    Nothing to do with your post really, but was wondering who's that fighting in your avatar? I can't make out the faces, but maybe Anakin and Obi-Wan? <---hasn't read spoilers yet, so I have no clue. It's the beginning of the battle between Anakin and Obi Wan in the Mustafar control room. This is moments after Anakin kills the remaining leaders of the Separatist group, and force chokes a pregnant Padme Amidala. Uh, that's not what that is. It's actually Anakin killing the Viceroy, not the battle between Anakin and Obi-Wan.
  15. I must be really out of it, b/c I figured they were doing Hobgoblin and that was the end of it...
  16. Boon

    Orton's RAW promo

    HAHAHAHAHA. Man, you had me there for a second.
  17. Boon

    Shannon Moore in a car wreck.

    Oh no! What will Velocity do?!
  18. Boon

    School shooting in Minnesota

    Curse us and our desire for individual rights!!! -=Mike
  19. Boon

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    Her brain scan looks like a gutted peach- c'mon, my GOP bretherin, let her die. Nobody wants to exercise the right to live in misery for another 15 years.
  20. Boon

    HHH's Raw Promo

    Smackdown sucks because of shitty booking, pushing the wrong people and a revolving door of featured talent. HHH wouldn't have done that much.
  21. Boon

    This week in the NBA

    Now that BC is out of the tourny, the city of Boston has no choice but to focus on the Celtics. I think the city will be pleasantly surprised- 11-1 over the last 12 games, 5 1/2 game lead over the struggling Philly. w00t!!
  22. Boon

    NCAA Basketball Tournament Thread

    One of my FF teams is gone, and my albuquerque bracket is now teh fux0red, but I'm still hanging tough.
  23. Boon

    I'm going to Smackdown.

    "Couldn't Afford Raw"
  24. Boon

    This week in the NBA

    Celtics win another close one. Anybody see the Spurs mascot get tossed? LOL