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I like Forums

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Everything posted by I like Forums

  1. I like Forums

    Guantanamo Bay “has become the gulag of our time"

    America may not have its official ownership of a lot of land. But make no mistake, the United States has its political hand in many different countries. Its not uncommon for entire democratically elected governments of other contries to be demolished under US order. Ie: Chile, Guyana, etc...
  2. I like Forums

    Guantanamo Bay “has become the gulag of our time"

    Canada? Even if everything about torture is disputable... you can't deny that people are being held against their will without due process or any civilized form of justice. For a country that started a WAR under the banner of freedom, democracy, and the distaste for terrorism; they aren't doing such a good job of holding up to their own standards.
  3. I like Forums

    ECW One Night Stand matches announced

    What if they used covers?
  4. I like Forums

    Guantanamo Bay “has become the gulag of our time"

    It is absolutely disgusting.
  5. I like Forums

    Guantanamo Bay “has become the gulag of our time"

    Um.... so nobody is upset that people are being tortured?
  6. I like Forums

    Some guy found Area 51

    Even if it was illegal for them to kill you, they would still get away with it.
  7. I like Forums

    Marty Jennetty

    Thats pretty sweet that he was suicidal probably like a year ago and now he's working for the WWE out of the blue. Great turn around.
  8. I like Forums

    Marty Jennetty

    They should have Jannetty turn on HBK and create a tag team/stable with Angle.
  9. I like Forums

    Lance Storm Leaves WWE

    Yeah Storm was over HUGE in wCw... and as for his charisma he totally got the fans riled up whenever he got on the mic during that run.
  10. I like Forums

    "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson "quits" ROH

    God, I can not believe that somebody who so perfectly personifies professional wrestling, and is one of the greatest talents in recent times could possibly be quitting the business. If I owned a promotion, I would give him anything in the world to keep him happy.
  11. I like Forums

    Army halts recruiting for reassessment.

    What is the punishment to the recruiters if they don't pull in enough people?
  12. I like Forums

    The Canadian Destroyer

    How can you say an Irish Whip makes sense? Once somebody tries to whip you in one direction, why would you keep running?
  13. I like Forums

    Post pictures of Puroresu

    ^^Where's that From?
  14. I like Forums

    WWE and Bigger Bumps

    Worse, was when Benoit took the suicide dive into the ladder on RAW when they were building up to the Money In the Bank Match for Mania.
  15. I like Forums

    The more I watch Christian...

    I've always thought the Unprettier was a great finisher. I always look forward to him using but.... with his win-loss record I barely ever get to see it hit. At least he's protecting it by not using it in most of the matches he jobs in.
  16. I like Forums

    Reefer Madness

    To add to what Vitamin X was saying about caffiene, I find that munching out totally sobres you up... but also makes you really tired.
  17. I like Forums

    Reefer Madness

    I bet most people work with someone who would sell them weed if they asked. ... well in Canada at least.
  18. I like Forums

    Reefer Madness

    I am fully admitting that there will be more people smoking weed. I disagree that addiction as a whole will rise. To Carnival: Someone who drinks and then starts to smoke on top of that was (hypothetically) already addicted in the first place. Plus, you have to admit, just because somebody does a drug does not mean that we should assume they will become addicted. Some people just have a nature to self medicate with drugs reguardless of what drug. It is possible that addiction 'could' rise but I would bet that the rise would be rather insignificant. We are not talking about cocaine or heroin here, weed is not nearly as addictive. In this situation I would say that the problem here would lie with the individuals not marijuana, am I wrong?
  19. I like Forums

    Reefer Madness

    Just because weed is more available doesn't mean that there will be more addicted people across the nation. If it isn't weed they are addicted to its likely it would be alcohol instead. Some people need to self medicate, reguardless of what is available they will become addicted to something. At least weed is the lesser of many evils. Does it matter that more people are addicted to weed? The same number of addicts will remain the same, just different products.
  20. I like Forums

    Reefer Madness

    Well first of all, what Carnival was saying about not being able to control smoking and driving. There is law in Manitoba that if a cop thinks you are driving under the influence they are allowed to ask for a urine test on the spot. And just a question: Do you really think that if weed was legalized that it would increase the amount of drug dependant users? First off there would still be liquor which most people seem to be more comfortable using. Also there would probably be a large number of people who just plain wouldn't like the sensation that comes with weed, it is very different than cigarettes and alcohol. There would probably be an increase in occasional or first time users but the actual number of people who would use drugs very regularily would probably stay relatively the same. People just have personalities that get them addicted not so much drugs themselves. If its not weed its going to be something else. So I think the excuse that there will be more dependant "burn outs" is not true. Plus anybody who has to go into rehab for weed is a pussy, it's not even a physically addictive drug. Heroin, Oxycontin, those are drugs to go to rehab for.
  21. I like Forums

    What's the purpose?

    Chris Benoit is going to try and break the Masterlock, even if he doesn't succeed. I can see him challenging Masters to break his Crippler Crossface, which Masters doesn't succeed in doing. Which leads to a PPV match... possibly a submission match. There you go, WWE give me the book.
  22. I like Forums

    Reefer Madness

    They've been saying all kinds of crazy shit about marijuana for years and years. The bottom line is that there is no reason why it should be treated any differently than alcohol or cigarettes. Whether that means tighter laws or looser.
  23. I like Forums

    One Night Stand News from the IMDB

    If anything it makes one of TNA's stars look like they are "Big Time" like they seem to be dying for.
  24. So... not criticizing the American media is the best way to go because the BBC does it too? You should probably criticize both and realize that there are many other countries out there that also have a media that may or may not need criticism.