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Everything posted by NoCalMike

  1. So let me get this straight, a husband supporting his family, suddenly loses his job, and instead of cutting lawns in the morning and working Mickey-D's at night which would still only pay 1/4 of his mortgage, he decides to get unemployment for a few months until he finds a job to pay his bills, is a leech?..........RIIIIIIIIIIGHT.
  2. Not recently or anything, but I was talking to some chick who swears up and down she got implants shortly before she started making the teen horror flicks. I could have sworn they were real, and don't trust this girl's opinion because it reeks of the "I am jealous that another girl is better looking then me, so any excuse for an insult is fine by me" attitude.
  3. NoCalMike

    Jersey Girl does poor box office

    I wish Smith would end his love affair with Affleck.
  4. NoCalMike

    Former "Terrorism Czar" speaks out against Bush

    - No thanks, Mr Clarke yeah, I won't be buying the book either....
  5. NoCalMike

    Somewhere in Orrin Hatch's mind, he thought...

    My oh My........
  6. I can't think of a single, brainless moron who would expect a company to stop trying to make money simply because they already have a lot of it... Well, if NoCalMike was a CEO... I kid, I kid. -=Mike ...No way a board would elect HIM to that position wow, BURN~! The point of that reply was what exactly?
  7. I can't think of a single, brainless moron who would expect a company to stop trying to make money simply because they already have a lot of it... umm, who said they weren't making money? And I never said they shouldn't still try, however there should be an ethics involved in business, from the top to the bottom, and unfortunately there is not, the dollar is all that seems to matter to the board of *ahem* "trustees" Oh and cry me a fucking river that someone fat cat doesn't think a billion dollar profit is not enough. Another problem with this would also be the fact that companies openly and willing don't care about employment conditions in other countries and are perfectly willing to exploit the foreign worker, where in America it would be impossible. If it just came down to WAGE, then of course America is going to lose out everytime, but maybe if corporations were actually held responsible for their actions, they might think again before going out of country. I am also kind of dissapointed in americans themselves for supporting companies like Nike, who don't operate a single manufacturing plant in America. If people stopped buying Nike products, it would send a bigger message, then trusting a politician to do something about, but hey advertising is a strong tool and when "your favorite sportsstar" wears their shoe, what choice do you really have?
  8. NoCalMike

    George W Bush makes joke about lack of WMDs

    I must be "out of the loop" here, what is with this constant sarcastic comment regarding "the tax cuts caused everything" stuff?
  9. NoCalMike

    I've decided I'm voting for Ralph Nader.

    because he doesn't resemble a chimp!?!
  10. NoCalMike

    I've decided I'm voting for Ralph Nader.

    http://www.bushorchimp.com/ .....and some folks don't believe in evolution!!
  11. Or we can support Bush in his effort to re-classify McDonalds as a Manufacturing job.
  12. NoCalMike

    People Who Talk During Movies In Theaters

    most often it is best just to get an usher because if you personally try something, it turns into a loud argument which pisses people off even more.
  13. NoCalMike

    The Cicadas...

    He stole it from my sig. So did I
  14. The success or failure of outsourcing jobs, really depends on what kind of jobs the unemployed folks are getting to replace their jobs. Also, I don't see how it is in any way good for our country to lose manufacturing jobs especially. Some people claim "we send the shitty jobs overseas, so we keep the good ones" but I don't buy into to that, considering an economy will always need some percentage of "shitty" aka lower paying jobs. Another thing I question, is why these jobs are being outsourced in the first place when most of these companies are already making huge profits into the billions. I know there are a lot of Michael Moore haters on here but his film, "The Big One" is playing a bunch on IFC lately, and it was made in '96, and it covers this topic, now of course you have to sit through a biased opinion most of the movie, but I guess you can find the other side of the argument somewhere.
  15. NoCalMike

    Weekend Cable News shows

    I used to watch Ventura's show for the month it was on. I usually just randomly switch around due to boredom.
  16. NoCalMike

    I've decided I'm voting for Ralph Nader.

    He walked past, he was recovering from an injury at some point. I didn't recognize him until his back was turned. I imagine his Push Power is so strong even my Jobbing Aura couldn't affect him. On the other hand, I sat and watched Benoit walk right past me talking to someone on a cell phone. I'm scared for his title reign. NoCalMike: Nader, or Green Party Candidate? Because a vote for Green Party Candidate is at least a vote to support the idea of multiple parties. A vote for Nader just says 'I keep checking the box that reads "Ralph Nader'" well last time "A Green Party Member" this time Nader is running as an Indy.
  17. NoCalMike

    Former "Terrorism Czar" speaks out against Bush

    -=Mike Interesting. But is that somehow less partisan than what Clarke's done? I don't mind the image that Clarke is out to get the Bush Admin for sour grapes, but nobody sees the politics in realeasing an interview transcript with reporters while he's doing his testimony, or in this. But hey, I'll give them a chance, because maybe he did say something different then. We'll see. And is there a political motive to releasing the transcript? Absolutely. If the lie is allowed to fester without a response, it becomes TRUTH to Americans (see "Worst economy in 50 years" from 1992). The GOP has him saying completely differently and would be quite remiss in NOT pointing it out. -=Mike People say that Bush and company have all but called him a liar. Well, the Congress is ABOUT to call him a liar. They're going to likely push for a perjury charge --- yet I doubt that won't quite get the same play that his allegations received. Call it a safe hunch. -=Mike Bush's Admin has already built a rep of tearing people to shreds from his own cabinet that come out with criticism against any of his policies. Richard Clarke wasn't the first. It seems that anyone who leaves his little club of goons, is somehow branded "crazy" or "loony" or "a liar" which begs the question of why they were chosen in the first place to be in their position.
  18. NoCalMike

    Point Made

    Except for that part where he would alway put the two in the same sentence. "If we allow Iraq to stay in its current state we are asking for another 9-11" is basically the same as saying Iraq=9-11...technically not, but come on. well yes to some degree. I would call it the power of suggestion. Basically after 9/11, Bush would strategically use, "Terrorism, Afganistan, Iraq, Bin Laden, Saddam" in the same sentences/phrases OVER AND OVER AND OVER again, because as long as Bin Laden was part of the discussion people would pay attention. Eventually Bush just dropped the "Bin Laden" and "Afganistan" part out of the phrases slyly and people were still paying attention. It is just the power of suggestion and it worked. If Bush would have made a case for invading Iraq a week after 9/11 people would have looked at him like he was a crazy man, it took a while of mounting propogandha and sly deliveries of speeches, until people were finally convinced. And to those who call Richard Clarke the "darling of the left" just get over it already. I am a member of "the left" and I don't think Clarke is all that honorable. Quite honestly, I have an issue with why he didn't up and quit and go public the very minute Bush supposedly started the manipulation in the first place, and I would really question why he waited till after the Iraqi war was a forgone conclusion and troops were there and dying, before he decided to go public. It seems if he was trying to do a "service" for the american people, he would have tried to put a stop to the war in Iraq, not just naysay about it after the fact. Now with that said, at the same time, there really is no "timeline" as to when you feel you should go public, but I think the affect in 2004, would be more directed towards the election(which I am not even accusing him of directly trying to influence because if I understand correctly, he is a Republican) rather then trying to save Americans tax money and american soldiers their lives.
  19. NoCalMike

    Steve Austin arrested again

    Unless this girl was the size of Chyna, then I doubt Austin "needed" to resort to pushing her down to the ground anyway. While this incident is definately not as bad as punching the shit out of your wife, it is still something to be concerned about.
  20. NoCalMike

    "Shaun of the dead" trailer

    I clearly did.......
  21. NoCalMike

    "Shaun of the dead" trailer

    This looks like a part comedy, part satire movie on Zombie flicks which kind of pays homage at the same time.......it looks funny and good. Here ya go..... Beware.......Shaun of the Dead
  22. The documentary actually doesn't look too bad, but honestly why do I care about the time period of them making a piece of shit album like "St Anger" especially when they haven't been relevent for about 12 years now. It was made by the makers of Paradise Lost, so I am sure some of the footage will be pretty neat, but it is like, how do I get behind them when they had to go through trials and tribulations in order to put out shitty music? Some Kind of Monster
  23. NoCalMike

    "Shaun of the dead" trailer

    oh ok, I thought that the past threads just had the teaser trailer, because the one I put up is the full trailer
  24. NoCalMike

    George W Bush makes joke about lack of WMDs

    What endorsement? He was making a joke, about not finding WMD. Doesn't mean he doesn't think they'll be found eventually. As for the military being upset. Some might be, but the President is very popular, and most understand he wasn't attempting to make fun of the Men and Women who've died in Iraq. I didn't think he was "making fun" of them either. I wouldn't credit him with being THAT much of a bastard, however I just feel it was an ill-advised joke. And I still don't quite get why he would be joking about not finding WMDs in the first place, whether anyone thought it was a funny joke or not.
  25. NoCalMike

    Greatest Love Songs Of All Time

    Addicted to Vaginal Skin - Cannibal Corpse