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Everything posted by NoCalMike

  1. NoCalMike

    Former "Terrorism Czar" speaks out against Bush

    I did see the interview during the West Coast feed of 60 minutes. Wow. It would seem to be pretty damaging to the president who before this interview was already having his credibility question, however I feel that this will just present another oppurtunity for people to take sides, rather then examine the facts.
  2. NoCalMike

    Hamas leader killed by Israeli airstrike

    I think it is funny how when one of these nuts are taken out, people are distraught and try act like they have no idea why someone else might want to attack and kill them. I mean come on, he is the leader of fucking Hamas, he is a terrorist and supporter of terrorism. Maybe, now work with me here, we can convince Palestinians that it was Iraq that did this and we can add them to our coalition forces in the war in iraq.
  3. NoCalMike

    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

    Did the movie ever feature the song that is featured in the trailer? I want to figure out what song that is.
  4. NoCalMike

    Kerry Claims Foreign Leader Support

    And Kerry didn't say it wasn't true. -=Mike ...Of course, after he got the endorsement of Malaysias virulently anti-Semitic PM (or is it Foreign Minister), he decided to forego further foreign leader endorsements. Kerry: Capitulating on endorsements Well look I was just trying to point out what was reported. I believe the article stating the mistake was even posted on here in one of the threads.
  5. NoCalMike


    fluff, anyone?
  6. NoCalMike

    Deceptive headlines/Slanted media reporting

    NO, you must not say that! The media is 100 percent liberals who hate America. not only HATE, but want to destroy from the inside, out!!
  7. NoCalMike

    Former "Terrorism Czar" speaks out against Bush

    it really depends. I mean it took a lot of lying, misleading, and media manipulation to get americans behind the Iraq war in the first place, so it may take just as much uncovering of the truth to bring people back.
  8. NoCalMike

    Former "Terrorism Czar" speaks out against Bush

    It is all unraveling. Hopefully americans will fire the liar in november.
  9. NoCalMike

    Newsmagazine stories about the success of Medicare

    Yeah pretty much. I am just wondering the cost of health insurance compared to if there was just a healthcare tax for everyone to pay which would result in healthcare for everyone. If anyone could find the total amount paid in health insurance in this country, we might be able to get a good idea about this suggested idea.
  10. NoCalMike

    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

    Well for one it didn't have a major advertising machine behind it, secondly, it's not a "jim Carrey plays as A DEPRESSED JIM CARREY" type movie. I mean Carry gets down and dirty with some serious acting here, it was fucking brilliant if I may say so. Finally, the movie was a wide release but it wasn't a "every theater in town" release. So I didn't expect it to have a HUGE opening, but quite frankly who cares. I'd rather have it get a smaller release and have people going to it that know what they are there to see, then have it be in every theater in town and have people seeking a Jim Carrey comedy waste their time, and my viewing pleasure. One thing I really appreciated in my theater, was the vast diversity in the crowd as far as age groups go. I was really suprised that the older(bordering senior age) had seen enough on tv/paper about this movie to go see it. Everyone across the board seemed to enjoy it. Ok as for my opinion on the flick, I love the picture. I am sure we can all go and dig up other films like this, but for me I thought it was truly original and I really enjoy seeing flicks that I haven't seen before in some shape or form. I for one, cannot name a bad performance in this movie. From top to bottom, good shit. Definately the best movie of the year, and if it doesn't get multiple nominations I will be fucking heated. I look forward to the DVD and the commentary.....WHOOOOOO~! p.s. if you want to do a super review, go check out Harry Knowles review of "Requiem for a Dream" that is about a perfect as can be example of how to do a "I shot my load multiple times in the theater" type review.
  11. NoCalMike

    NCAA Men's BBall Tourney DAY ONE!

    Well I wouldn't worry. If Gilchrist stays, MD should be a powerhouse next year and the following year. They had ONE SENIOR on their starting five, and that was Jamar Smith who often dissapeared when it mattered anyway. If Gary Williams can convince the team to stay together, they will be champs again, oh yes.!!!!
  12. NoCalMike

    Kerry Claims Foreign Leader Support

    Wasn't there a story released two weeks ago that the guy translating the audio tape fucked up and Kerry really said, "more leaders" which could basically mean the leader of my family, reather then "foreign leaders" ? And the guy himself admitted the big fuckup.
  13. NoCalMike

    Newsmagazine stories about the success of Medicare

    Is this thread referring to the medicare commercials where it would appear they are in pharmicutical(sp?) labs and doctor's offices painting a bright picture, but in fact they are all 100% actors and actresses!?!
  14. NoCalMike

    Former "Terrorism Czar" speaks out against Bush

    Yeah what does this obvious DISGRUNTULED, ANGRY, BACKSTABBING, VENGENCE SEEKING, LIBERAL, PINKO, COMMIE, DIAPER DOPER BABY know about this subject, He is SOOOOOOO FULL OF SHIT. I am so not impressed. Bush/Cheney '04, it's the war on terrorism, stupid!
  15. NoCalMike

    The official Dawn of the Dead 1979/2004 thread

    Ok I just got back from seeing it, literally, got home and logged in to smartmarks. Hahaha. Anyway this flick was awesome. I pretty much was watching the previews before the movie, doing my best to forget there ever was another Dawn of the Dead. If you can do that, seperate the two films, then I think you can enjoy this one for what it is. I am not sure why people who have seen it already thought there was no character building. Sure the extra people who come along halfway through don't get much consideration, but I felt the core group received enough tension for my liking, PLUS, I mean it is the end of the world and all, so does it really matter what everyone else did prior to this catastrophic event? I might go in depth later, but for those of you have seen it.......Did you stick around during the credits If so Read On....... SPOILERS::::::::::::::::::::SPOILERS::::::::::::::::::::::::SPOILERS::::::::::: . . . . . . . . .So how about that shit, they get to the island and there are already zombies there!?! Hahaha, and how about that Zombie head in the cooler? Question Also, did they come to the conclusion in this film that the Dead was awakening through infection via a bite from another zombie, and not people who died naturally? I think that is what they were trying to get at after the Old Lady and Meki Phifer shot each other and stayed dead........
  16. NoCalMike

    Seinfeld vs Curb Your Enthusiam

    More and more comedy is going down that route, when the American version of The Office comes out you will see a perfect example of it (if they don't fuck it up). Most of these kind of shows (of which CYE is perhaps the most fully realised American effort) go for the 'painful' kind of laughter, rude and dislikeable characters acting innapropriately and causing embarassment or conflict. Yeah, but comparing this thread, and other opinions on Larry David's post Seinfeld work I wonder how popular in the "mainstream audience" that show will actually be The reason this thread really started was more of a response towards a review I saw in IMDB.com for David's movie "Sour Grapes" where the review said that she was a Seinfeld fan but hated this movie and said that she guessed that she liked the "Jerry half" of Seinfeld, as if she knew what was the extent of Larry David's contribution to that show, other than giving the inspiration for "George Contanza" That kind of made me wonder about the majority of the mass audience's reason for liking Seinfeld a much more watered down version of a show like The Office or CYE What I mean is, did Seinfeld get popular because A) they wanted to be seen as "hip" towards people who geniunely liked the show and wanted to join in water cooler talk about it and B) they wanted to feel that they were "in" in jokes like "master of your domain" or "significant shrinkage" and probably wouldn't like the jokes if they said outright, "Lets see who can go the longest without masterbating" or "My penis shrank because of the cold water!" I rather have someone dis-like the show for various reasons, too each their own, but I wonder about those who loved Seinfeld but vehmeatly dislike CYE Steve I tend to agree with some of your points on why Seinfeld suddenly went from obscure show to superstardom so fast. I think Seinfeld had a decent sized audience, but then a lot of people just started watching it because it was "the thing to do" I mean as many people out there that watched the show, I really hadn't known any since highschool, and this is not me personally trying to handpick who I asked. I was just wondering the whole time, WHERE ARE THE 100000000 seinfeld fans!?! I think CYE is basically the funniest show on TV, which almost makes me want to go back and start watching Seinfeld in syndication because I feel that possibly I just missed out on some of the good qualities of the show the first time around.
  17. NoCalMike

    Renting DVD movies

    Here is something I never could figure out. When a movie has to be back by a certain time, does that mean it just has to be in their RETURN box or it actually has to be digitally checked back in via the computer system? There have been plenty of times that I have slipped a movie or two in the drop box about twenty - thirty minutes prior to the deadline, yet the next time I go to rent a movie, they try to tag me with late charges. This really pisses me off.
  18. NoCalMike

    Ayman al-Zawahiri possibily cornered

    Hey KKK, welcome to the dirty evil left~!
  19. NoCalMike

    Unintentional Irony

    Well he right to a certain extent with the media. The media has reduced themselves to nothing more then a tv version of the national enquirer. I don't know how many times "BREAKING NEWS: HERE FIRST!" has scrolled across the screen of ALL OF OUR cable news networks, yet within fifteen minutes it is taken down because it is just another story leading nowhere, or something fabricated extremely.
  20. NoCalMike

    Favorite good bad movies

    Saving Silverman
  21. NoCalMike

    Ayman al-Zawahiri possibily cornered

    while this definately would be a great capture, and reason for applause(including my own) I really don't think this would be a huge thing in the bigger picture. It has been over 2 years since 9/11 and I am sure Al Qaeda/Taliban have plenty of "2nd in commands" ready, willing, and able to take over for this scumbag. That has really been the point from the beginning was that catching Bin Laden was nice, but it is not like there isn't plenty of his followers out there ready to carry out any other loony ideas he cooked up. With that said, I still would like to see this fucker captured.
  22. NoCalMike

    Anybody Heard About This?

    If China was behind this, then Bush has the answer, Invade Syria of course.
  23. NoCalMike

    WWE planting signs in audience

    when I had front row seats at Raw in '98, a 12 year old kid had a "Sable Two Words: FUCK ME" sign taken away, lol. I also had an ECW sign and a WWE official came and berated me and said my entire section would be blocked from TV because of my sign. I kind of laughed at him and shrugged him off, went home popped in the Raw tape only to see the camera focus right in on me for a good 15 seconds as they were going to commercial break after a Shamrock/Austin/Rock interview. That was funny. WCW was worse, they made me put on my flannel shirt over my ECW shirt, and they weren't very nice about it at all.
  24. NoCalMike

    Haute Tension, aka Switchblade Romance

    burn it and send me a copy in the mail.