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Everything posted by NoCalMike

  1. NoCalMike

    Men's basketball Conference Tournament thread

    just a pic for all of us Maryland fans.........
  2. NoCalMike

    What are you listening to right now?

    rock lobster - B52's
  3. NoCalMike

    scott keith's wmxx review

    no way the main event was **** 1/2
  4. NoCalMike

    What are you listening to right now?

    Kool Mo Dee - Wild Wild West
  5. NoCalMike

    What are you listening to right now?

    grandaddy - am180
  6. NoCalMike

    Least Funny Mainstream Comedians

    I want a goddamn liter-a-cola.......
  7. NoCalMike

    OAO NCAA Tournament Picks Thread

    my final four are OK vs. Kentucky and Uconn vs. Duke Final: OK St. over Uconn.......75-68
  8. NoCalMike

    Spain to pull all troops out of Iraq

    I've noticed you say that every time Iraq is mentioned with the war on terror. I don't know what you mean, you just throw it out with no explination. Me for me personally, I just don't buy into the fact that the War on Iraq has anything to do with "The War on Terrorism" The war on iraq is something that Bush had been working towards doing and making happen since he sat down for the first time in the oval office, as where the "war on terrorism" was a knee-jerk reaction to 9/11. I can agree with the "war on terrorism" in theory, yet at the same time be against the war in Iraq, because IMO, they just simply aren't the same beast, and like Ripper said, it has kind of slyly been manipulated to the american people that they are one in the same which is false. Hmm...I disagree but its off topic anyway. You got my contact info below, if you want to talk about it further don't be shy. *crawls under his bed* shoo shoo......go away, I am too shy....
  9. NoCalMike

    OAO NCAA Tournament Picks Thread

    How can I get in on the Yahoo Brackets?
  10. NoCalMike

    OAO NCAA Tournament Picks Thread

    Wow, I can't believe Maryland got a #4 seed.
  11. NoCalMike

    Bill Simmons Wrestlemania Diary

    Uh, because we can, and because it sucked? Shyeah .. Why is everyone hating on people who hate the review? Huh? Just keep quite, talk about the freaking article, don't ask stupid questions like why people dislike something, when it's obvious, the article sucks. Who cares who wrote it. His first few articles were funny, now it's just repetitive and lame. People don't HAVE to share the same opinion. Ok, I am not "hating" on the "haters" of the review. I just thought that the majority of his opinions fell in line with the majority of the people on this board, so I was suprised to see the review get an overwhelmingly bad response.
  12. NoCalMike

    Bush claims that Kerry wanted to gut intelligence.

    Bush, misleading the american people........NEVER!?!
  13. NoCalMike

    Spain to pull all troops out of Iraq

    I've noticed you say that every time Iraq is mentioned with the war on terror. I don't know what you mean, you just throw it out with no explination. Me for me personally, I just don't buy into the fact that the War on Iraq has anything to do with "The War on Terrorism" The war on iraq is something that Bush had been working towards doing and making happen since he sat down for the first time in the oval office, as where the "war on terrorism" was a knee-jerk reaction to 9/11. I can agree with the "war on terrorism" in theory, yet at the same time be against the war in Iraq, because IMO, they just simply aren't the same beast, and like Ripper said, it has kind of slyly been manipulated to the american people that they are one in the same which is false.
  14. umm, but he didn't look dead or like a zombie. Why was he being referred to as The DEADMAN? In the big picture it is probably a GOOD thing that he didn't come back as 1994 Taker because it just wouldn't fit in today's wrestling enviornment, but when you advertise and hype up something, and then fail to deliver, you are gonna get called on it.
  15. NoCalMike

    Bill Simmons Wrestlemania Diary

    why does everyone here hate the review? I thought it was funny for the most part. So he doesn't like Eddy or Benoit, who gives a flying fuck, it is not like he is openly challenging who I like, he is just giving his opinion, and I happen to think he is right on, regarding a lot of his opinions(of WM).
  16. NoCalMike

    Bill Simmons Wrestlemania Diary

    Simmons on Kane/UT matchup: "7:39 -- I'm in shock. Honestly, I'm in disbelief. I haven't had time to follow wrestling for the past two years ... now I'm back and the Undertaker is still wrestling Kane? "This is a match made in hell!" JR screams. He's not kidding. If you end up in hell, you actually have to watch tapes of these guys wrestling for the rest of eternity. They're almost as bad a couple as Bobby Bacala and Janice Soprano." LOL.
  17. NoCalMike

    Spain to pull all troops out of Iraq

    What does pulling out of Iraq have to do with being against the war on terrorism? The war on Iraq is a completely different war. That said, Spain is still dumb for letting terrorist action dictate how they are going to act.
  18. NoCalMike

    21 Grams......

    I am just wondering if anyone has seen this flick yet. It is available for rent this week and I am interested.
  19. NoCalMike

    Mania XXI @ Staples Center in LA

    Well it isn't too far considering SouthWest is offering $39 flights, but if the show looks to be anything like WM XX.....fuck no.
  20. And this is the same crowd who popped for Taker well they really only popped for UT's entrance, but once they saw the monstrosity that ensued they shut up very quick. Not another pop until the finish.
  21. NoCalMike

    The OAO Sopranos season 5 thread

    I dunno how truthful she was being but Adrianna(well the real actress) was on the View and said she wasn't dying this season. She sort of eluded to saying "well there is another season still so no I can't die" haha, but maybe she was just protecting the script. Honestly I think she might have gone to far not to get whacked now, of course in the previews we kept hearing Christopher say, "Fuck Family, Fuck Loyalty.....etc" so maybe he gets told about Adrianna and what must be done and he says FUCK IT and wants to protect her......Hmmmmmm Tonight's episode was great.
  22. NoCalMike

    Seinfeld vs Curb Your Enthusiam

    Dammit I didn't know the season finale of CYE was an hour.......I set the tape since I was out watching WM, and the tape cut off right as the play began in the final segment of the show.........argh. Oh well it will repeat.
  23. Well at least Goldberg had a semi-legitimate reason for leaving. I mean his contract is simply up, it happens all the time. Brock, however, is just a punk bitch who was handed everything on a silver platter early in his career and he played the role of spoiled brat very nicely which led up to his quitting. Fuck Him.
  24. NoCalMike

    The New Undertaker

    RancherTaker: Seriously though WWE dropped the ball big fucking time with this crap. Personally I never even wanted UT in any shape or form anyhow, but considering it was happening anyway, at least deliver what is promised and give the fans what they want. That sure was a nice pop for Bearer. the druids and Taker until the lights came on and he WAS NOT the dead man. Just what in the hell was Bearer/the urn there for, moral support? If he wasn't going to be the deadman then fine, but don't advertise it and have Kane fall victim to "spooky rain" and "creepy videos" leading up to WM.
  25. On MTV..... So Far Stacy chose You Shook me All night long as her pick(AC/DC), and someone else picked Hatebreed. I am not sure if they are gonna be on for the whole show, but it looks like they MIGHT. Buh Buh Jericho Stacy Matt Hardy I might be missing someone but it is a commercal right now and I am sort of intoxicated.....