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Everything posted by NoCalMike

  1. NoCalMike

    (International?) Heat Matches

    that was a nice comment by Foley about RVD/Rasheed Wallace's bag.......LOL.
  2. NoCalMike

    So What Did You Think Of The Contract Singing?

    what happened to the ol' concept, "WINNER OF THE ROYAL RUMBLE GETS THE TITLE SHOT AT WM" period, EOS. !?!
  3. NoCalMike

    Trash Film Orgy.....

    Oh yeah, the local indy theater is putting together another shingdig. This time on Friday the 13th. They are screening the brand new prints of Friday the 13th 1 &2. Personally I would have picked other parts in the series, but hey I aint gonna complain. They are going to be presented in Stab-O-vision and they are gonna have everyone that comes in, sign in as a camp counselor, and then earn merit badges in different events, bwahahahaha, I am sure it will be a riot. Last time I went they showed NOTLD and Fulchi's Zombie. The budget for this thing keeps getting bigger as more people come out each time.......I can't wait......
  4. NoCalMike

    Curb Your Enthusiasm

    krazy eyed killah.........LOL I love that episode. I also think the Oscar the Dog episode is an all-time classic. The fake apology is the best moment ever.
  5. NoCalMike

    ICHI the Killer

    I've heard things about Ichi the killer.....I almost bought it from www.dvdasian.com when I bought Battle Royale, but at the time I was kind of conserving money. Looks like it is worth adding to the collection Oh and I was interested in seeing the Eye but I want to rent it first. From where, I dunno......!?!
  6. NoCalMike

    Insurance Pay Out the WTC Attacks as 1 or 2?

    bad analogy, but if a baseball player ties a record and breaks the record in the same game, approx 4 innings apart, I'd still consider that one event, with two major things happening during the event.
  7. NoCalMike

    News from 1wrestling.com

    main event should be Benoit vs. Triple H. No HBK. WM should be about one man's journey toward the title, and that right off the bat is already kind of screwed up since Benoit just jumped to Raw for no apparent reason. However to sort of salvage that stupid decision, they should AT LEAST have Benoit go over clean.
  8. NoCalMike

    Guns N' Roses at Wrestlemania?

    haha I love that line. Greatness. Oh and yeah, Guns N Roses are a complete fucking embarrasment now. Please make them go away. Vince don't do it.
  9. NoCalMike

    I was finally going to pay for downloading music..

    technology is always many steps ahead of where the "law" is. I mean RIAA thought they solved the problem when they closed down Napster. It took them awhile to realize people had moved on from Napster before the RIAA even really caught on exactly to what napster was.
  10. NoCalMike

    The Grammy's

    I thought The White Stripes had the performance of the night. It seemed like they won over a lukewarm crowd and got them into the overall show more. The Funk collaboration was decent, but George Clinton's voice not really working kind of hurt.
  11. NoCalMike

    I was finally going to pay for downloading music..

    As of right now, all "downloading music legally" means is that you are forced to download what the top 5 or so record labels allow you to download. Thus far there is no forum for indie and more far reaching types of music type shit. So basically unless you want Britney/Christina/Metallica etc.......you are fucked. I refuse to pay for a music downloading service that wants to dictate to me what kind of music I should be downloading. FUCK THAT.
  12. NoCalMike

    No Way Out

    whoa, this sunday already? Damn....
  13. NoCalMike

    A good reason to own guns in the home

    It's easy. Just get mugged / burglarized a couple times. I suppose part of my snide dismissal of the anti-gun movement stems from living in the D.C. area. D.C. has some pretty strong anti-gun laws......and a lot of good it's done us. We had a rather "nice" little school shooting just the other day. my parents have been robbed at gun point and it didn't make them decide to have a gun in their shop or at home. I guess it is just the person.
  14. NoCalMike

    A good reason to own guns in the home

    I don't think there is anything that would get me to place a gun in my house as a permanent situation in the household, but quite frankly I could care less if someone else wants to own a gun. It is legal to do, so there isn't much room for argument and I suppose it becomes an argument over taste and personal choice, so the arguments on either side are moot I guess. However stuff like assault rifles, ye BAN them outright.
  15. NoCalMike

    A good reason to own guns in the home

    WTF do you need 7 guns in yer house for?
  16. NoCalMike


    I need a job too.
  17. NoCalMike

    Why Michaels is in WM XX ME...

    I wish Benoit would just jump back to Smackdown. His Raw adventure is looking to be a bad thing.
  18. Bush is also against civil unions I believe. Civil Unions are a good compromise and I am sure 99% of gays would be quite happy if they were nationally legalized across the board. And yes I am aware that gay marriage is not accepted by the majority, but all I was trying to point out was that it would show another example of a conservative breaking his own parties mold with the contradiction to the famous "Get the government out of our lives" motto. Not to mention the fact that I still keep hearing "protect the sanctity of marriage" over and over. Hey, I didn't know marriage had called up W. and told him she was afraid that her sanctity might be destroyed by all the gay people, all the while divorce, celebs, & britney are doing just fine to driver her name through the mud all by themselves.
  19. NoCalMike

    WWE Could Add Third ECW-Type Brand

    well the question is. Does Vince want to run an ECW-brand show, or does he just want a 3rd show for WWE projects and think somehow calling it "ECW" will make people watch it rather then calling it whatever they currently do. I mean correct me if I'm wrong, but ECW did do the majority of it's shows from ECW Arena and that is one of the biggest aspects that made people either love or hate ECW. There is NO OTHER place like ECW Arena and/or it's fans. The only problem I see is their habit of liking to chant smarkish things, including a lot that Vince wouldn't like to hear, but I am sure his feelings would be subdued if this was a money maker.
  20. NoCalMike

    What a way to wake up in the morning.

    I just got over the flu, first flu I can even ever remember having. Also first time I puked in about a year or so. I woke up at about 5am with this churning in my stomach. Keep in mind I was pretty dizzy when I stood up. So I head to the bathroom and am leaning over the sink kind of looking into the mirror. I know if I stand up straight the dizziness will hit 100% in my head which will set off a chain reaction in my stomach to let the puke flow. I figure, "fuck it" because I'd rather happen when I know it and am ready then happen some random time in bed and have to change the bedspread while I am sick. So I stand up straight look into the mirror come to terms and almost immediately I start puking. Now the fun part is, I hadn't eaten in a day and a half so I puked three times and all that actually came out was apple juice I had, had to drink earlier in the day, so it was a lot of uncomfortable dry heaving and convulsions. The last time I puked before this was about a year previous. I was drinking at a buddies. I had a whole Mad Dog, a bunch of beer, and some screwdrivers. All I remember was my friends telling me that I was so wasted that they were giving me shots of water and I thought it was Vodka. So I passed out with my body halfway in the downstairs bathroom and halfway in the hallspace. So they threw a blanket and pillow on me and somehow I managed to end up on the coach. So I woke up and obviously I puked a few times. Now that shitty part about hangover puking is that right after you puke, you get that feeling like all is better for about five minutes until the same damn sick feeling comes right back. I didn't want to stay there sick, so I clutched my stomach and made the drive home. I live across the street from some open field so the minute I pull up to the house I fall out of the car basically and crawl to the field, and just start puking my guts out. I am still amazed to this day at how I managed not to puke on the car ride home........ There is my contribution to the thread
  21. NoCalMike

    Lennox Lewis to retire

    Mesi is overrated. A couple of more fights in and he will be destroyed by someone.
  22. NoCalMike

    Propose class-action lawsuit over Jackson's boob

    the lawsuit should be thrown out of court.
  23. NoCalMike

    Update On The Rock

    Rock hasn't been an asset for over a year now. The last two times he came back, it didn't affect ratings much at all, and he won't in the future if it continues to be one time appearances. Even the marks have caught onto his plan which is to pop in for a night between hollywood parties. He isn't looked at or viewed as a WWE wrestler yet and that has been and will continue to be his downfall in the future. Sure he may pop a crowd, but ANYONE can pop a crowd.
  24. NoCalMike

    WWE Could Add Third ECW-Type Brand

    if they were smart they would run the "third ECW-brand" @ ECW arena and actually try to make it come off looking and feeling like something different, but that would require comittment.
  25. NoCalMike

    Benoit vs. HHH to change

    HBK's older stuff is underrated. His stuff from 5 years ago is about correctly rated, and his current work is overrated.