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Everything posted by NoCalMike

  1. For some reason I had an alliance with red cereal pieces as I would always save them till last so I could enjoy the pink milk. I think also Purple had a special place in my heart.
  2. NoCalMike

    Morbid Angel US Tour......

    MOTHERFUCKING...........SUFFOCATION~! Tour dates haven't been announced yet, but hot damn, I have been waiting FOREVER to see Suffocation. They are releasing a brand new cd in early 2004........OH MY GAWD I CAN'T WAIT.
  3. NoCalMike

    You Dumb Bitch

    If they catch you, you come up with the famous, "I got mugged on the way home, and those fuckers too my breakfast, how was I supposed to know what was in the bag, sorry!"
  4. NoCalMike

    Tara Reid brawls with Cindy Margolis...

    I doubt it, unless it is on some security camera somewhere. Hey maybe it will turn up on that show E! does.
  5. NoCalMike

    Some new toy I found.......

    Yes you are.......here it is....... Here is Mine, but you can make your own
  6. NoCalMike

    The OAO Return of The King thread

    Great movie, but I still think it is a bit overrated.
  7. NoCalMike

    Libya to dismantle WMD program?

    Well hopefully Libya's WMD program was actually in existence, unlike the seeminly obsolete Iraqi WMD programs. Ok that came out wrong. Dammit, I need a beer.
  8. NoCalMike

    Dean sez, "We're no safer now...

    Yeah gotta love Hannity every night when someone gives him conflicting opinion about going to war with Iraq his typical response is..... "Rape rooms, torture rooms, what about the rape rooms, do you support rape rooms buddy?"
  9. NoCalMike

    What Makes You A...

    I think I am a registered democrat, but only because they were the first registration booth when I walked into the mall. I consider myself an independent, who often votes liberal.
  10. NoCalMike

    What's the address to the horror site...

    your welcome.......Long live the horror genre~!
  11. NoCalMike

    What's the address to the horror site...

    www.houseofhorrors.com (<----my personal fav.) www.creepyclips.com Try those.......
  12. NoCalMike

    John Hinckley

    this does seem a bit odd.
  13. Didn't the OJ Bronco Chase beat out Clinton's state of the union address.......?
  14. NoCalMike

    Favorite Athlete of the Past?

    Muhammed Ali. Watching some of his classic & vintage footage from the 60's gives me the chills and makes me wish I could get in a time machine and attend one of his fights. Joe Montana......nuff said I know he has only been retired for a year, but Darrell F'N Green. He is just about the LAST of his generation/era to go, and it is definately depressing. The man gave his heart and soul to the Washington Redskins and the city. I can't wait to see him get inducted into the HOF in his first year of eligibility......#28
  15. NoCalMike

    Latest Hollywood Buzz On Triple H, Foley, Goldberg

    Well chances are HHH's role in Blade 3 was to play some roided up baddy, the ends up getting his ass kicked by the hero......WOW WHAT A STRETCH IN CHARACTER.
  16. NoCalMike

    Dean sez, "We're no safer now...

    It also doesn't help when you are on a mission to "kill terrorists" yet you end up killing a lot of innocent people too. Now I know this wasn't done on purpose, nor was it the intent of the mission to do so, however regardless these types of things are what fuels the next generation of terrorism.
  17. NoCalMike

    Dean sez, "We're no safer now...

    I don't see how we are much safer today either. While the timing of the comments may be questionable, he does have a point.
  18. NoCalMike

    Joe Horn and the cell phone

    The thing about the Joe Horn incident, is that it took a good(not great) reciever, and brought all this interest and media to focus on him. Now everytime he scores a TD people will be watching. He knows that it will give everyone a reason to keep an eye out for him during games, whether they love him or hate him. Kind of like Once T.O. did the infamous midfield Dallas Star insult......he has been a star ever since.
  19. NoCalMike

    Pro Bowl Rosters Announced

    I'd also say Bailey's selection is mostly based on rep too since he was not nearly as good this year as he was 2 years ago. I'd argue that Fred Smoot has had a better year, however since Smoot covers a team's #2 reciever, I guess you would have to give the nod to Bailey.
  20. NoCalMike

    Pro Bowl Rosters Announced

    Is Culpepper really having THAT great a year that he should be STARTING the probowl?
  21. NoCalMike

    Fan Reaction to.......

    I am referring to the fall in which RVD kicked out, after he had been laying there for an hour. I believe Batista was covering him after he got pedigreed. I dunno how you guys percieved it, but for the first time in a long time I heard a different kind of booing from the crowd. It wasn't the "boo for the heels" heat, no my friends, it was the, "oh gawd not this bullshit finish AGAIN GAWDAMMIT" I mean as soon as Batista crawled across the ring for the cover, the crowd was pretty much GROANING. It was weird, but kind of refreshing to see that even marks are starting to get sick and tired of this shit.......
  22. NoCalMike

    Worst Alcoholic Beverage?

    For a Irish Car Bomb, does i need to be Jameson's Whiskey? Or can it just be any whiskey? I have a bunch of Crown Royal here, plus Guniess and irish creme, so I'd like to try this drink. How do you make it?
  23. NoCalMike

    Judge Blocks The Source From Releasing Racist

    fuck the both of them.......
  24. NoCalMike

    Those motherfuckers

    I'm with you on the fur but I think PETA should stfu period. Well the thing is I am sure that sometime long ago, PETA may have possibly been a relevent group with some valid points on how animals are abused in certain situations, but their modern day tactics and just downright stupidity has left them alone in the battle for animal superiority. That's sad NoCal, I don't refrain from eating fish or chicken (health reasons) but I always found the cause of animal rights to be a decent one...shows you what extremism can do to perfectly good causes. I don't see it as sad. I never said I don't agree with some people's takes on animal abuse/cruelty. Like I said, I would never purposely/knowingly wear fur or skin etc...However to say I support PETA would be lying. You can be against animal abuse & cruelty without being aligned with PETA.
  25. NoCalMike

    Do you think...

    UT vs. Kane & HHH/Orton is about as SHIT as you can get for main events given the talent in the WWE, however for some reason WM usually turns out a lot better then people expect going in. WMXX probably won't be one of the better ones, obviously, but whether it will SUCK or not, is still up for debate, it really depends and will rely on the undercard to carry it.