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Everything posted by NoCalMike

  1. NoCalMike

    NBA Power rankings

    Kings should clearly be ranked #2.....and after they beat the Pacers on Sunday(which I will be at) they will move up.
  2. NoCalMike

    How far can you throw the spear?

    there is also a tennis game on that page if you click the link close to the top of the page.....
  3. Political Talk Radio, in all honesty, should be listened for pure entertainment and taken with a grain of salt, no matter what side of the fence the person is on. There is very LITTLE accountability to get facts/figures correct on the radio, and the host has extreme use of power to dictate the show in his or her own favor. I listen to quite a lot of shows from folks on the left & the right, and find 90% of both sides to be absolute jerks whenever a person with an opposing view trys to call in.
  4. NoCalMike

    Smackdown Tapings

    Jericho/Rey? WTF.......is there another Jericho out there?
  5. NoCalMike

    The "fired" heels

    the foley/bischoff angle is kind of weird. I mean, Foley is a co-GM, yet he still has higher authority then Bischoff, and can basically do whatever he wants? Then why is there even a need for Bischoff now? Unless they are EQUALS, it is pointless.
  6. NoCalMike

    How far can you throw the spear?

    and that "trick" would be.............?
  7. NoCalMike

    How did Game Genie work?

    I would like to know how a Game Genie rom works. I have one but am not sure how it works.
  8. NoCalMike

    The SMARK Awards

    when I first saw this thread I thought it meant, awards for us smarks.
  9. Considering Torrie is barely on tv now, what is the point of even calling this piece newsworthy?
  10. NoCalMike

    400-lb man dies after fight with Cincy cops

    what exactly sparked the attack on the officers? I mean what was this idiot thinking?
  11. NoCalMike

    Who would win this fight?

    ye or how your new digital camera is a weapon that is going to explode in your face.
  12. NoCalMike

    Who would win this fight?

    The Predator armed with the throwing Disc would win. If it can shred through 10+ frozen solid beef carcases, then it can easily go through five aliens and easily decapitate the T-101. Only way this doesn't happen is if upon incision into first Alien, it's acid blood is strong enough to melt away disc before getting through the 5th Alien.
  13. NoCalMike

    The Alien Quadrilogy

    I want to get it, but I am way behind on Box sets....So far ones I really want to get are: Back to the Future #3 Priority Indiana Jones Trilogy #2 Priority *recently bumped to the top* Alian quadrilogy..... (Priorities only relevent to box sets)
  14. NoCalMike

    American troops shoot Iraqi child

    How can you blame or fault the soldier in anyway? What the hell else is he supposed to do with a gun pointed at him? I consider it almost jesus-like that he even managed to just shoot him in the foot.
  15. I have been ranting on this very subject for a long time now, however I have just accepted that WWE is not WRESTLING DRIVEN. The fans (majority of course) are not there to see a ***** match. They ARE there because Rock, or HHH, or Austin etc...has some new catch phrase or some new funny he ALWAYS DOES in a match. WWE fans are programmed to believe that "kick-wham-stunner" is the greatest way to end a match no matter what. You have to view WWE as a product that is there for spectacle, which sometimes produces good matches on the side, not the other way around, because if so, you mine as well not even watch WWE.
  16. NoCalMike

    WWE 2003 welcomes back WWF 1994

    Calling Eddy the next HBK is a little late. I mean yah maybe if Eddy was 10 years younger and McMahon cared about workrate, and not being a 2 steps from a racist.
  17. NoCalMike

    Same-sex bathrooms at U of Chicago

    if they were planning on adding an all sex's bathroom, fine, but keep the male/female ones too so people have a choice.
  18. NoCalMike


    Let me clear this up. My immediate family is great. Very loving, and all that other good stuff, however it is my mother's extended family that is just *sigh*.......So that is why holidays tend to be a lot of hassle over nothing. All the young people in general get along, it is the parents and beyond that can't just sit down, eat and stfu already. I just got back home and as predicted the "grown-ups" had their usual debate ad-naseua while all of the 20-somethings were in the back room watching C-spans debate on the future drug policy for america, while shooting the breeze~! So I had a pretty decent time because my strategy was to stick to my age group.
  19. NoCalMike

    Sixx Says Motley Crue Reunion To Be Band's Farwell

    this won't be a farewell tour and everyone knows it. The hip thing is to do farewell tours when you are 60 in front of a crowd that can't let go of the past.
  20. NoCalMike

    One and Only NFL Week 13 Thread

    Miami had a great plan to attack the Dallas D. They knew exactly what Dallas's plan of attack was and countered in, in everyway. Considering how porus Dallas's offense is this year, it will be interesting to see if more teams take a page out of Miami's offense when they play the cowboys.
  21. NoCalMike

    Brown Bunny........

    Ok this film was at Cannes and was panned across the board. This is the one that has all the hoopla surrounding it because of the LEGIT blowjob & sex scene featuring Gallo & Cloe Sevigny(sp?) Here is the link for the trailer.......oh and if you are at work beware cause the trailer contains nudity(Sevigny's tits) http://www.galloappreciation.com/index2.html The site also contains a bunch of interviews Gallo did for the movie.
  22. NoCalMike

    Brown Bunny........

    I know for a fact that the blowjob was legit, but an interview I read at that site was the first I heard about the sex being legit too.
  23. NoCalMike

    One and Only NFL Week 13 Thread

    I think it is kind of hypocritical on NFL broadcaster's part that some teams get criticized for passing on 3rd & short yardage, yet other teams get complimented with "being aggressive"
  24. NoCalMike

    One and Only NFL Week 13 Thread

    Thanks. I wish it was the graphic was a bit smaller, but hey, you get what you get.
  25. NoCalMike


    I hear ya man. Out here where I live, all I have is my mom's side of the family in which I seem to be the only young 20-someting male. so naturally any notice of me gets pushed into the closet. I usually revert to the back room to watch the afternoon football game in peace & quiet while the rest of the family gabbers on with family gossip. Oh how I wish I could spend the holidays with my dad's side of the family.(they live across the country, btw.)