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Everything posted by NoCalMike

  1. NoCalMike

    School drug raid causes uproar

    I still am not sure what the principal was hoping to find in this raid. I mean if there was a certain student or group of friends he had a reason to believe were a student cartel, then why not quietly bring them into the principal's office w/escort so that they don't disrupt the entire student body. I mean, I'd like to hope the principal didn't pull the trigger on this raid just because he thought a student had a joint or something of that calibur.
  2. NoCalMike

    The State of the Media

    I'd say the media is a corporate media more than being right or left. The networks do what is in their best interests to appease the corporate structure, whether it is a favorable news story for the right or left is not the issue, the issue is why does the media directly and purposefully not report important news and instead rot our brains with the Kobe trial and/or Laci Peterson nonsense.
  3. NoCalMike

    Paris Hilton's X-rated video

    On some netscape news feed, some news anchor said when he went to the movie theater, almost the entire crowd was talking about this before the movie/previews came on. People claimed to have seen the tape and said Paris Hilton was barely concious and so out of it they only saw the white in her eyes. I am calling bullshit. It doesn't seem to be widespread enough yet for yer average Joe Schmo movie-goer to have seen it. I am sure SOMEONE has seen it, but not people in bunches. Plus they could have just downloaded one of the many FAKE video clips that has turned up over the last week called, "paris hilton fucking" or something like that and it wasn't even it.
  4. NoCalMike

    The Shining........

    It is about 14 minutes into the first of 3 parts. They are showing all 6 hours of it right now on Sci-Fi Channel. I like Kubrick's movie better, but I still feel this was a very good adaption as well. The best part is that with this version it was made for tv so you don't miss anything as far as content or commercial breaks go. Also it does have it's creepy moments, ala the hotel bathroom scene in this one is arguably more creepy then in the Kubrick flick..........Enjoy and use this thread for comments on it as well.
  5. NoCalMike

    School drug raid causes uproar

    I heard about this on the news and I was pretty disgusted. I mean what exactly was the principal hoping to find, a meth lab being operated out of the chemistry lab? Bringing in a police force with k-9 units seems a little overboard in order to find a dimebag of marijuana on some kid(s).
  6. NoCalMike

    Bomb Burritos.....

    I just tried this brand. It's called, "Bomb Burrito" and it comes in a few variations. It is probably the best microwaveable, quick-style burrito I have ever had the pleasure to nuke.
  7. NoCalMike

    Let's See Them Defend THIS

    Alrighty then.
  8. NoCalMike

    Let's See Them Defend THIS

    hilarious that from the last commentary wildbomb posted, the first two replies to it, refer to the very end of it, ignoring the meat of the information and he is excused of "whining about paying for college" was that really the jist of the article? Come on now...
  9. NoCalMike

    Shriek If You Know What I Did Last Friday The 13th

    this was a made for tv movie. It came out on USA network like a week or two before Scary Movie. Originally it was supposed to come out in theaters, but the studio pulled the plug.
  10. NoCalMike

    Let's See Them Defend THIS

    LOL, that's gold.
  11. NoCalMike

    Britney Bares It Again?

    I read that too. Azif Red Bulls are going to coerce(sp?) anyone into doin something. What a lame excuse.
  12. NoCalMike

    Let's See Them Defend THIS

    "like us" explain? I prefer Nader, personally.
  13. NoCalMike

    Star Wars on DVD!!

    I would settle for the original version with the re-master audio & restoration of film. Which is gonna happen in the dvd process anyway. Are you serious about 9 disc aliens set?
  14. NoCalMike

    T3 on DVD Tuesday

    I will be picking it up. It was my fav Summer blockbuster action balls to the wall flick this year. And a lot better then I thought it would be considering Claire Danes of all people was casted in it.
  15. NoCalMike

    Paris Hilton's X-rated video

    Are you being serious?
  16. NoCalMike

    Underground Comedy Movie

    Arnold Swollenpecker starring in Donna of the Dead...... oh and no I haven't seen it, but my friend has and said it is hilarious. That title above is one of the skits from the movie.
  17. NoCalMike

    Star Wars on DVD!!

    I heard something about the format was going to go back to the original special editions, where the sound and color were remastered, but nothing in the movie was changed...I so hope so.
  18. NoCalMike

    Let's See Them Defend THIS

    Agreed, however I'd say Democrats are just as guilty.
  19. NoCalMike

    The action figure you must own

    I'd say most conservatives are anti-christian too, they just want to pick and choose what from the bible they can use to cast upon others. If jesus came back today, I am sure guys like Hannity and Fauwell would accuse him of being a liberal and put him in th electric chair.
  20. NoCalMike

    Britney Bares It Again?

    well women don't think like that for the most part. I am sure britney/christina are fed most of the script-for-life they are saying to the cameras. I am sure they are told what not to say as well. It is all part of the image that their record label wants for them.
  21. NoCalMike

    Paris Hilton's X-rated video

    LaParka........Pamela/Tommy did that, I think Vince Neil tried to, and Brett Michaels did. Now all of them are getting rich off of it. I could understand those tapes, I mean they were with a trusting partner I guess, but Paris Hilton was fucking a married man and she was 19 for gawd sakes so she was probably duped.
  22. NoCalMike

    Paris Hilton's X-rated video

    ye I wouldn't even bother trying to download it for another week or so. First off, when it does hit filesharing markets, you better believe someone else will have it before you and they can confirm that it is legit. So far all 32 matches have been fakes from what the message boards have been saying.
  23. NoCalMike

    Classic games thread

    Marble Madness 1942 Offroad Fury
  24. NoCalMike

    Britney Bares It Again?

    The funny thing is, eventually Brit/Christina will get tired of doing the "naked thing" and want to be taken seriously as musicians, but all this shit they are doing now will ruin any chance of that happening, because all people want out of them is for them to pose raunchier and raunchier with each successive album/publicity stunt.
  25. NoCalMike

    Paris Hilton's X-rated video

    that would be Paris Hilton for both.