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Everything posted by NoCalMike

  1. NoCalMike

    Kurt Loder on "Kill Bill Vol. 1"

    Oh and one more thing...... the 17 year old assasin chick was fucking GORGEOUS.
  2. NoCalMike

    So who voted for Arnold?

    It may sound cliche (and it is) but I trust Arnold to do the right thing. The only thing that pisses me off is how people like Issa, Hannity, and O'Reilly are trying to ride on Arnold's gravy train. I doubt these respective douchebags will still be on his side when he actually starts to make changes as governor. You must have missed Hannity the other night. He already started waivering on Arnold a bit.
  3. NoCalMike

    Kurt Loder on "Kill Bill Vol. 1"

    I just got home about 10mins ago. Easily my favorite movie of the year. Tarantino has not dissapointed me yet. Nothing much else to say that hasn't already been said except, holy fuck I can't wait for vol. 2.
  4. NoCalMike

    So who voted for Arnold?

    Whoa.....slow down there cowboy. Yes everyone "loves" him today, but it remains to be seen what effect, if any he will have and how much people will still love him after the 100 day honeymoon is over.
  5. NoCalMike

    Headsup: Yet another debate tonight

    Jotw, is it getting a replay later tonight? I have orientation for school right as it starts airing.
  6. NoCalMike

    So who voted for Arnold?

    Arnold ran as an "outsider" as someone who is "tired of politicians" I guess the masses bought into it.
  7. NoCalMike


    I am an avid seafood fan, however my girlfriend can't stand it, so I rarely get a chance to eat it..... I really like: Crab Legs, Crab Cakes, Lobster Tail, Shrimp(cooked any way) Scallops, and clams. I have never had Oysters or non-fried style clams, but would like to try both. I am going back east this week so I may have to check a place out.
  8. NoCalMike

    Thesmartmarks Halloween Horror Movie Tournament

    Psycho The Fog The Omen Cemetary Man Night of the Living Dead (1968) Re-Animator Dawn of the Dead Texas Chainsaw Massacre Friday the 13th part 3 Fright Night Evil Dead Friday the 13th Rosemary's Baby Hellraiser Halloween IV The Return of Michael Myers Nightmare on Elm Street Alien The Howling Carrie An American Werewolf in London Halloween Creepshow Evil Dead 2 The Beyond The Shining Return of the Living Dead Suspiria Pet Semetary The Thing Night of the Living Dead (1990) Dead Alive Nightmare on Elm Street 3 Dream Warriors
  9. NoCalMike

    Another A's collapse

    Contracts don't matter when it comes to retirement.
  10. NoCalMike

    Philly Jack may talk to MJ

    the only team I want to see MJ play for is the celebrity pga tour team.
  11. NoCalMike

    Why is Prop 54 a bad thing?

    Well if the government was actually commited to enforcing the immigration laws, then it would be a whole different story, but until that point comes, we have to kind of look at it as a "work in progress" and find the best solution with the situation we have got right now.
  12. NoCalMike

    Catholic Church to Africa: Don't use condoms

    The catholic church is way out of line here, and anyone trying to justify, explain, apologize or rationalize any of their actions is one major fucking idiot.
  13. NoCalMike

    Kurt Loder on "Kill Bill Vol. 1"

    Pulp Fiction had a lot of off-screen violence that was staged perfectly for the effect. If you have the Pulp DVD, listen to the commentary. It is great.
  14. NoCalMike

    Which movie looks worse

    Damn, I swear there was another movie coming out called House of the Dead, but it was from Europe and it was a zombie horror flick. I wish I could remember the exact name.
  15. NoCalMike

    Freddy vs. Jason DVD...

    I wish it was out sooner, but hey, sounds great.
  16. NoCalMike

    The one and only California recall thread

    Ok, I am not saying you are wrong about that, but where did you get that figure from?
  17. NoCalMike

    The one and only California recall thread

    conservative talk radio got the recall in motion 2 months after Davis was re-elected. The recall started out as a joke, it was just looked at as sour apples. Then Issa came in there shortly after with 2 million to pour into it because he wanted to be govenor, that is a fact. When Arnold entered, he bowed out in tears cause he knew he had no chance. Then he tries to sneak in the back door and become an ally with Arnold, what a crock of shit. Oh and there was 1.2 million signatures, not over 2 million. Davis also made a big mistake by not reacting to the recall until it was too late. Of course Arnold isn't going to get recalled, there is no reason for it at all as of now. Also every democrat/liberal on TV is urging people NOT to try and start another recall. The recall process was not a popular thing and I doubt people want to do it again. When the recall started, there wasn't this mass frustration/hatred for Davis. If you look at polls it took the recall awhile to actually swing into favor.
  18. NoCalMike

    Anyone else hear about the

    Bwahahaha.....you are joking......right? If not, well then umm....
  19. NoCalMike

    The one and only California recall thread

    Clinton interjected himself in the Congressional races in 2002 and in the California recall on behalf of Davis. His support is hardly a victory guarantee. Bush did what he had to do. If Gore ran a less inept campaign, Bush would've done much more. Bush has tons of money, lots of time, and no opposition to just pick apart whomever he faces --- and the campaign finance reforms hurts the Dems FAR more than the GOP. -=Mike Ok those are fine points, but I am not talking about Clinton's "magic" in 2002 or 2004. I am talking about fresh after his 8 years of being president. Going into the Gore campaign, Clinton was still a popular guy. Clinton has been out of the limelight for awhile now, so I would doubt he would have the same mass appeal as he used to. People just don't care about him ANYMORE, but they used to, and in 2000 they still did. He would not have won in 2000. The country was sick of him and Gore, in spite of having (fading) prosperity and (even more fading) peace, couldn't win as the incumbent V.P. Clinton got out when the getting was good. -=Mike I wasn't talking about whether Clinton would win or not, rather what he could have done to help the campaign. Gore basically didn't want Clinton's endorsement because he was scared to death that fence-riders would view him as the same mold of character. And certainly you can't say Gore "couldn't" win in 2000, the race was the closest in a long time.
  20. NoCalMike

    Why is Prop 54 a bad thing?

    Ok here is another question though. Does your current fiscal situation also have to do with how easy it is to get into the country? I mean I am sure a lot of international actors/actresses get in here with no problem because they are rich and movie stars, where as the migrant worker struggling to put food on the table is shunned and told to go home.
  21. NoCalMike

    The one and only California recall thread

    I pose a question: Does the strong defeat of prop. 54 suggest that CA voters are still primarily more liberal by a large amount, yet came out of the recall thinking Arnold was different from republicans and/or democrats and would be a fresh direction for CA politics? I mean a lot of conservatives on the tv and the radio were touting that Arnold's victory is proof CA voters are more conservative now, but the landslide defeat of prop. 54 suggests otherwise, add to that Arnold was not running as a hardline conservative.
  22. NoCalMike

    The one and only California recall thread

    Clinton interjected himself in the Congressional races in 2002 and in the California recall on behalf of Davis. His support is hardly a victory guarantee. Bush did what he had to do. If Gore ran a less inept campaign, Bush would've done much more. Bush has tons of money, lots of time, and no opposition to just pick apart whomever he faces --- and the campaign finance reforms hurts the Dems FAR more than the GOP. -=Mike Ok those are fine points, but I am not talking about Clinton's "magic" in 2002 or 2004. I am talking about fresh after his 8 years of being president. Going into the Gore campaign, Clinton was still a popular guy. Clinton has been out of the limelight for awhile now, so I would doubt he would have the same mass appeal as he used to. People just don't care about him ANYMORE, but they used to, and in 2000 they still did.
  23. NoCalMike

    WWE Banning Even More Moves

    I'll tell ya what. If Flair doesn't stop wrestling soon, he will break his fucking back from a back body drop and then Vince will go ahead and have to ban that move.
  24. NoCalMike

    The one and only California recall thread

    I thought Bush was a weak canidate besides carrying the "bush legacy" with him. Gore just fucked up all by himself. He distanced himself from Clinton thinking it would help, but all it did was confuse his own voters as to why Clinton was never seen. Clinton's support would have got Gore into office alone. Gore ran one of the worst campaigns ever. If Gore would have taken a different approach then his, "look I don't cheat on my wife" campaign, he would have easily beaten Bush.
  25. NoCalMike

    Fred Phelps to put anti-gay monument @ public park

    What a fucking asshole. Yah I can see that monument lasting the first day until the sun goes down.