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Everything posted by NoCalMike

  1. NoCalMike

    Who's Going to Win?

    What will be said is if less people turn out at the polls then the number of sigs on the recall vouchers.
  2. NoCalMike

    Arnold taking questions.......

    Oops, maybe this could have gone in the Arnold thread already made, I just wanted to hurry and put this up. Wow this surreal.
  3. NoCalMike

    Cruiserweight title......

    Come on, let's get serious now. How much longer can this thing last? Vince rarely even uses Rey as a proper Cruiserweight, and everyone else gets in a feud for about 2 weeks before the plug is pulled. Cruiserweight wrestling just can't survive in the bigger ring and under Vince's watch. There is a roster full of cruisers capable of making the division great, it is rather easy to get a cruiser over, yet look at the SHIT job being done in WWE. You can't fuck it up this bad on purpose, it has to be this way because someone on top doesn't PERSONALLY like cruiserweights/luchadores. It is sad that it is gonna come to this, but I think within the next year the cruiserweight title will be dead. So, let's start the pool.
  4. NoCalMike

    The One and Only TSM NFL preview thread!

    Is Ramsey going to start every game or will the Redskins change the QB every game? Better Coaching = Better Team You can have the best WRs in the league but it does not matter because the QB is so inconsistent. Ok are we gonna play this game again? Look, last season QBs were pulled because they were SHIT. Just like the way ANY OTHER COACH goes about it. If any of them would have been worthy of being a starter, they would have stayed in there. As far as coaching goes, yes if we are going to judge every single coach by their FIRST year, then Spurrier is a medicore coach, however it takes more than one year until any type of blame or credit can be put on a coach. Are you telling me Jimmy Johnson should have been canned the his first year because the cowboys went 1-15, and/or that Aikman was not a great QB because his first year in the league he played like absolute shit? If you HONESTLY think the Cowboys are finishing anywhere besides the bottom, then you must be saying they are winning 10 games, which is a joke in itself.
  5. NoCalMike

    Most overrated films of all time

    The fact that Titanic won the oscar over LA Confidential, leads me to say Titanic is the most overrated film in recent history. The movie was nothing more than a popcorn chick flick, with a great boat sinking sequence in it.
  6. Remember two weeks ago when Vince was warming up to Kane before "all hell broke loose" ?? Well considering that Vince is now aligned with Brock on Smackdown, yet that doesn't stop him from appearing on Raw, I wonder if there is more to this and it aint over yet.
  7. NoCalMike

    Dave Meltzer on RVD

    And as far as RVD's posing goes in ECW, if that is your strongest argument for why he was worse, then you have obviously only seen ECW from when RVD turned superface. His first few years in ECW he didn't EVER pose, or do the R.....V......D....shit. That was only when ECW was trying to expand RAPIDLY, so they put the company on RVD's shoulders and went from there. Before RVD was "The man" in ECW, he had little to ZERO characteristics that he posses now in WWE.
  8. NoCalMike

    Dave Meltzer on RVD

    Yah and when the cruisers try to be cruisers, they are told to "slow it down" or "tone it down" The "WWE style" is just not some conspiracy theory, and it has nothing to do with whether someone is gettng held down or now, it is simply a FACT OF LIFE, for workers in the WWE. If you need proof, just watch any worker that has accomplishments OUTSIDE of the WWE.
  9. NoCalMike

    Best before they were stars cameo?

    Damon Wayans as the druggie dancing around in the convienence store in "Colors" Just about the entire secondary cast of Fast Times @ Ridgemont High Nicolas Cage, Eric Stoltz, Anthony Edwards....etc.
  10. NoCalMike

    The One and Only TSM NFL preview thread!

    Are you on fucking crack? The Cowboys are horrible, and Bill Parcells has all but admitted that he is using this year to see who needs to be replaced next season. Hear that, he has already packed the season in. I'd say cowboys can attain 5-7 victories. Parcells will get a team of bad players to give great effort, but sorry TALENT wins. Washington's two biggest question marks are QB & D-Line. D-line should still be able to stop the run, but pass rush is a question. As far as QB goes, Ramsey is a hell of a lot better of a prospect than Quincy/Hutch.
  11. NoCalMike

    Cruiserweight title......

    The problem is that Rey is only really a part-time cruiserweight in WWE. The bulk was added for a reason, and it his debut should have triggered the bad omen for the cruiserweight division. I am even beginning to doubt that he was even signed to be a cruiserweight, and maybe moreso because he was THE ONE cruiserweight that can be pawned off as "good enough" to go against the bigger guys. Kind of the same situation as Taijiri, who is just as horrible underused.
  12. NoCalMike

    JR's back 11 Aug because Coach Sucks

    Coach sucks, but in NO WAY am I excited to see JR back. It would be nice just to put someone else there.
  13. NoCalMike

    Dave Meltzer on RVD

    Well it isn't always fair to judge by five minute matches either. You can only do so much, and in matches that short, hitting the same repative well known spots are a priority. So you can't say it's his fault for being repetative. RVD doesn't have the ability to carry shitty workers, which will translate into a lot of bad matches on Raw, but he has had good matches with Benoit and Jericho, and some VERY good matches with Eddie. So instead of the general statement of "rvd is a shitty worker" maybe something like, RVD wrestles up to the competition is more appropriate.
  14. NoCalMike

    Dave Meltzer on RVD

    I wouldn't say his workrate is horrible. His selling is pretty horrible, but overall workrate I would not say is "horrible" in the least. And since when does being a horrible worker matter in the WWE anyway?
  15. NoCalMike

    Dave Meltzer on RVD

    RVD isn't a horrible worker, btw.
  16. NoCalMike

    Liberal Republicans

    I have a feeling guys like Hannity that are touting him everynight aren't gonna like Arnold so much once he actually starts expressing his views, unless all Hannity cares about is the little ® associated with his name.
  17. NoCalMike

    Issa to California: Peace, we outta here

    This guy was crying, hahaha. Sorry but I have no pity for him. He dropped out cause he is pretty sure he would get trounced by Arnold. He only funded this recall with his money because HE WANTED TO BE THE GOVENOR, and everyone in CA knows it. This guy is a crybaby.
  18. NoCalMike

    Liberal Republicans

    That is Arnold's label. At least the one everyone is giving him.
  19. NoCalMike

    Spoilers for future storylines

    Zach Gowen not employed by the WWE would rule.
  20. NoCalMike

    Dave Meltzer on RVD

    IMO, RVD's only chance of becoming a champion in the WWE is if he is repackaged with a WWE gimmick. Face it, Eddie/Benoit weren't going anywhere in WWE as "The radicals" or known by smarks as two of the most outstanding workers ever. Vince didn't give a shit AT ALL. So what do they give Benoit, "toothless aggression" and Eddie gets, "Latino Heat" and now the "Lie cheat & steal" gimmick. While the gimmicks aren't bad perse, they are really unnecessary for ANY wrestling company besides WWE. Only in WWE would two workers like Eddie and Benoit need to have quasi-comedic gimmicks sewed onto their backs before they can get a push. Coming back to RVD. If somehow he is repackaged to where he has a gimmick that was at least 75% WWE created.(his moveset could stay the same though) then RVD might go somewhere, but even though though RVD has been in WWE for awhile now, I still think Vince and Co. see him as, "That kicky guy from ECW with the cult following" which means no push for RVD. I think that is another big reason Jericho has not had the wins he deserves, cause he still basically acts the way he did in WCW, just on a greater level of sorts.
  21. NoCalMike

    JR's back 11 Aug because Coach Sucks

    Coach sucks, however it has been a little pleasent not hearing wrestlers Damned to hell every week for pretty "everyday" actions(everyday in the wrestling world that is).
  22. NoCalMike

    The One and Only TSM NFL preview thread!

    They don't go into depth enough on why they have certain opinions. All they did was repeat shit I heard out of "experts" last year, they have nothing to add.
  23. BuffyBeast of all people telling someone to shave? Yah I am sure Albert is soft as a baby's bottom down there!?!
  24. NoCalMike

    best skinemax movie

    I thought the Real Sex series was way better during the first 10 episodes. Now it is mostly "weird" stuff with naked unattractive middle-aged folks trying to spice up a stale marrital sex life......not for me.
  25. NoCalMike

    NY Giants, a superbowl pick!?!

    First off, the Jets aren't going to the Superbowl. Everyone can forget that idea right now. They aren't even winning the division. As far as the Giants go, disregarding my more lighthearded Topic starter for this thread, to be more serious, I think the Biggest wildcard when it comes to the Giants is Kerry Collins. This guy had a great year last year, but we know how he can also suck it up badly. He is not a GIVEN at QB. He is not a QB you can take for granted and just automatically assume he is gonna be THE GUY every week. Last year he put up career numbers and had a very uncharacteristic year. He just doesn't EVER play THAT GOOD. You can take the glass is half full opinion and say that is just the start of things to come or you can take the glass is half empty(and IMO more realistic approach) and say, with last year's career numbers, he is do for AT LEAST a mild letdown this year. He didn't look good AT ALL tonight. The best pass play was 100% the reciever adjusting and making a great catch, now I know it is preseason so it "doesn't matter" but when you have been the QB in the same offense for more than 2 years, you shouldn't come out looking flat like that, not even in the PRESEASON. So my prediction that everything rests on Kerry Collins shoulders this season, I also think he NEEDS to nearly match last years numbers for the Giants to be nearly as good as most experts think they are gonna be.