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Posts posted by krease

  1. It was a good story & movie... there were times the entire theater was laughing... but not at the movie.


    The boom operator (and possibly the editor) should be FIRED.


    The first time I saw it, I was like "ok, a minor slip-up, the boom peeked into the shot there for a second." Then not even a minute later, the entire microphone was dangling in the shot, almost hitting Ferrell in the head.


    The boom had more of a starring role than the "bus driver" or "kid on bike" - it was to a point where I thought they couldn't be doing it accidentally; it must be on purpose somehow - especially near the end when we noticed the whole boom rigging (microphone attached to big contraption to hold it up) in the shot.


    Did anybody else here see this? I did some googling and it seems some theaters had a version that didn't have boom problems (or they were aiming the projector a bit higher so that the top of the movie was cut off), but there were still enough people that noticed that I know it wasn't just our theater.

  2. Dude. You had all the passwords. And you DIDN'T take advantage of it?


    Once you realize you're being played, why didn't you fuck with this Josh guy and (a) change the passwords, (b) send some sort of incriminating emails to the mom / other email addresses. It would have been sooo easy. If the passwords haven't been changed, do it NOW. Get your revenge for being played.

  3. Article is here: http://www.progressiveboink.com/archive/brookehogan.htm


    I couldn't stop laughing after reading this - there's a few links off the side that are fun as well.


    'Politics' - Despite the political success of former wrestler Jesse "The Body" Ventura, Hogan has never been able to see his political dreams through, most notably in a failed attempt at the U.S. presidency in 1998. Political experts agree that it could've been his boa and old lady sunglasses getup fueling homophobia or his two-toned beard causing discomfort in children and dogs (who only see in black and white, so to them Hogan looked like Trapjaw from He-man) that spoiled his run at the oval office, but I think it was due to the fact that he was IN CHARGE OF A LARGE GANG.


    So Hogan's inability to manage a group of thirty guys who worked once a week by running down a ramp and standing in a ring for five minutes on a Monday night lead the nation to believe that his leadership skills weren't qualified for steering the fate of the free world. So talking politics at the dinner table is a no-no.

  4. Your roommate is screwed.


    Bug ebay to put the squeeze on the guy for the portion brokered through them (since they'll have his info), but don't hold your breath. As for the other one through a separate email dealio, your roommate shouldn't waste his/her time - more money would be spent trying (likely in vain) to get the little amount of money owed.


    Just blacklist the "seller's" info around the internet - easy and cheap, and in this case, probably just as effective - the standard "sign up the address for various mailing lists", and "sign up to send various shit to his address" (for example, www.tena.ca will send the guy a free sample of adult diapers).

  5. Actually, I haven't watched in a while...I've been saying "why do I keep watching this" to myself for a few years now, but still watched it religiously out of habit more than anything else.


    A few things happened that changed my perspective on it:


    1. Smackdown moved to Fridays. Somehow it was just harder to get into the habit of spending my friday night watching wrestling. It was easier (and more entertaining) to spend 20 minutes reading the forums than to remember and spend 2 hours watching.


    2. JR's ass. I actually sat through the whole thing. It bothered me on Katie Vick levels. At that point I decided to try "not watching" at all next week out of spite.


    3. Eddie's death. I watched the two tribute shows because I'd heard they'd been done tastefully. Then the next week went back to the same old crap.


    Try it. Change the channel. Play some video games. You'll miss it less than you think. If you find yourself wondering after the fact, read the forums here. Chances are there's a thread about the show full of people wondering why they still watch this stuff.

  6. Keep us posted, but i'd say everything they are doing is legal, or at least they'll say it is. They would have checked out all these loopholes before they started up the company.


    Actually, it's not - you'd be surprised how many companies try to do stuff like that just because they *will* get away with it for quite a while because nobody does anything.


    Definitely bring them to the attention of the Labour Board. Although the sales pitch is legal (sadly, nothing wrong with exploiting "customers" who don't know any better), the way they seem to be treating employees is definitely illegal, and something should be done about it.

  7. Little Mikey on the Life box might surprise you with how quick he is - don't count him out so fast.

    I can see Fred Flintstone (hailing from Fruity Pebbles) pulling a Kane and being one of the last ones as well; though I think Tony the Tiger will easily have his number. Man, that Tony is huge.


    Now then, what about Powdered Toast Man? pt-man.gif I know he hasn't been seen in a while, ever since Preemo's Powdered Toast disappeared, but if the promoters pay enough he might show up and no-sell...I mean "toast up" and beat down everyone else!


    The only one who might be able to stop him is Turbo Man turboman.gif, but Arnold Schwarzenegger is getting pretty old these days, so unless they find someone else to play Turbo Man, he'll be out in no time.


    Johnny Bravo is a contender, just because he's a hoss though. cnjbravo.jpg. The Powerpuff girls cnpwrpuf.jpg can easily take out Snap, Crackle, and Pop; though because they're girls, booking won't take them seriously and they'll probably have to eliminate themselves...

  8. Micro Machines (we played this game intense~!-ly)

    Final Fantasy 1 & 2 (for the sentimental value)

    Dr. Mario (it's amazing when you see someone in level 16 beat someone in level 4)

    Adventures of Dizzy (It was on one of those '4 in 1' cartridges with 'Boomerang Kid' and some other crap)

    Lolo (a puzzle game)

    Ice Hockey (the one with the fat guy, medium guy, and skinny guy)

    Battletoads (ok, this was just fun)

    Star Tropics (another fav)

    Who Framed Roger Rabbit (my first non-Mario game - actually pretty good)

  9. Up next: Kurt Angle


    Were going to ask Kurt Angle about his loss tonight to John Cena in the WWE Championship Match.


    Kurt Angle is entering the room.




    WWE.com: Please stand by. There is currently a situation in the WWE Instant Access Room.


    WWE.com: We apologize. Kurt Angle is still very upset from his loss. He blew up in our Instant Access room, claiming he was screwed -- blaming the fans -- blaming biased officiating. He destroyed our Instant Access Room. We hope to have footage of this on WWE.com as soon as possible.



    It's funny to picture that happening :D

  10. At least those ones that crash will turn back on... most people that I know personally who bought it had them crash and die within a few hours (a whole day at most) - and they won't turn back on.


    *decides to stick to my non-crashing PS2 for a while longer*

  11. Some computer programming related ones:


    -- compareTo my Object, there's no equal

    -- I'd like to ++ your C

    -- If you're worried about being threadsafe, we can put my primitive in a wrapper

    -- You've got curls in all the right braces

    -- I hope you're a try catch block, 'cause you make my stack overflow

    -- I want to jump and link my pointer to your address - where we can fork in private

    -- Baby, I hope you're polymorphic, because it would be a shame if no other objects share your attributes

    -- Want to see my runtime extension?

    -- You must be a bitshift, 'cause you just doubled the size of my int

    -- I'd extend my Object into her constructor... with no arguments
