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Everything posted by JJMc

  1. JJMc

    Can you drive a stick?

    I've been honing my skills over the past several months and I really love it. My next vehicle will be a standard, hopefully this summer.
  2. JJMc

    Jake the Snake Roberts

    Damn, huh? He looked like hell and sounded worse. You know, I was wondering. What of all that stuff about him not being able to come back to the states over some legal matters? Maybe Vince took care of it.
  3. JJMc

    The Rockers!

    Why is Jannetty fighting Angle? Where the fuck did he come from?
  4. JJMc

    Favorite Broadcastng teams

    What happened to McDonough? Was he not re-newed or something? Orsillo has been doing the ch. 38 games so far this spring.
  5. JJMc

    I took a trip to Titan Towers today.

    They were employees of the building, and they had to sit through the tapings whether or not they wanted to. That was in Heenan's first book. Although, on my old Primetime tapes, they always give an address to write to for tickets. Weird.
  6. JJMc

    DVD player or burner?

    I've said it time and time again, if you're only interested in doing VHS transfers, go for a standalone DVD recorder. As several people in this thread have mentioned, going over 3 hours makes the quality take a hit, but computer burning is a complicated process. And since you're technologically retarded, I wouldn't recommend it. Using a standalone is more or less just like dubbing a tape. Very simple. So what are the best stand alone DVD recorders? Honestly, I couldn't say. The one I have is a Philips DVR980, which if not mistaken, was the first widely availible consumer model. There are NO features, no hard drive, no chase record, no nothing. Fuckin' thing was $800. But it works great even after 2 years. So I'd recommend a Philips. Also, I've seen a lot of people who have Panasonics, so you may want to give those a try. In actuality, they're all good, it's just a matter of preference (what features you like, etc.). You can get a top of the line one with a huge hard drive and all that for no more than $500 I'd say.
  7. JJMc

    Looking to get a cheap mini Dv camcorder

    Canons are excellent. I got a ZR60 for $300 over a year ago on ebay, brand new in the box. Now, you can probably get a better model for even cheaper. They're nice and small, and the quality is great.
  8. JJMc

    Wrestling Gold: Box Set Collection

    A lot of the matches were from Memphis in the early 80s (like the Savage/Rude ones for example), but I've only watched 2 of the discs, so beyond that I'm not sure. The Andre/Sheik match was from Detroit, I think...
  9. JJMc

    "The Real Maxx Payne" may be coming out after all

    The trailor was on the website a couple of years back when the movie was first said to be coming out. I had it, but deleted it. All I remember was it showing Louie Spicolli walking around a hotel in his underwear and Razor Ramon and Henry Godwinn on a bus, or something.
  10. JJMc

    "The Real Maxx Payne" may be coming out after all

    That's really not the point. It's about all the bullshit that went on...the drugs and whatnot. Personally, after seeing the trailer, I can't wait.
  11. JJMc

    Parttitioning a Mac?

    Can anybody learn me up on how to do this? Do you need any special software? I'm willing to pay if necessary. -Jim
  12. JJMc

    Parttitioning a Mac?

    Yes. I'll just take it to a shop and ask them. Thanks for everything, though. -Jim
  13. JJMc

    Don't some of you wish...

    I enjoy reminiscing (sp?) about it, but there was equally as much bullshit, so no.
  14. JJMc

    Question about this forum

    Silvervision does not ship to the United States.
  15. JJMc

    James E. Cornette

    From what I could see, Highspots is selling the 3 SMW Fan Week Q&A sessions he did in '93, '94, and '95. I've seen the latter two and they are great. The one in question w/ the Russo tirade was done by RF Video in 2000. He also did one for RF in 2003.
  16. Yeah, it was '02. That's the one where they had to re-shoot the finish with only crew members in the audience.
  17. JJMc

    Parttitioning a Mac?

    Thanks. But the drive I want to split says "this drive contains the boot volume and cannot be partitioned." Any other advice?
  18. His shoot is one of my favorites, and it is quickly joining the elite group of shoots I can watch over and over, but stuff like this really pisses me off. And the stuff in Under the Mat about him beating his wife.
  19. JJMc


    That site just kicks ass. I spent an hour one time just looking people up, and one would remind me of another, and so on. It's good, because the Baseball Encyclopedia is only published every 4 years (as far as I am aware).
  20. JJMc

    Veterans' Committee Ballot

    Is Minoso the only player ever to play in 5 decades? I looked him up and he was 57 when he played his final game in '80. Satchel Paige was older, but I don't think his career in the Major Leagues stretched as long.
  21. JJMc

    Which Wrestlemania Moment

    I've always loved Demolition winning the straps at VI. And Tyson jumping in to count three.
  22. JJMc

    "You can't say that on Television!"

    And they didn't even edit it on the Coliseum version...
  23. JJMc

    Whatever Happened to Reckless Youth?

    I probably never would have thought of him again had I not read this! And, you know, just a general commentary on the General Wrestling folder as a whole... People can say whatever they want about the wrestling folders on here (you all know what I mean), but over the last month or two, there really have been some great topics in GW. Such as WCW tidbits, scrapped angles, etc. Unfortunately, I can not always say the same for the WWE folder, or any folder for that matter. That's all. -JM
  24. JJMc

    DVD player or burner?

    I've said it time and time again, if you're only interested in doing VHS transfers, go for a standalone DVD recorder. As several people in this thread have mentioned, going over 3 hours makes the quality take a hit, but computer burning is a complicated process. And since you're technologically retarded, I wouldn't recommend it. Using a standalone is more or less just like dubbing a tape. Very simple.
  25. JJMc

    Donnie Darko...

    I didn't like the movie at all. Honestly, it just did nothing for me. Cool idea, but for the amount of hype it gets, it didn't deliver.