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Everything posted by JJMc

  1. JJMc

    So my MP3 player just died.

    May he burn in hell.
  2. JJMc

    Was Layne Staley gay?

    I'm glad you liked it. I guess the answer is no. Again, forgive my ignorance.
  3. JJMc

    Corino and Flair.

    One of Flair's NWA title reigns is also his first WCW reign, so that only counts once. Then there was the Singapore/New Zealand debacle with Harley Race where changes weren't recognized. Maybe someone can expain it, I don't want to try because I'm not sure. There had to be one or two other disputed ones I'm not seeing too.
  4. JJMc

    RAW Ratings

    Yes, honestly it did. I loved it because (and I know its been said for years) JR and Lawler are just so fucking stale. At least with Coach being out there solo they can divert from the usual commentator interaction.
  5. By my old price, that'd be $36 ($2 per match), and it would cover multiple tapes so it would be even more.
  6. JJMc

    Which Hit Song of 2004 are You?

    Vertigo by U2
  7. JJMc

    Shoot Interviews

    Yup it covers all of that. I think it was done in the fall of '04.
  8. JJMc

    Search Bar, how do I get rid of it?

    Took the words out of my mouth.
  9. JJMc

    Shoot Interviews

    RF VIdeo sucks. Do not buy from them. I can tell you horror stories about their service. Actually, I think I'm a rare example of a happy customer. I haven't ordered much, maybe 5-6 times in 3 years, but every time, the tapes/DVDs have come in no more than two weeks (in some cases a week) and have been of the best quality. I've only ordered shoots though, so I don't know how their other stuff is. As for my suggestions: The Jim Neidhart shoot from RF is great. The first time around, I really didn't like it, but the second time I was laughing out loud. Neidhart is funnier than hell. I've also just order the Mr. Fuji and Powers of Pain shoots. I'll let you guys know how those are.
  10. JJMc

    Good bye

    Already caught this on Crazy Max, but I was too lazy to post at the time. Good luck, bro. Come back soon.
  11. Today, I was watching Fox Sports Net and they were interviewing some football player. They were doing a five questions type deal and they asked who his "favorite WWF villain" was, while dsiplaying same on the bottom of the screen the whole time. I find it hilarious that they have no idea about the name change and that the Fund really can't do anything about it. It shows that people still associate "WWF" with the Fed and probably will for a long time. I can just imagine some Fund person watching and throwing a tantrum.
  12. JJMc

    iPod help

    Can anyone walk me through this? I just can't figure it out. I must be doing something wrong. I just want to be able to get songs onto the damn thing from my Mac. I need to know the whole deal (pulling songs off a cd, into iTunes, etc.). Thanks. -Jim
  13. There was 'trainee' on the old Yellow Board. And is it just me, or wasn't there a point where there WAS a certain post count required to customize your title?
  14. JJMc

    Tape Trading folder

    I move that the tape trading folder should be closed. Not immediately, but in the near future perhaps. The reason is that it gets next to no traffic these days and you're lucky if your thread reaches double digits in views. Maybe give it a couple of weeks and see how things go. Then, if this keeps up, give it the axe. All I'm saying is that the board space could be used for something else that people around here want rather than a tape board that sees little activity. -Jim
  15. JJMc

    Tape Trading folder

    Hehe. I didn't even know that anyone remembered me posting that. Honestly, though, my recent failure to sell off my remaining tapes was a small part of it. But the decision to post this was just a general observation that has been in the making for a while.
  16. JJMc

    Which WWE wrestlers smoke?

    Shawn Michaels chews tobacco as well.
  17. JJMc

    What do you collect?

    I was looking at your page, and saw the 2000 Topps Traded cards. Then I wrote this huge post about how I thought he was included in the regular issue set, since I have several. THEN, I looked closer and saw it was Miguel Cabrera, not ORLANDO Cabrera. What a moron I am
  18. JJMc

    Best Cheesesteak

    I went to Philly this summer and I went to a place called Jim's, which according to several locals was "the best." And while it was ok, I honestly prefer the ones where I live, in Massachusetts. I don't know if I just went to a subpar place or what, but there was an hour wait at this place so who the hell knows.
  19. JJMc

    WON January 14th 1991

    Good stuff again, bro. How many of these do you have? From '91 on up?
  20. JJMc

    Question about PPV Webcasts

    $35 for a webcast? That defeats the purpose. Just the order the motherfucker on PPV.
  21. JJMc

    What do you collect?

    I used to collectg wrestling tapes. Mostly old WWF TV like Superstars, Challenge, All-American. But I stopped this fall after getting busted. I've kind of started collecting old license plates. Only have about 7 or 8. I also collect old money. I have some tens and twenties from 1950, and some other stuff from the 60s and 70s. It's pretty easy, since I work at a gas station and I always have money coming and going from my hands.
  22. JJMc

    WON January 8th 1991

    Nice work, man. Keep 'em comin'.
  23. Thank you. And the tape trading folk love offering things "for sell."