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Everything posted by JJMc

  1. No trades on these. All have the box intact unless noted. Email me an offer, unless there is already a price. -Jim [email protected] Summerslam '90 Wrestlefest '92 No Way Out '98 Wrestlefest '91 Ultimate Warrior 1989 (RARE. Minimum of $30. Box cut and pasted to plastic case) Wrestlefest '93 Hulkamania 6 (box a little banged up) Rampage '91 Wrestlefest '90 Best of Raw Vol. 1 ('99) Best of Raw Vol. 2 ('99) Best of Raw Vol. 3 ('01) Wrestlemania VIII (box a little faded, slightly bent) Wrestlemania IX
  2. JJMc

    CD Burning Help

    It is probably playing the same playlist that was in WMP, not the CD. That's the only thing I can think of. Where's that Scott Keith's Biggest Fan thread?
  3. JJMc

    Mac p2p

    Thanks dude. Worked like a charm. I just can't connect because this campus's connection BLOWS.
  4. JJMc

    Mac p2p

    Do the p2p file sharing programs for OSX and the like have all of the same spyware that is present on PCs? I'm looking into a program called XFactor, but it's described as being "like Kazaa" and I don't want to deal with a crippled system especially since I'm not experienced troubleshooting on a Mac. Thanks-Jim
  5. JJMc

    DVD Recorder Help

    Yeah, I think 3 hr (LP on mine) is basically the limit. 4 hr. mode almost isn't worth it.
  6. JJMc

    DVD Recorder Help

    You CAN still have the VCR hooked up to the TV through the normal wiring, but you also have to have it wired out to the recorder via the A/V cables. Just wanted to clear that up.
  7. JJMc

    Changing video file formats

    TMPGEnc will convert it into MPG. Just search for it on Google.
  8. JJMc

    DVD Recorder Help

    You have to input it through the AV jacks on the TV, just like a regular DVD player. Then, run another set of AV cables from the output on the VCR to the input on the DVD recorder. You then have to set the TV to "input" or whatever and set the recorder to display the input that the VCR is hooked up to. It isn't like a VCR where you just set everything to "ch. 03" and hit record. Maybe you've done all this, I don't know, but this is a problem I had when I first got one.
  9. Actually, it was because he was having some problems with a fan harrassing his family. Not a huge deal, but it was '93, not '94.
  10. JJMc

    WWE News and Notes from 11/22 Observer

    Heenan needs to commentate on the main shows, not just on 24/7. Have him be a third guy on Heat, or do voiceovers on Bottom Line or something.
  11. JJMc

    Mac users please help

    Recently, I bought a Powerbook G4 and I wanted to connect an external HD. Instead, I bought an internal hard drive and an enclosure. I put it together and all that, and connected it up. When I boot up the computer, I get a message saying "you have inserted a disk containing no volumes that OS X can read." Excuse me? Both the enclosure and the hard drive say on the boxes that they are OS X compatible. When I go into Disk Utility, it recognizes an external hard drive in the list, but it won't let me format it or mount it on the system. Any Mac users here that can help me? I'm not great when it comes to troubleshooting on a Mac. Thanks a lot!
  12. JJMc

    Mac users please help

    Thanks, buddy. I got it sorted out after making that post. Thanks anyway, though.
  13. JJMc

    So, whats going on?

    That took me a couple of reads to get it, but after that I was highly amused. Good work.
  14. JJMc

    How to save Flash annimations?

    The Flash is embedded into the HTML, so just save the whole webpage. I think.
  15. JJMc

    Best and Worst Entrances and Music ever

    Not much for entrances either way, but as for music... Best: I LOVE Benoit's current theme. Gangrel's was cool too. Worst: Test's last before he was canned. IT SUCKED. What was wrong with his volume 4 theme?
  16. JJMc

    G-TV mystery

    This should be fucking pinned.... It was Goldust at first, then he left, then it wasn't really anyone. I heard Godfather at one point. Who really knows?
  17. JJMc

    Marty Jannetty Interview

    Jannetty's shoot is really good. I urge anyone to check it out. He seems to really enjoy telling the stories (like Cornette etc.) and doesn't seem burdened to be there. There's a bunch of cool stories I didn't know before, such as Jannetty being on house arrest after the breakup. Ordinarily, I'd be able to hook you guys up, but I don't engage in such affairs anymore. Just grab it from RF, I guess...
  18. JJMc

    "Let's talk WWE titles"

    Yes. That's because they are still flying under the radar. By that I mean they haven't had the entire show focused on them (opening the show with 20 minute promos etc.). This became famous during the Attitude era and is why the product is stale, to me at least. When they put the pedal to the metal, they run out of gas faster. This probably isn't coming across as well as it should, but that is my opinion of how things are.
  19. Me too. Actually, I'm from Mass. and went to the show at the old Garden, but it was the first one I saw live. I don't know about you guys, but where I live, the schools have half days on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. I was in 3rd grade at the time and I was JAKKED to be going to a live PPV. I thought it was an OK show. I especially enjoyed the opener, but was confused when Perfect didn't show up. One more thing, sorry if I'm rambling... there was a dark match between Billy Gunn and the Brooklyn Brawler to open the show, and that confused the shit out of me. Billy Gunn came out in a white T-Shirt to no music. Weird.
  20. I haven't ordered a PPV since Survivor Series '03. The last one I watched was Mania XX at a friend's house. I have absolutely no interest in ordering them, and probably never will again.
  21. JJMc

    Donnie Brasco

    I love this movie. I think it gets overlooked at times, but it really is an excellent mob picture. I watched it the other night, and I noticed something that I never noticed before. Lefty gets sent for at the end because Donnie ended up being a rat. I always thought that everything ended up ok because in the scene where the agents show the crew pictures of Donnie with the FBI, Sonny says something like "they almost had me going," as if to say that he didn't believe Donnie was a rat. Did he do this just to put Lefty's mind at ease, if only for the moment? One other thing... In one of the final scenes, when Lefty gets the call, we see his girlfriend drying her hair and them saying goodbye to eachother. She looks less ditzy than in past scenes and calls him "Ben" instead of "Benny." Is there something to this? Or am I just looking too far into it? Jim
  22. JJMc

    wwe/f on dvd

    Silvervision does not ship to the United States. I don't believe they ship to Canada, either.
  23. JJMc

    Too much time on my hands?

    My brother has a duct tape ball roughly the same size. Keep going, man. Who gives a shit what message board people say? Honestly?