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Everything posted by JJMc

  1. JJMc

    External Hard Drive

    Definitely a good idea. I'm gonna go this route for capturing video on my Mac.
  2. JJMc

    And So it Begins

    It still puzzles me why the Sox got rid of walker in the first place. Although, I'll take Bellhorn/Pokey any day of the week.
  3. JJMc

    World Series 2004

    Hey, I'm just now seeing on ESPN that the parade is on Saturday, not Friday like I said before. Sorry sbout that...
  4. JJMc

    World Series 2004

    The parade is Friday, October 29th.
  5. JJMc

    wwe/f on dvd

    Fucking right...and how about some of the Boston/MSG matches from over the years: Bret/Perfect (June '89, Boston) Hogan/Flair (late '91, MSG?) There's a lot of good matches from that time period. The Bret/Lafitte matches were mentioned as well, those were awesome.
  6. JJMc

    AWA Backstage Gossip

    Hulk on coke...I guess it makes sense, I just never pictured him doing it. Wow.
  7. JJMc

    Horsemen DVD

    I don't know, but I hear that they're still talking about a Bret Hart DVD Yeah, I also heard of a Bret Heart DVD. What's the word, baby?
  8. JJMc

    WWE's best segment ever

    I'll drink to that. Fucking great.
  9. JJMc

    Beggars can't be choosers

    Do you guys have any full service stations? In my town, most of them are full. I work at one, and every day, I get about 10 people that say "isn't it self serve?" upon me asking how I may help them. Yeah, it's self, I'm just the fucking welcoming comitee. Dumb fucks.
  10. JJMc

    VCR issue

    Are you using RCA cables? Or coax? In either case, try using the other. Beyond that, I'd say the VCR is just on its way out.
  11. JJMc

    Worst show you ever saw live?

    WWF @ Boston, MA - FleetCenter - February 26, 2002 Sunday Night Heat: Rikishi defeated Perry Saturn; Jackie was the guest referee for the bout Test defeated the Hurricane Rob Van Dam defeated Lance Storm Edge defeated Mr. Perfect Smackdown!: WWF Women's Champion Jazz (sub. for Stacy Keibler) & the Dudley Boyz defeated Lita, Matt & Jeff Hardy when Jazz pinned Lita after Stacy interfered The Big Show defeated WWF IC Champion William Regal in a non-title match WWF Hardcore Champion Maven defeated Goldust Al Snow fought the Undertaker to a no contest Goldust pinned WWF Hardcore Champion Maven to win the title as the champion was backstage receiving medical treatment Booker T defeated Scotty 2 Hotty Triple H & Kane defeated WWF World Champion Chris Jericho & Kurt Angle Just a horrible fucking show. Haven't been to one since.
  12. JJMc

    Thread Pruning

    That'd be the ALCS.
  13. How about a log of all those posters who have been banned over the years and the post that nailed the coffin shut? It'd be cool to look back and see. We could probably do it via the search engine, but we'd need a list of all of the people first. Could a mod post a list of everyone in the "banned" group? Of course, that wouldn't take care of people banned under the old "unregistered" method I don't think. Eh, fuck it. Reply, delete the thread, anything. -Jim
  14. JJMc

    Banned posters Hall of Fame

    Yeah, bascially. Actually, I just was thinking of a complete list, not really the "best of the best" or anything.
  15. JJMc

    What radio stations do you like to listen to?

    In Boston: Rock/poppyish rock 107.3 WAAF 104.1 WBCN 101.1 WGIR 100.7 WHEB I listen to others, too, but mostly just those.
  16. JJMc

    Fongus Bellpop

    The Czech Republic? No, that Humphreyboulderdash dude. Or were you answering me? LOUD NOISES Something obviously went over my head, so fuck it. If I want somebody to give me shit, I'll piss off a real person.
  17. JJMc

    Fongus Bellpop

  18. JJMc

    What are you listening to right now?

    Alice In Chains-Unplugged
  19. JJMc

    PPV Versions of Wrestlemanias 1-4?

    Yeah. The Legacy versions are pretty much dead on. That's the set released in '98. Collection was '97 and I think some of them are clipped.
  20. JJMc

    Fongus Bellpop

    ^ Where the fuck are all these people coming from?
  21. JJMc

    A question for you gents

    This Fongus guy is fucking great.
  22. JJMc

    Wrestling dreams

    Here's a couple of dreams threads from ages ago. I remember starting one of them... dreams another one
  23. JJMc

    A question for you gents

    How is it that Fongus only has two posts when he's made a good 7-8 just in this thread?
  24. JJMc

    I need a name for my new death metal band.

    Ding Dong, Daddy's Home Fillit Super Jim's WWF Tapes