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Everything posted by JJMc

  1. JJMc

    All of the Bossman bullshit

    EDIT: forget I said anything.
  2. JJMc

    rare or oop wwe/wwf dvds

    I just sold Mania X7 on ebay the other day and was surprised to see that it brought about $35. I didn't know it was that hard to find until now.
  3. JJMc

    sinsky for president

    SNITSKY! Motherfucking hell! How 'bought you answer the question, toots. Ok. I assume he'll be working a couple of matches, or at least one. Wouldn't make much sense not to. I like the guy. He's got a good look and seems ok on the microphone.
  4. JJMc

    sinsky for president

    SNITSKY! Motherfucking hell!
  5. JJMc

    WWE Global Warming Tour: Melbourne (2002)

    Just a glorified Smackdown, and that's not saying much. I don't know what it is about Smackdown, it just has always seemed so bush leauge. Cole/Tazz and the bad lighting/energy don't help.
  6. Several states use vertical Drivers' Licenses for Under 21s. California and Washington do too off the top of my head. We have those shits in Massachusetts, too. It's so the cops don't have to do the fucking math on your birthdate. The funny part is, if you get your license when you're, say, 19, it doesn't expire until you're 24, so you have a vertical license that says you're underage when you're not.
  7. JJMc

    My Free Ipod Shipped Today!

    People STILL don't realize this is real? Well you missed your chance to easily get a free ipod because they took the ebay offer down. A few of my friends are pissed because they spent a month belittling me or others who tried the offer. They didn't realize that there was nothing to lose. Now all the offers require credit cards. Good luck trying to convince five people to give their credit card #'s online. The reason you don't see people getting their freeipods "every day" is because gratis network orders them in huge shipments from ecost. 8/16 was the first "big" shipment, and I think I remember someone posting about it on this board except no one believed him. Now the 9/9 shipment has come through, and I have a free ipod while all you have is cynicism. Oh, no, I know it's real. I even signed up, but I didn't realize that the 5 people had to do the same. I was just wondering why he went as far as to keep promoting it AFTER he was warned. The guy had, what was it, 200 posts? So it wasn't like he just stumbled on the board and started shilling it. He was here for a good while beforehand and made numerous other posts other than about the iPod thing. -Jim
  8. JJMc

    Tony Schiavone back with WWE...

    Bring on Tony. It's not like business is on fire right now anyway. Wouldn't hurt to shake things up.
  9. JJMc

    The Machine

    Didn't Hale later show up in XWF with Jimmy as his manager?
  10. JJMc

    My Free Ipod Shipped Today!

    What was this guy's motive for promoting this shit? Did he work for them or something? Why would he continue to do it after he was warned? Idiot..
  11. JJMc

    Freeze-up and blue screen of death

    I'm having a similar problem here with the network at my school. I can do anything uninterrupted for about 20 seconds, then it freezes for about 30 seconds, rinse, repeat. Then if you leave it alone, you get the blue screen of death. Also, we formatted the computer that this is occurring on, then we plugged it in to the school network and within FORTY SECONDS Norton pops up with a virus. Un friggin' real.
  12. JJMc

    Encyclopedia definition of kayfabe

    "pronounced kuh-fay-bee" Whatthefuck, mate?
  13. JJMc

    One Year From Now

    Why is it that Incandenza's name appears as "Unregistered?" Was that post from the old board or something?
  14. JJMc

    Applebees sucks ass

    Is Texas Roadhouse a national thing? We have one in Methuen, MA and I thought it was just a one store deal. Damn place is ALWAYS packed.
  15. JJMc

    Tom Prichard Fired by WWE

    Bruce Pritchard also did commentary on All-American and Mania in '93 under the name "The Wizard."
  16. JJMc

    September Call-ups

    I thought I remembered hearing that he was considering coming back as an infielder, but apparantly Ankiel is ok to pitch. And Galarraga is 43, but he could be the next Jesse Orosco.
  17. JJMc

    Hard Drugs..

    Anyone here ever do any hard drugs? To me, I can't see any reason why anyone ever would, but I know that a lot of people have differing opinons, so let's roll... What have you done? how often/how many times/do you still? what does the drug(s) feel like? any bad effects from use?
  18. JJMc

    Making VCDs

    Yes, most of the new higher end players can just play raw MPEG files without the need to encode them to VCD. Many, however, still do not have that capability.
  19. JJMc

    Hard Drugs..

    Heroin can. So can coke.
  20. JJMc

    Making VCDs

    VCDs are a waste of time. Seriously, you'll aggrevate yourself so much trying to make them work and then be left with a shit product. Sorry to come off like a dick, I'm just speaking from TONS of experience.
  21. The girl from that show was in Thirteen and is pretty hot now...I don't know when that show was from, though.
  22. JJMc

    Hard Drugs..

    I was thinking of cocaine, heroin, etc....basically anything that can kill you in one dose. Myself, I've never done anything like that and I even hate taking prescription painkillers. I had my wisdom teeth taken out last month and I only took about 5 or 6 vicodin of the 15 or so they gave me. I was just curious as to what other peoples' views are on drugs. And, no, I'm not a cop. -Jim