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Everything posted by JJMc

  1. JJMc

    The roll up as a finisher

    That's why God made jobber matches. So a wrestler can go over strong without a damn rollup or "hey ref" finish. But I'm way past caring what happens in wrestling, so whatever...
  2. JJMc


    Isn't it Liger and not "Lyger?" Or is that just the Americanized spelling?
  3. JJMc

    A question for all

    Yup, me too. Mostly all Napster/Kazaa mixes. Although, over the past year, I've bought 8-10 CDs, which I NEVER did from about '97-'02.
  4. JJMc

    Why are my Kazaa DL's so slow...

    I have the same problem a lot of the time, and it's increasingly more regular with music now, too. I think Kazaa just blows.
  5. u win teh intarweb Just seeing it typed "teh" makes me want to punch a hole through the goddam motherfucking screen. And the one who wrote "the stuff rights for itself" is on the same track. Brother..
  6. These can go for $4 shipped. Or, I can cut deals for more than one at a time. 1. IYH: Canadian Stampede/Buried Alive/6/29/02 Bottom Line/Degeneration X (commercial tape)...all of the above are 1st gens save Bottom Line, which is straight from TV. 2. No Way Out '01 (1st gen)/Heat 5/12/02/Excess 5/18/02 (last show) 3.Unforgiven '00/KOTR '97 (both 1st gens) 4.IYH: St. Val. Massacre/Over the Edge '98 (both 1st gens) 5.Survivor Series '87 (CHV 1st gen) 6.WMXIX PPV master 7.4/26/03 Confidential/4/26/03 Bottom Line/4/27/03 Heat/Backalsh '03 PPV master 8.Afterburn 5/18/03/Judgment Day '03 PPV master 9.History of Wrestlemania I-IX/Wrestlemania VI (1st gens)/Heat 4/28/02 10.Wrestlemania XX PPV master (slightly grainy-taped on bad hookup) 11.3/23/03 Wrestlemania 3rd Degree Live (TV master) And I'll take offers on these masters...$19 gets 'em all. > Crunch Classic > Invasion '92 (box cut to fit plastic case) > Bloopers, Bleeps, and Bodyslams (1985) > Battle of the WWF Superstars 1990 (box banged up) > Battle of the WWF Superstars 1992 (box cut to fit plastic case) > Wrestlemania V (CV version, box banged up) Just post here or shoot me an email at [email protected] -JM
  7. JJMc

    Nikolai Volkoff's Poor Gimmick

    Yeah, I remember being pumped for some reason seeing him re-debut on Superstars. But after DiBiase added IRS, Tatanka, etc., it made Volkoff look like a joke.
  8. Truck stereo. Road trip sounds good, too.
  9. JJMc

    I suffered a loss this morning.

    DEFINITELY don't throw it out. Do something with it. I had one of those old wood casing TVs from '93-'03. For years, a friend of mine would comment on how it had a "green tint" to it, and I'd tell him he was crazy. Well, one day I hooked up my other TV right next to it, and it was green as hell. Eh. I also have an old RCA that I got in '94. I replaced it with a 20" flatscreen last summer, but I brought the old one to school, where it kicked ass for the whole year and hopefully will again this year.
  10. JJMc

    2,500 posts!!

    So, that guy Incandenza didnt really have 8 million posts? Don't reset mine. I couldn't deal with that.
  11. True. True. They replaced it because it had the WWF logo on it and it needed to be switched. I wonder if they still would have made the bigger one had it not been for the name change... And the last guy was right about the SD Tag belts. THEY should have gone with a different design.
  12. JJMc

    "Dames Goes To Driving School"

    So what are you saying? You're going to make me an administrator?
  13. JJMc

    "Dames Goes To Driving School"

    I believe, and I say this with the utmost seriousness, that I hold the record around here for killed threads. That is, threads where my replies never yield any more discussion. This is not a bad thing, mind you, merely an observation.
  14. JJMc

    Free Ipod

    Wait, you're all linking to the same damn site, we need some order. Anyone want to be the "captain" so to speak and outline who refers who, etc.?
  15. JJMc

    Free Ipod

    See, the thing is (same deal with the free TV), you need the 5 people to sign up for one of the offers, too. I thought I was in the other night...I signed up for the Columbia House thing, then I see that EIGHT more people "I knew" had to do the same. Fuckin a. Is there a way a group of us could get together and get one for each of us? There must be.
  16. JJMc

    Anyone NOT switch over to DVD yet?

    I have a DVD recorder, but I still tape stuff on VHS all the time (like the Olympics the other night), mostly because recording to DVD isn't really practical. Plus, I just prefer the way a VHS tape plays back, kind of like the way some people prefer the sound of records to CDs.
  17. JJMc

    The Nightclub Shotgun Episodes

    "Where's Vince McMahon? You Yankee BASTARD! How about Good Ol' J.R.? You Okie ASSHOLE!" (announcers trying to cover it up by talking over him.) "Hey Pettengill, your mother's a whore!"
  18. JJMc

    "Dames Goes To Driving School"

    Man, I've wanted to learn stick for months. The other day, I tried driving my buddy's old '84 F-150. I was doing OK, but for some reason, I always let go of the clutch too fast and don't give it enough gas. But the strange thing is, when I'm in reverse, I do it perfectly and never stall. ARRGGH.
  19. JJMc

    What do you look like...

    Me and my brother at the Liberty Bell last weekend. I don't have a digital camera, thus I scanned it and it looks like shit, but fuck it, there ya go. EDIT: I'm on the right.
  20. JJMc

    I think everyone is in agreement....

    To me, it goes deeper than the set. They need to change the whole atmosphere and get away from this "anything can happen at any time" bullshit. And every show needs to stop ending with "OH MY GOD! LOOK AT THIS CARNAGE!" Have a nice, clean ending to a match, then have the announcers wrap things up and prepare us for next week. Those "shocking" endings need to be reserved for big time Pay-Per-Views and the like. The reason PPVs don't feel important anymore is because they are just three hour versions of Raw or Smackdown. TV is supposed to entice people to come out to the shows and buy PPVs. It is supposed to whet peoples' appetites, not give away the product for free. I kind of got off track there, and I'm sorry, but I think most can understand where I'm coming from. -Jim
  21. Three years removed from my last French class, but I believe it should be: n'est-ce pas
  22. JJMc

    Frre Flatscreen Tvs

    I'm really not into jumping on people about "message board ethics" or whatever you want to call it, because it really doesn't matter to me, but for some reason it sticks in my craw when people post this crap. Please don't. Thanks-Jim
  23. JJMc

    Bud Selig just won't go away

    YES. YES. YES. Thank you.
  24. Someone told me (who works in the the television industry) in about 1999 that in 2006, the NTSC brodcast system will be totally switched to HDTV. He said that it "kept getting pushed back and probably will again." Obviously, there would be a huge backlash, but it has to be done sooner or later, right? Anyway, can anyone shed some light on if there in fact IS a set date right now?