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Everything posted by JJMc

  1. JJMc

    NBC, u suxx0r!

    Haha. Yeah, I guess it's not really the music itself that I hate, it's just the fact that it's ALWAYS FUCKING ON. haha. Later-Jim
  2. Good read, but what did they mean by the whole "you need two tuners for ATSC and NTSC?" And just what is ATSC?
  3. Fucking right. I saw that and I couldn't believe it. -Jim
  4. JJMc

    When and why...

    First off, if this is a sensitive subject, someone just delete the thread and let me know about it. There's no need to jump on me about it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was just curious about this. I always see people talking about previously banned posters coming back and that kind of thing, and it got me wondering about two posters that I remembered from a long time ago by the names of Banky and Eagan. I don't remember anything specific about Banky, really, but I recall Eagan used to post rare WWF themes on what seemed like a daily basis. Cutting to the chase, can anyone give me the CliffsNotes version of what happened with these two? Ordinarily, I wouldn't give a damn about two banned posters, it's just that these two guys get so much ink, so to speak. -JM
  5. JJMc

    Late night talk show shakeup coming..

    Anyone but Will Ferrell. He sucks. I just don't understand his appeal...
  6. JJMc

    NBC, u suxx0r!

    You know, that pisses me off, particularly with baseball. Everything is on Fox or ESPN. EVERYTHING. The All-Star Game, game of the week, the playoffs. What really annoys me with Fox is the incessant music before and after every commercial break...its been the same for years. And what I REALLY hate are the announcers, Joe Buck and Tim McCarver, and not just because they were seen as biased against the Red Sox in the ALCS last year (I'm from Boston). They're just so stale and stagnant, and it turns my stomach to have to listen to them for every fucking game. Plus, Joe Buck does football for Fox as well. I wish the All-Star Game and playoffs would be on NBC again. I liked it a few years back when Bob Costas (I find him to be ok to listen to) and Joe Morgan would do the LCS. Anyone else on the "fuck Fox" wagon?
  7. JJMc

    When making music videos...

    There really is no way to do it using what you're using...other than to yank the audio cable from the CD player and replace it with the one carrying the audio you want really quickly. There may be some kind of toggle switch you can buy, but because editing is now done on computers, it may be hard. I've tried this tons of times, and nothing seemed to work. Hope that helped. -Jim
  8. JJMc

    The Baseball Strike

    Wasn't Rick Reed in the union prior to this? I thought I remembered hearing that he crossed the picket line and is now barred from the union.
  9. The only thing I remember is this show used to come on before Shotgun Saturday Night, and sometimes they'd flipflop and I'd tape Tales. Used to PISS me off.
  10. While we're at it, how long has HiDef technology existed? The guy I talked to made it sound like it wasn't too long after color NTSC came in...but I don't imagine it being more than 10-15 years ago.
  11. JJMc

    Camcorder lens question

    Ok, my brother just bought a wide angle lens for the Canon ZR60. It screws on in front of the stock lens and I guess it's supposed to make for wider shots. When you hold the lens to your eye, you get the full effect and its amazing. But when you connect it to the camera, most of the effect is lost...probably because its being used WITH the regular lens. So the question is: is there a way to get rid of the regular lens and just use the wide angle lens? And if there is, would it help with this problem? -JM
  12. The thing I don't like is actually having to sign up for something, then cancel it in order not to be charged.
  13. Looking to get rid of these. No trades. Crunch Classic Invasion '92 (plastic case) Bloopers, Bleeps, and Bodyslams (1985) Battle of the WWF Superstars 1990 (box cut up) Battle of the WWF Superstars 1992 (plastic case Wrestlemania V (CV version, box banged up) Just email me with an offer. -JM [email protected]
  14. JJMc

    The Undertaker's managers

    I do in fact have a match on tape where he is announced as "Kane the Undertaker" but the graphic does not have "Kane" in it. -JM
  15. JJMc


    Your post count comes out to about 9,192 posts a day. That's six posts a minute for 24 hours...
  16. JJMc


    Yep. Maybe if we're really lucky fans, we'll get the baseball necessites that have been going around, like a ferris wheel and a swimming pool. Haha. I hear you there. Fenway is becoming like that. Fucking concourses EVERYWHERE. EDIT: I went to Yankee Stadium once and those "mile high" cheap seats weren't half bad.
  17. JJMc

    Here's your blockbuster trade

    Fuck Dave Roberts. Fuck Terry Adams. Fuck Jeff Suppan. Fuck Scott Sauerbeck.
  18. JJMc

    What beverage are you drinking right now?

    That Pepsi Blue thing was a gag. I really did like it, though.
  19. JJMc


    Seriously though, eight MILLION posts?
  20. JJMc

    Ironman matches

    I have the Flair match, also. Don't mean to step on the last guy's toes, I was just throwing it out there. I'm not taking trades at the moment, though, but I'd give you more than a fair price. -JM [email protected]
  21. Are people making that typo on purpose now? Because if not, it looks really stupid.
  22. Amen. Jeez, all of that crap is availible on video already and has been seen countless times. I wouldn't pay $10 for that.
  23. JJMc

    Why I respect Jim Cornette

    Hey Miles, what's wrong with your ride? Plus, it looks like you live in a nice area with nice weather (I see palm trees) instead of fucking New England where every other day is cloudy/rainy.* *Unless that is just some random pic of the same model car (?).
  24. JJMc

    fantasy dvd

    The first person who says "I want a Paul London DVD" is going to get a fucking slap.