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Everything posted by JJMc

  1. JJMc

    T-shirt sayings that you can't stand

    YES!!!! They do that with Red Sox jerseys at Fenway. Home jerseys (jersies?) that is. They put "GARCIAPARRA" on the back of a white home jersey. Seriously, come on.
  2. JJMc

    What kind of shape are you in?

    That's me. Probably closer to 6'3"
  3. JJMc

    What beverage are you drinking right now?

    Pepsi Blue
  4. JJMc

    The Invasion and nWo

    Wow, that actually made sense. cool!!
  5. JJMc

    Replica Belt Question

    I'd go for the regular Alliance Big Gold. I had one last year and it was really cool because I always wanted some kind of belt. I sold it recently because it was just taking up room, but it was cool for a while. I'm thinking about getting the classic Intercontinental belt with either a white or yellow strap next.
  6. JJMc

    The OAO 'I Love the 90's" thread

    Did anyone else see the replay of '93 on Wednesday night and notice that "92" was in the corner for over half the show?
  7. JJMc

    Match help

    Reminds me of the "Lonesome Pines" special w/ Jarrett and Dutch Mantel. It was on Wrestlecrap back in the day. They had a match with no audience, just an orchestra that would play instruments whenever a spot was hit.
  8. JJMc

    Marty Jannetty was thisclose...

    There's no way a Rocker reunion wouldn't be awesome. I'm not saying it wouldn't get stale, but for a couple of shots, it's a no brainer.
  9. JJMc

    When / If Angle Returns to the ring

    Yeah, what the hell? It's not like the product is on fire. Why not pull the trigger on something new? If it fails, it's not like they'll take a big hit.
  10. I met Greg Valentine at a local show in Haverhill, MA in February '97. I don't think I talked to him much...I was only 11 at the time. He seemed cool in this picture, though.
  11. JJMc

    IGN Boards

    Is anyone a registered member of the IGN boards that would want to let me "borrow" their username and password? I just need to get onto one of the boards and don't feel like shelling out the money. I could give whomever it is a free tape or something... Thanks a lot. -Jim
  12. JJMc

    Scripts from Heat...

    you forgot With.
  13. JJMc

    Movies you wanted to see badly

    Narc- Big Ray Liotta fan....shut it off after 10 minutes. the 25th hour- Big Edward Norton fan....maybe it was because I watched a shitty VCD of it, but it felt like it just dragged on and on then ended without any payoff.
  14. JJMc

    Clearing out tapes..

    Hey guys, sorry I took so long replying. I forgot I posted this here...I only checked ITSC and Crazy Max for any bites. Anyway, in response... OrangeGoblin: I've actually never watched it. The only thing I have seen is a Sid interview at the beginning. I'm sorry. If you really want, I'll skim through and write down a few things. Manof1004 modes: Rumble '94....I guess $9 would do it. email me if you're still interested, or post here. [email protected] Thanks guys. -Jim
  15. No trades, but I'll pretty much take any cash offers on these that are within reason. just email me with an offer and I'll accept or shoot yo ass down. -Jim [email protected] 1. Raw 10/2/00 (EX SP master) 2. WCW Uncensored '96 (1st gen-tracking problems) 3. Armageddon 2000 4. Survivor Series 2000 5. Survivor Series '87 live PPV version (FR/PR) 6. " " " " '88 " "" "" 7. " " " " w/ SS Showdown and PPV preshow (FR/GD) 8. Best of Dory Funk Jr., Titan's Hot Ticket: WM's History and Heroes, Titan's Hot Ticket: Hogan Real American (FR/GD) 9. Best of Raw Summer '97 (GD) 10. Survivor Series '95 (1st gen) 11. Ric Flair in WWF comp (debut to mid '92) 12. Family Matters episodes 13. TNA PPVs 3/12/03-3/26/03 14. WWE Bottom Line 8/19/02, 9/13/02 15. WWF Summerslam '99/Armageddon '99 (PPV 1st gens) 16. Royal Rumble '95 (CHV 1st gen) 17. Beyond the Mat (EX 1st gen of VHS version) 18. WCW Worldwide 3/18/01 19. WCW Worldwide 12/16/00 20. Marty Jannetty shoot interview (1st gen) 21. Wrestlemania 18 (PPV master) 22. Rumble '02 (PPV master) 23. Summerslam '02 (PPV master) MASTERS: -WWF Battle of the Superstars '90 (box cut) -Wrestlemania V (Coliseum video-box a little banged up) -WWF Battle of the Superstars '92 (box cut to fit plastic case) -WWF Survivor Series '93 (box was cut & folded, but was reconstructed) -Best of International Champ. Wrestling (Poffo) (1994) -Royal Rumble '94 (box cut to fit plastic case) -WWF World Tour (w/ Bulldog on cover)(box in EX condition) -WWF Crunch Classic (box in EX condition)
  16. JJMc

    Hotmail upgrading

    I don't know what it is...I've had the same hotmail account for over 3 years and I cant remember ONCE getting anything resembling spam. Weird.
  17. JJMc

    Marty Jannetty was thisclose...

    I was just gonna say that. He looked cut in the shoot interview, and his complexion looked a lot better. He also claimed "he can still do all he used to do and more."
  18. JJMc

    Low Carb Sodas coming soon...

    Hey, shifting gears a little, they don't still make Pepsi Blue, do they? I think I may have been the only one on the planet who liked that stuff. -Jim
  19. JJMc

    Identify these shows for me...

    You guys rule! Thanks to everyone...
  20. Ok, one was from '95ish. It was part of the TGIF lineup for a VERY short time. It was a black comedy about an older half brother whose parents had died, thus he is left to take care of his siblings. Help? Now, this one has really been bugging me. It was from '97 or '98 and was on ABC. It was about a boy (who may or may not have been the kid from Liar, Liar) living with his father and his goof off uncle Bobby. There was one ep where both the Uncle and the father end up banging the kid's teacher (dont mean to be so graphic). Any help on these is appreciated. -Jim
  21. JJMc

    The greatest night of television ever!

    You crazy Brits. I love some of the British sayings. Really. The best one is, instead of them saying "right away" (as Americans would), they say "straight away." Awesome.
  22. JJMc

    How much do video game store clerks make?

    Great. Just great.
  23. JJMc

    Make me a CD

    Can I second this? Except just list the songs for me. I'm looking for some good rock songs from the 80s to now...I'm talking stuff you'd hear on any rock station. Just fire away.
  24. JJMc

    I am going to a New Found Glory concert next week.

    You know, I don't have a problem per se with NFG, but is the singer serious with that whiny voice? I know Billy Joe from Green Day does it, but this guy is just fucking off the chart.
  25. JJMc

    Who's the oldest poster on TSM?

    But Rantsylvania ceased to exist THREE years ago SLAMMED! I'll be 19 next month. I came around during the "yellow board" days. Maybe two years ago. I'm not sure..