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Everything posted by JJMc

  1. Well, bro, it looks like its only you and me who care, but... I have it on good authority that this whole thing has been cancelled. There was no classic U Pick shown today, and Nick has removed it from their website. (Sigh...)
  2. JJMc

    Piper's Shoot Interview

    If you want your mind blown, try Cornette's from 2000 or Heenan's...that is, if you like those guys.
  3. JJMc

    Paul London video

    Cool beans.
  4. JJMc

    Actors who you beleive

    Nicky Katt. Not Boston Public (I've never watched it). But I think his movies are great.
  5. JJMc

    My First Post

    EDIT: Nevermind.
  6. JJMc

    DVD Burning

    I've never seen a recorder that didn't have at least 3 speeds. These are called different names depending on the brand, but... XP (HQ)=1 hr SP=2 hrs LP=3 hrs SLP/EP=4 hrs Some also have a 6 hour option.
  7. Hey Dude's in the lead for Monday! Oh yeah! You know, sometimes I worry about myself, getting so excited over Nickelodeon shows from the 80s.
  8. I voted for Don't Just sit There only because I've never seen it. Pete & Pete was ok, but I liked the shorter, older ones better. And what the hell is Nick Cannon anyway?
  9. JJMc

    Fuck Ups At Work

    I work at a Shell station and we fill propane tanks (mostly the ones you'd use on a gas grill). One time the nozzle wasn't in tight enough and it shot off, filling the cage with gas. Then there's the countless times I've overpumped peoples' gas. (putting in more than they asked for).
  10. JJMc


    When's your graduation?: June 6th, 2003 Are you going to your prom?: no What are you doing afterwords/that weekend?:I worked I think. When's your prom?:May 9, 2003 Got a limo?: no A tux/dress?:no A date?:no What college are you going to next year?:Fitchburg State College (Massachusetts) What's your major?: Communications/media Are you commuting or staying on campus?:campus If not college, what are you going to do?: Did you get any awards/scholarships?:One scholarship from my local paper for 5 years of being a paperboy. Yahoo. Other stuff: The job I had that summer was the worst ever. I won't even get into it. It culminated with me being let go in mid-July because of cutbacks and me actually being happy about it. Cool thread, thanks.
  11. I thought I was the only one who noticed that......did they do that with Salute Your Shorts yesterday?
  12. JJMc

    Moves which went out of fashion

    Stepover toehold.
  13. JJMc

    Steroid Survivor

    Brandi as Doink, eh? So is that gimmick public domain? Because I've seen guys all over using it. There was one show in Lawrence, MA (right near me) like a year ago, and they advertised "Doink the Clown from the WWE" . It was this cheap ass knockoff version. So what's the deal?
  14. What I've seen a lot of guys do is $2 for every match/segment/whatever. Some people think it's too high, but when you have to sit and fish for a shitload of matches, you realize its right on.
  15. Wait a sec, so was Hey Dude played on Friday? If so, they better play it again sometime. SYS was on GAS last summer, so that one isn't as big of a deal to me...
  16. JJMc


    I liked it. Great production quality, and that's basically all it takes. I kind of liked the Worldwidish lighting. It was nice instead of the WWF's WHAT WILL HAPPEN TONIGHT~!?! atmosphere.
  17. JJMc

    I'm contemplating shaving my head.

    This man know.
  18. JJMc

    Why or why not?

    Guys, I just picked it up and it is definitely worth it. I haven't even watched any of the matches. The ceremony alone is worth the purchase price. Hell, even Heenan's speech (speach?, I can never get these straight) is worth it. A great DVD, and a nice departure from the kind of DVDs they usually put out.
  19. JJMc

    A Free Video Editing Program

    Hey, how is Final Cut Express compared to Pro? Any idea? I've only used express, and I was thinking about getting Pro, but I dont want to be lost when I get it. -JM
  20. JJMc

    Do you even care anymore...

    I really don't. I watch Raw occasionally, but that's all. No Smackdown, no nothing. I don't hate it, I've just sort of outgrown it partially.
  21. JJMc

    Tired WWE Plot Devices

    I love Nash. Really, I do.
  22. JJMc

    The nWo in '97

    Just got in three comps of the NWO from like late '96 onward. I don't if its just because I never paid attention at the time, but this stuff just amazes me. I haven't watched wrestling in over a month, but I'm glued to this stuff. It was just so fresh at the time...the beatdowns, hijacking the announce table, and I remembered how cool it was when wrestling started firing on all cylinders and had so much energy. I didn't really have a direction with this, I just felt like sharing it because I haven't been this entertained with wrestling in months. And wasn't even "crash TV" really. It was just good, fresh shit. I'd love to see another group hit this pinnacle again. Thoughts? Thanks. -Jim EDIT: If you wanna check these out, they're from Corey's Wrestling Video archives (via someone else). The web addy escapes me right now.
  23. JJMc

    College Major

    Communications Media, with a concentration on digital video production.
  24. JJMc

    favorite shoot interviews

    I NEVER get tired of: Bobby Heenan, Cornette '00 & '03, Jake Roberts, Honky Tonk Man Great stuff. Especially Cornette '00 and Heenan.