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Everything posted by JJMc

  1. JJMc

    Your teams biggest heartbreaking moment

    I don't give a fuck if anyone's already said it, the '03 ALCS. It wasn't so much the Boone homer, because the writing was on the wall at that point. What pissed me off was that little blooper Posada hit off of Pedro. The only other one in my lifetime was '86, but I was only a year old, so I don't count that.
  2. JJMc

    Commentary Teams of the 80's-90's

    Mike McGuirk?!?! WTF?! And I forgot about Ron Trongard...damn.
  3. JJMc


    Wh.., ya, um, yea...WHAT?
  4. JJMc

    ***** Albums in Your Collection

    oh COME ON!!!!!! I stood idly by while people pimped Green Day as ***** stars, but this? Bah. Who cares? It's totally an opinion thing. There's a few subpar songs, but I think everything else is really great. And for the record, I loved Dookie too, so fuckin' a. Later-Jim A ***** album isn't subjective, bub...its all in the pudding. Collective Soul just sin't very good. They could even be considered to be the first of the MANY Pearl Jam-clone bands manufactored during the later stages of the 90's onwards to today. Alright, fuck it.
  5. JJMc

    My one problem with Eugene

    My thoughts exactly..
  6. Looking to get ahold of Red Sox games from these years. I'd prefer them taped from NESN or TV38 (the Red Sox channels), but I'll take anything. Leave a reply or drop me an email. Don't leave a PM, because I never check for them. Thanks-Jim EDIT: <i>regular season</i> games, please.
  7. JJMc

    Frozen post count?

    I've posted like 6 messages and the count stays the same? Anyone? EDIT: it just went up.
  8. JJMc

    Why did you name yourself THAT?

    Double double post post.
  9. JJMc

    Why did you name yourself THAT?

    I wasn't really talking about people on this board, but yeah, you've got a point.
  10. JJMc

    Why did you name yourself THAT?

    I wasn't really talking about people on this board, but yeah, you've got a point.
  11. JJMc

    ***** Albums in Your Collection

    oh COME ON!!!!!! I stood idly by while people pimped Green Day as ***** stars, but this? Bah. Who cares? It's totally an opinion thing. There's a few subpar songs, but I think everything else is really great. And for the record, I loved Dookie too, so fuckin' a. Later-Jim
  12. JJMc

    Propane or charcoal?

    I work at a Texaco station and we fill propane tanks, just the regular 20 pounders like you'd put on a gas grill. Anyway, my dad has always used charcoal instead of gas. He claims it tastes better. What do you guys think? Most people I know use gas, for convenience sake, I guess. Sorry if this is on the wrong folder. -Jim www.jmtapes.com
  13. JJMc

    Why did you name yourself THAT?

    JMTapes... Let's see.. When I first started trading tapes, I had a site "Jim's WWF Tapes" (My name being Jim). Then I got AOL, and I went to register that name, but it was taken. So I came up with Jmtapes instead. "JM" for Jim McCarron..and "Tapes" for tapes. Lately, I've been wanting to change it, but I'm afraid it would be too much of a pain (no one would know who I am etc.) Fuckin' a...
  14. JJMc

    What sports do you SERIOUSLY play?

    Hmmm.....I can't think of how best to describe it. It's basically like a reward for playing a sport well.......then you put the letter(which is the intial of your school) and put it on a jacket(usually a special jacket with the schools colors) to show everyone that you play that sport and that you play it well. It's like an honor thing. "Lettering", at least in high school, is competing on a varsity team for an entire season.
  15. JJMc

    Go Video Dual Deck VCRs

    I would just go with two VCRs. You get more flexability that way. -Jim
  16. JJMc

    ***** Albums in Your Collection

    Nirvana-Unplugged Queens of the Stoneage-Songs for the Deaf Collective Soul- Self Titled
  17. JJMc

    Syracuse changes school nickname

    Fuck that- it was about consistency, not PC. All Michigan players are Wolverines, all Notre Dame players are the Fighting Irish, and now, all SU athletes are The Orange. It gives a sense of unity, and I like that. I'm happy that we got one name, one color scheme, one logo. You'd be surprised how many freaking SU logos there are- the one with the big S with 1870 underneath it, the basketball logo, Otto- it was frustrating. Not to mention how all the teams had a different shade of blue- royal, navy, midnight- it's a wonder no one had Carolina blue as a uniform color. It was ugly, and it needed to be fixed. I, for one, am glad they did it. Good job Syracuse. Point taken.
  18. JJMc

    Syracuse changes school nickname

    Yeah they wanted to accentuate the color orange. Sure.. Why the fuck does everything have to be 100% politically correct all of the time? Pussies.
  19. JJMc

    Brian Christopher Released

    Fuck 'em. Who cares..?
  20. JJMc

    the best wwe dvd ever?

    I like the Hulk one. You know, people always talk shit about Hogan, but I really think he is cool to listen to when he's just doing the studio interviews like this and not the "c'mon, stop cheering" bullshit in the ring. -Jim
  21. My thoughts exactly. If they aren't married, how the FUCK is she entitled to anything? I never understood that...
  22. JJMc

    Frozen post count?

    Yes. And look, my count went up. EDIT: Yes, I was posting in Hardcore, which explains it. Thanks!
  23. JJMc

    Home remedies

    I hate drugs...really. I mean weed I can kind of understand, but anything else is just retarded. Why would you even pick it up once?
  24. JJMc


    Yeah, there's actually a video of that. My roommate had it a while back. Very weird...
  25. JJMc

    the Return of the Weazel!

    I think he'd be great with Cole/Tazz.