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Everything posted by JJMc

  1. JJMc

    NWA North American Title

    Pardon me, but when the fuck has this worked in the past 5 or so years?
  2. JJMc

    Details on the new WWE show

    Haha. That's funny. Really..
  3. That was the first thing that popped into my head, too. Whatever the gimmick is, it'll burn out eventually when they get lazy and run out of ideas.
  4. It's ***HEENAN*** God DAMN it, I hate that.
  5. Forgive my ignorance, but was that "Lance Storm Released" thread a while back fake? I thought it was the real McCoy. Plus, I haven't watched Raw in a month...
  6. JJMc

    Smackdown Rating

    Smackdown just pain sucks. Really. If you were a casual fan (as I have recently become again), which would you prefer? Raw, which is live, has energy running through the building, and has seemingly more "big names" (Austin, Rock, Foley, et al.) or Smackdown, Thunder's big brother? I've been saying this for years. SD's production values suck, partly due to it being on UPN, a brodcast network, but a low powered one at that. The picture looks all grainy and overexposed. Honestly, I think that is why it seems like the inferior show, not because of the product itself.
  7. 1. Test 2. Kurt Angle 3. Dudleys (not Spike so much) 4. Stephanie 5. Biscoff (just his music...and when he makes some STUPID ASS match that means nothing. "Hey, so and so, you're gonna be in a NO DQ MATCH. Whooaaaa!!! Sound the fuckin alarm! Never seen that before.)
  8. JJMc

    Which concerts have you been to

    Not many, but: 12/2/02 FleetCenter, Boston: Guns N Roses, CKY 3/13/03 Axis, Boston: CKY, Memento, Atreyu 4/2/04 Tsongas Arena, Lowell MA: WAAF Indoor Beach Party: Unearth, Drowning Pool, Hatebreed, Damage Plan
  9. JJMc

    SummerSlam in Florida?

    I was just wondering, do you take the time to always italicize Wrestlemania...or do you have some kind of preset that does it? Because you've been doing it since before Mania XX.
  10. JJMc

    What the hell is this?

    This picture below says it all. This warning pops up every few minutes. What is it?
  11. JJMc

    Google does Email

    Yeah, I'm juiced in with 6 MB too, and I don't save most of my messages anyway. Plus I also use Hotmail. I really don't like how they blatantly look at your messages, though.
  12. JJMc

    What the hell is this?

    I'm really not "worried" in the traditional sense, it's just annoying and I want it gone.
  13. One time, these teeny bopper girls in the back of the theatre were giggling and being obnoxious right as the movie was starting. All of a sudden, as I was about to lose it, this hispanic guy about 5 rows down yells "CHILL!!!" and they stopped COLD. Funny as hell.
  14. JJMc

    TNA-FSN info from Observer

    $29.95? Geez... I haven't ordered one since October of '02, and even then I didn't think it was worth $9.95. Could be just me, though.
  15. JJMc

    Non-Fans watched Shelton/HHH with me...

    Hey, he used a variation inverted DDT in the match too! I thought it was a really cool finisher, myself.
  16. For the past week or so, whenever I start XP, and installer pops up for Microsoft Office. It says its installing something, then it says it can't find a certain file. The thing is, I've had Office on there for months and it only started doing it recently. It's more of an annoyance than anything else. How can I stop it from popping up every damn time? -Jim
  17. JJMc

    WWE Talent Pool

    These would be my rosters if it were up to me. WRESTLERS RAW A-Train Batista (World Tag Team Champion) Chris Benoit (World Heavyweight Champion) Chris Jericho Christopher Nowinski Chuck Palumbo Edge Gail Kim Kane Christian Lance Storm Lita Mark Henry Matt Hardy Maven Molly Holly Nidia Randy Orton (WWE Intercontinental Champion) Rhyno Rodney Mack Scott Steiner Shawn Michaels Shelton Benjamin Steven Richards Tajiri The Hurricane The Rock Tommy Dreamer Triple H Trish Stratus Victoria (WWE Women's Champion) SMACKDOWN Akio Big Show Booker T Charlie Haas Chavo Guerrero (WWE Cruiserweight Champion) D-Von Dudley Eddie Guerrero (WWE Champion) Jamie Noble John Cena Johnny Stamboli Mark Jindrak Nunzio Paul London Rene Dupree Rey Mysterio Rico Rob Van Dam Sakoda Sean O'Haire Shannon Moore Spike Dudley Undertaker
  18. JJMc

    problem when starting Windows

    A ha! Thank you. If only I had a real copy and didn't download it on Kazaa. Oh well. Thanks again! -Jim
  19. JJMc

    An ECW rivial

    No MOTHERFUCKING General Manager/ceo/sherriff/commish/president/advisor. NO!
  20. That's correct. Actually, a lot of people don't realize that the Loser Leaves Town match was taped. It aired the day after the Rumble but took place the previous Monday. Had it been live, that would have been a killer day - fly from Sacramento to NYC then fly back to CA to do the syndie tapings. WOW. You learn something new every day.
  21. JJMc

    Insignificant beef...

    Bret Hart used to say "the WCW." "The Wrestlemania", "The Summerslam" And to the original poster, yes, I feel ya.
  22. JJMc

    [Long] How the WWE is killing itself:

    Kind of a moot point by now, but After Burn and Bottom Line are an hour each last I checked, not 30 minutes as originally stated. -Jim
  23. JJMc

    New WWE Classic Figures

    Studd w/ the Tag Title?!