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Everything posted by JJMc

  1. Ditto. VHS or DVD. -Jim
  2. JJMc

    Decline of catch phrases

    Welcome to my signature.
  3. JJMc

    WWF syndies

    Back in about '97-'99, there were a handful of sydicated WWF shows, all with virtually the same matches, sometimes in a different order and with different commentary. We had: -Shotgun Saturday Night -Shotgun Challenge (later just 'Shotgun') -WWF New York -11: Alive Then when Shotgun was axed in '99, Jakked took its place. And Metal took the place of Shotgun Challenge. I guess the question is why did they have so damn many versions of the same show? WWF New York and 11:Alive were just not necessary, I'm sorry. Just ramblin' on..
  4. JJMc

    WWF syndies

    Yes!!! I remember that also. That was the first and only time I got it in my area. And I never remember there being one w/ Dok in the studio...
  5. JJMc

    WWF syndies

    That was a fun read, thanks! While we're at it, does anybody remember WWF Metal in spanish/know if they play any other shows in Espanol these days? That was funnier than hell. -Jim
  6. JJMc

    WWE Hall Of Fame

    induction. We're talking Shawn Michaels, not Vince McMahon. Bah-zing! That was great. Didn't catch that the first time around! EDIT: and the Rhodes duo did NOT go over at Rumble '91.
  7. Why do you care so much about an marketing idea that's only two years old? I'm not sure I understand, bro. Are you referring to interpromotional matches being two years old? If so, that's not my point. The point is, we can't have it if this brand is going to take off. It's needs to be treated like a totally seperate entity. No clips of Raw, Smackdown, etc. on the show and vice versa. The bottom line is that they want two brands, but they consistantly offer us reminders that both brands are essentially the same. Including: -Joint PPVs (I know that having just brand only PPVs would be cheating the paying customer somewhat, but my opinion stands) -Cole/Tazz doing drop ins during Raw promoting PPV matchups. I couldnt say for certain if JR/King do it on SD since I don't watch it. -Raw highlights on SD of Austin/Goldberg. Makes sense for the Lesnar/Goldberg feud, but how about just having them trashtalk eachother the way Goldberg did with "I'm hunting your ass..." He didn't get on the mic and play it up, he just said it. Makes it seem more legit. -When a wrestler jumps to another brand, (take Matt Hardy for example) the brand that he left (SD) has somebody say something like "he went to Raw, his contract was up." Why not just let it go? If it wasn't explained, so what? When someone would leave and show up in WCW, they just let it be. I know I'm going to get a lot of crap for this one, but I think you guys can understand my point. I kind of lost where I was headed, but I think I've made a strong point. -JM
  8. Again, Id absolutely love to see this. To me, though, making it anything BUT a Heat/Velocity clone with the WWE logo in the corner would eventually take viewers away from SD/Raw and lord knows we can't have that.. And no FUCKING "INTERPROMOTIONAL" matches on the big PPVs one month after it launches.
  9. What's the deal with H being on a Smackdown tour? And the red ropes?
  10. I agree about Confidential. I knew the whole "shoot TV" thing wouldn't last. There's only so many topics you can cover. They just happened to (excuse my insensitivity) strike it rich w/ Davey dying right before the second week.
  11. This sucks because I'm really pumped up now and I know it's not for real...
  12. JJMc

    All divas...all the time

    Yes siree Bob.
  13. JJMc

    Some Notes n tidbits

    Yeah, it would make sense to have him and all the other greats, but we've already done the Hogan nostalgia thing a couple of times. To do it again would be redundant.
  14. JJMc

    The ONE and ONLY........

    Don't!!! I'm having the same problem!
  15. Yeah, but that was done in context. It's not like they were hyping up something completely unrelated on that show, just showing that Goldberg's talkiing trash about an SD superstar. Yeah, that's true. I just hate it because it takes away from the two seperate brands thing.
  16. JJMc

    Cover of Monday Night War DVD

    Isn't that already on the Flair DVD?
  17. Fine, but there should be NO references to Raw, Smackdown or anything outside of itself. I can't stand it when we see Raw clips on SD, like last week w/ GB & Lesnar.
  18. It was Livewire, asshole. I KNOW my recap shows.
  19. JJMc

    Shawn Michaels 1994

    I think he was banged up from the ladder match and other and just took some time off. -Jim
  20. JJMc

    A few WWF 1993 questions

    Shifting gears a bit, I dug up this excerpt from a newsgroup: - WWF has WrestleMania on 04/04/93 at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas. The tentative line-up looks like this: - Bret Hart vs. Yokozuna for the WWF Title - Hulk Hogan & Brutus Beefcake vs. Money, Inc. for the WWF Tag Titles - Steiners vs. Headshrinkers - Tatanka vs. Shawn Michaels for the IC Title - Giant Gonzales vs. Undertaker - Curt Hennig vs. Lex Luger - Crush vs. Doink the Clown *- Bob Backlund vs. Razor Ramon *- Jerry Lawler vs. Genichiro Tenryu Two new match announced this past weekend on TV, although there is talk the final match won't take place. Now I'm very familiar w/ this time period and I don't EVER recall the Lawler/Tenryu match being announced. Anyone?
  21. Can we try not to have the typical thread: "Yes, I'd like a link, please" "Yes, me also" "Yup, count me in, LOL" Just post the fuckin thing if you get it.
  22. JJMc

    Anyone here ever...

    I'd like to do something like that, but I'm afraid I'd completely fuck up my X-Box. Does anyone know of any place that will mod your x-box FOR you? You can get a mod chip that requires no soldering. Yes, you can. that's what my friend did.
  23. JJMc

    DV Cams...

    Hey, thanks. I appreciate it. -Jim
  24. JJMc

    Anyone here ever...

    My friend modded his a while back. He put in a 120 GB hard drive and somehow was able to store full games right on it and play them without the disk. He also had NES, Genesis, SNES and arcade roms. It was sweet.