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Everything posted by JJMc

  1. ...and it gave me about 3 billion ".tar" achives, each containing a .bin and a .cue file. Now, how would I go about viewing and/or burning this? Thanks-Jim PS- and I know Nero reads bin and cue files, but there are like 20 of each..
  2. JJMc

    I actually think the brand extension..

    True, the midcarders don't get enough time, but did you really expect that sort of thing to happen? Really.
  3. JJMc

    I actually think the brand extension..

    Yeah, I think it worked out to a degree.
  4. JJMc

    Plug me in.

    I'm looking for some new stuff to watch over break. Shoot me an email if you want to set anything up. -Raven shoot (both parts) -Cornette shoot '03 -WWE Bloodbath Also, the Lawler, Bigelow '03, Piper RF, and pretty much any shoot are wanted. Thanks-Jim [email protected]
  5. JJMc

    Downloaded the Flair DVD and..

    Thanks guys. Yeah, I am getting it for XMas, but I just couldn't wait. Actually, I only downloaded a third of it and it was 814 MB. I'll probably just forget it until then. It seems like a pain in the ass. Thanks again. -Jim
  6. JJMc

    IRC problem

    Every time I try to download a fie from IRC, it says its about to be sent, but then it says I cant recieve it because the "file type is ignored." Even when I turn off the firewall, it still won't work. Anybody at all?
  7. JJMc

    What's your major?

    BS in Communications Media w/ a concentration on video production. This is only my first year, and it'll probably take me five to complete. AHHHHHHHHHH, no!!
  8. JJMc

    IRC problem

    Ok, here's a screen of what happened. I waited in a queue for over an hour only to have this happen.
  9. JJMc

    IRC problem

    Nope, same fuckin' thing happened. Anyone else? This is pissing me off. I finally learned how to use IRC after like 2 years of trying and when I learn it doesn't work...bah. -JM
  10. That kinda sucks. He seemed like an ok guy. Plus, I'm not big on workrate, so his matches really didn't bother me. Oh well..
  11. JJMc

    Your first car?

    Still on my first. 1994 white Buick Skylark. Had it just over a year. It's an old man car, but I love the damn thing.
  12. JJMc

    New Wendy's Sandwich

    I ate two of the burgers lat night right before bed and was awake from 4:30-6 with SEVERE abdominal pain. Probably just because I ate it then went right to sleep, but FUCK. They were awesomely good, though.
  13. JJMc

    Can someone send me Kazaa Lite?

    Um, no. 404 bad gateway.
  14. JJMc

    Can someone send me Kazaa Lite?

    Thanks bro~~~!!
  15. Shawshank Redemption & Dazed and Confused
  16. JJMc

    Hebrew Hammer

    Adam Goldberg is God.
  17. JJMc

    Confidential Preview

    I'm Jonesing here for Livewire...I need to cap the one w/ Russo for all to see.
  18. I need to know the procedure for formatting a friend's computer. He's running XP pro. Thanks-Jim
  19. JJMc

    How many of you...

    I'm with ya there..
  20. JJMc

    One good thing about 2003

    I agree. Years ago, I could recite every title change back to Backlund. Then around '99, I lost it. Now in '03, I seem to be getting it back. WHOOOO!!! YAAAA!!! Ya. -Jimbo
  21. JJMc

    What went wrong here?

    Oh, well excuse the shit out of me....
  22. JJMc

    What went wrong here?

    Ok, I upgraded my old HP Pavilion w/ a new MB and Athlon XP 2500 and was trying to install XP over 98 and something went really wrong. It said it needed to restart to make the changes or whatever. So it restarts, and as its coming back up, all it says on the screen is -SOMETHING- like "NTVDR missing...press any key to continue" So I press a key, then it says "boot failed...press any key to continue." Rinse, lather, repeat, can't boot the thing. Also, when I first booted it with 98 after doing the upgrade and before I even tried to install XP, as it was locating all the new hardware it would say "some files have been replaced w/ older files by a program you recently ran." Could this be it? What can I do? All I wanted to do was get XP on there... Any help is greatly awaited. -Big Jimmm
  23. JJMc

    I have the greatest tape evr

    You hhheld-down your brother on his birthday. Apologize to him and buy him lunch. First communion day, asshole.