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Everything posted by JJMc

  1. JJMc

    Moondog Spot dies in the ring

    Weird. And I just watched the Honky Tonk Man shoot the other day where he talks about teaming w/ Larry, the Tupelo concession stand brawl, etc. Well, he's in a better place now.
  2. JJMc

    WCW Saturday Night

    The Women's cruiser belt was created (I believe) because the Women's champ, Akira Hokuto, was based in Japan and never defended the damn thing for WCW. Consequently, they made the Cruiser belt, defended primarily for GAEA (also in JAPAN!). WTF?!
  3. JJMc

    What went wrong here?

    Preinstalled OS and XP was a burned copy.
  4. JJMc

    Robbie Williams

    Honest, I thought it said Robin Williams. I see "he's a hell of a singer" and start thinking about the opening scene in Mrs. Doubtfire...hehe. Yup.
  5. They're coming....I PROMISE!!!
  6. JJMc

    quick question

    Dan Severn maybe? I'm kinda drawing a blank here...
  7. JJMc

    Nov 21st House Show results

    Wasn't HHH supposed to be leaving? No, really, I'd like an answer. Thanks.
  8. I'll see what I can do.....BWAHAHAHA!!! No, really. If I can get off my ass this weekend, I'll give it a shot.
  9. JJMc

    Ric Flair DVD

    I've been to BB twice now and there are NO copies of the Bloodbath DVD. What the fuck?
  10. Did anyone else notice that they didn't even announce McMahon as the winner or play his music? I thought that was kind of strange.
  11. JJMc

    ESPN's "Playmakers" Season Finale

    This man know. Word.
  12. He did it because it was kind of stupid. Technically, if Brock was TKO'ing people,why not Show who actually looks like he could legit do it. I can understand that, but if Show or anyone else would have been better suited doing it, why weren't they already? That's the whole point to me. Having someone who is above everyone else and not like them in any way, even if there still are bigger guys than them. I'm not arguing with you, I'm just telling it like I see it. This is one of the only things that REALLY pisses me off about HHH, because honestly, I like him to a certain degree. But the shit he pulls sometimes....and they FUCKING LISTEN TO HIM, STILL. Deep breath.... -JM
  13. JJMc

    This site sucks

    Maybe if you fucking registered, you would accumulate 'loads of messages.'
  14. JJMc

    Smarks EZBoard alumni roll call

    I came in right before the yellow Smarkboard, which if I'm correct was late '01. JMTapes the whole way.
  15. To me the mystique was gone when HHH (yes, that's who fucking did it) stopped the matches from ending via ref's decision.
  16. JJMc

    Could kayfabe work in this day and age...

    Not really related to the thread, but I really think they should pull the trigger on this. People seem to really like it and I think it would draw in people who don't normally tune in. My $.02. -JM
  17. JJMc

    Raw Rating rises

    I don't understand why people say things like this. Just because a certain wrestler is on TV one week and the show gets a high rating doesn't mean they are a draw, necessarily. A draw to me is Hogan in the late 80s or Austin in mid '98, someone who draws people to shows.
  18. JJMc

    Really Weird Dream, Freaky Ending

    Frozenblock, these pics are seriously fucked.
  19. Johnson & Johnson adhesive tape works good.
  20. JJMc

    How many people here

    Thanks for the offer, but I'm taking my chances on ebay for belts.... Is it Alliance Edition? Blank nameplate? Yes, it's the Alliance Edition, but with the Angle nameplate. Good luck on ebay!
  21. Loved: WM IX, Rumble '94 Hated: WM 18, Slam '01
  22. JJMc

    Updated Flair DVD specs

    The funeral parlor segment did have the real belt. They showed pictures in WWF Magazine later on w/o the distortion. And in Raw magazine several years back Jim Cornette wrote an article about the NWA and they showed the same picture.
  23. JJMc

    Hogan/Piper, Warrior/Andre, Flair/Piper

    The finish to the 1st one could have been botched, so they brought 'em back out and edited the matches together later on. Yeah. I went to a Challenge taping in '95 and they had 123 Kid VS. Hakushi AT LEAST twice.
  24. JJMc

    DVD burner...

    Put the DVD face to face with a blank, and put four magnets on each side. Then tap it four times with a Sharpie. Throw them both in the microwave for 4:20. Take it out, and you've got a burned DVD. Can't I just bite the DVD and read the dialogue from the show I want to tape? Yeah, I forgot that part. You can also cook a tv dinner while the cds are in there. Healthy Choice dinners work the best.
  25. JJMc

    Jake Roberts Shoots

    Jake rules. Unquestionably my favorite of all time. The drug thing doesn't really bother me. At least he's honest about it.