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Everything posted by JJMc

  1. JJMc

    How many people here

    Do you want to buy my BGB? $95 shipped w/ curved plates.. [email protected]
  2. JJMc

    Bane & Seven from OVW

    Why can't anybody use a gimmick name these days?
  3. JJMc


    EDIT: Nevermind,.
  4. Well as long as its back up, yes, Rock's SS sucks. He doesn't even rock back half way and he acts like he's fighting for his life.
  5. Switch Angle for Andre and you've got mine.
  6. JJMc

    When does Edge come back?

    I think he needs a re-packaging. Now that doesn't mean as much as it used to because nowadays everyone is booked 50/50 and jobbed to the same people. But still, the whole Rob Zombie charasmatic face gimmick is a little tired if you ask me.
  7. JJMc

    DVD burner...

    Put the DVD face to face with a blank, and put four magnets on each side. Then tap it four times with a Sharpie. Throw them both in the microwave for 4:20. Take it out, and you've got a burned DVD.
  8. JJMc

    Flair to RVD: How about a Figure Four?

    It's time....to play....SEMANTICS!!! It wasn't the WWE at the time! And the other day, I saw one that said "WWE Champion Billy Graham" or some stupid shit like that. FUCK I hate that.
  9. JJMc

    DVD burner...

    You can get a 5 pack for like 13.00 at Best Buy, sometimes cheaper.
  10. JJMc

    Its Official:

    Smackdown just feels bush league. I think it's Cole & Tazz that really drive it home. Plus that STUPID fucking "fist" set. FUCK I hate that. Raw, no matter how bad the previous week, always has me jakked to the same level. SD has never done that once for me except the first ep in 8/99. -JM And don't even get me started on Velocity.
  11. JJMc

    Borga vs. Tatanka!!!

    I've got this match somewhere. Maybe Santa will bring it to you. -Jimbo cough email me: [email protected] cough
  12. JJMc

    Something I've always wondered...

    Didn't he lose it AFTER coming to the WWF? In '01 or so? Maybe it's just me.
  13. JJMc

    Steroid news

    How can Hogan not be? And Vince has to be, right?
  14. JJMc

    The Other Hart Brothers

    I always thought this was Bruce. Neither one makes sense to me..
  15. JJMc

    Looking to Upgrade...

    I have a 5 yr old HP Pavilion that is slow as hell. It's got a 300 mHz AMD processor, 2 HDs (4 GB & 40 GB) and 256 MB of RAM. I think the RAM is reasonably good. Anyway, if I just bought a new motherboard and say a 2 gHz processor, and throw XP on there (also maybe up it to 512 MB of RAM), would that make it at least somewhat speedy? I don't need it to be lightning fast, just good for web browsing, etc. I'm looking to spend about $250 (we're talking used stuff here). I have no idea what this stuff would cost. Would this be in my price range? Any help is appreciated.
  16. JJMc

    What movie(s) did you watch today?

    Watched Pulp Fiction and Boondock Saints last night....
  17. JJMc

    The Other Hart Brothers

    Wasn't Owen ready to pack it up and become a fireman before the title feud, too?
  18. JJMc

    Looking to Upgrade...

    Thanks bro. So you'd go for a Celeron over say a Pentium III/IV?
  19. JJMc

    Looking to Upgrade...

    Actually, it is in a standard size case. I had to have this done after blowing the original power supply. The new power supply I bought wouldn't fit into the original case. And when you say "fun activity", do you mean "colossal pain in the ass", or "fun activity?" Thanks man. -Jim
  20. JJMc

    Good trade for the WWF?

    You heard right. I have a WWF mag previewing Summerslam saying that it would be Martel VS. Jannetty. Martel had been hurt for all of '93 and was set to some back around this time. He ended up coming back at a TV taping right after Summerslam. Peace. -JM
  21. No one really entertains me these days. They think signing people like Jimmy Yang, Nova, whoever will make some kind of an impact. They expect that it will change things for the viewers. They won't. No one will. Hogan and Steve Austin were 14 years apart. It might be a while.
  22. JJMc

    Where do you work?

    That's cool. I used to work landscaping, and although the work was backbreaking, the time we spent in the truck rolling from job to job was often long and kinda fun. Anywho, I work in the film lab at my school. I just sit at a desk and make sure people sign in and out. That's it. Nothing more. I used to work at the Texaco station near my house. It's an awesome summer job, but it BLOWS in the winter. The station also used to fill propane tanks, which was ok, but dangerous. One time, I was putting the nozzle into a tank and it wasn't on tight enough. The thing blew off, spewing propane everywhere.