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Everything posted by JJMc

  1. JJMc

    My VCR is fucked..

    Frozenblock, Just what the piss is that pic in your sig? Thanks! -JM
  2. JJMc

    TV DVD Box Sets

    Family Matters. I know it's on TV, but fuckin' a.
  3. JJMc

    Stu Hart dies

    What do you prefer they do instead? Just asking. They usually do it pretty classy. Curt Hennig's video package was wonderful. Yeah, you're right. I just hate WWF right now in general and it's boiling over. Sorry..
  4. JJMc

    Stu Hart dies

    I am sure they will show something on Smackdown, then have a full video package on Raw. RIP Stu. Followed by a feature story on next week's Confidential. You know, I'm really kind of getting sick of how they do that for some reason. "Hi I'm Gene Okerlund. Sadly, we've lost (wrestler X). And now a video package. {generic BS from WWE officials} 3 minutes later, cue the Confidential music. Up Next: Booker T. visits an army base! Fuck them.
  5. The box set versions are more or less the same as the PPV versions, if I'm not mistaken. -JM
  6. JJMc

    Scott Keith Ten Years Ago

    That's not even funny. I said the same thing when I first got it in '98.
  7. JJMc

    Survivor Series Main Event

    When will we move beyond HHH being a title contender? Seriously. Everyone else, no matter how big of a name (Hogan, Flair, Rock, Bret, etc.) have done it. Do they really think people want to see him w/ the belt? And don't say something like "he's banging Steph." Even Vince can't be that dumb, can he?
  8. JJMc


    Thanks guys. Much appreciated. Now if only I had money. -Jim
  9. JJMc


    This weekend, I went to Blockbuster on my way home from college to rent some wrestling tapes to put on DVD (an ongoing project of mine). When I got there, I realized that I had already rented everything they had that I didn't own. So, I glance over at the UFC tapes and decide to rent a couple just for the hell of it. I ended up with UFCs IX & XI. I don't know how good those are considered to be by everyone else, but I was really impressed and entertained. The way wrestling is these days, I think I may have found a new interest. Thanks-Jim
  10. JJMc

    Battle Royal @ Royal Albert Hall

    It's Boston Garden, not Gardens. No biggie, I think a lot of people don't know. Peace. -JM
  11. JJMc

    Let's make a change...

    I guess it all depends. If you're just converting from VHS, then a standalone is ok IMO. I don't want to go near an internal burner...just seems like too much work. Plus my capture card is terrible. -JM
  12. JJMc

    Old School TV format

    It would SO work on the main shows. Especially Raw, where it's live. Have someone like Rodney Mack or Dreamer come out and beat a jobber after the 25 minute opening promo. Or just before the main event. It gives the viewers a chance to cool down, and also to anticipate the next big segment. -JM
  13. JJMc

    Jeez, remember this?

    Isn't that pic just the Smoking Skull belt with a few other shits on it?
  14. JJMc

    Let's make a change...

    I have a standalone DVD recorder, and I've been putting a bunch of my Colieum masters onto DVD+R, lately. I couldn't be involved in any kind of ring at this time, though. I'm only home on the weekends and I'm just too busy overall. -Jim
  15. JJMc

    Anyone else

    You sound normal to me. Don't assume you're fucked up because you have other interests than 'everyone else.' Whatever makes you happy. Sounds cliche, but its true.
  16. I have two WWF ones that I made a couple of years ago. One of the links is dead, but fuckin' a. www.jmtapes.com go to 'comps/shoots', they're in there. EDIT: and I can do DVDs.
  17. JJMc

    RAW is BORE

    Right on with the tape idea. I'd really encourage anyone to dig up some old tapes. It's a great way to enjoy wrestling in a time when there ain't as much as there used to be. -JM Cough www.jmtapes.com ahem
  18. JJMc

    Survivor Series Format

    Yeah, but why blow that on one show? Not knocking it, I'm just saying...
  19. JJMc

    Where is Tom Green?

    It hasn't been on lately. Anyone know what's up? I don't think the ratings were THAT bad. -Jim
  20. JJMc

    Where is Tom Green?

    Who cares? EDIT: I replied with something obscene originally, but really, I liked the show and was just wondering if it was still on. What's with all the hatred for Tom Green?
  21. JJMc

    Anger Management

    Right on. Yeah, Big Daddy, Mr. Deeds, and Anger Management were all the same. Happy Gilmore was the last good movie from Sandler. Actually, Big Daddy was OK, but probably because it was the first of the suck streak. -JM
  22. JJMc

    Question about each brand...

    Not sure about house show business. I would guess that face champs would draw better. I really wouldn't like if they deliberatly (sp?) had one of each because that takes away from the whole "two seperate brands" thing in that it is made obvious that both are controlled by one.
  23. JJMc

    The Rock..........................................

    Man, wrestling needs the Rock. Don't pigeonhole it to RAW, everyone needs the Rock back. I disagree. They just need to move on. Take the Nestea plunge and go with different guys.
  24. Not what you think. I'm not referring to the NWA/WCW "Unified" Tag Titles from '93. I was just watching Superbrawl VIII, and there was a Tag Title match between the Steiners and the Outsiders. It is announced as being for the Unifed Tag Team Title, and the Steiners come out with two sets of belts. One is the classic WCW Tag Team Title, and the other is the belts that debuted in '97 (?) which I believe was some sort of NWO angle. My question is, how could you call them "Unified" when one set of belts was just an NWO knockoff? Maybe I'm forgetting something, I honestly don't know. Can someone help me out here? Thanks-JM
  25. JJMc

    WWE DVDs Question

    Good. I don't need the Heat match or Val Venis doing a personal appearance...