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Everything posted by JJMc

  1. JJMc


    So, when the switch from NTSC analog finally happens, what about the peoplw with "rabbit ears" (no cable)? Will they be able to get anything?
  2. You know, these old TV tapings get a bad rap, but I thought they were cool in a way. I went to a WWF Action Zone/Wrestling Challenge taping in '95 and I'll be damned if there weren't 30 matches. There were half a dozen feature matches, too. The main event was a six man with Bret and two partners that escape me against Jarrett, Hakushi, and another partner that escapes me. Hakushi also wrestled in a about 3 other jobber matches. One funny thing I remember is that Bob Holly wrestled somebody and they must have blew the finish or something, because the match after next, they came out and did the same match again. And lastly, some girl jumped the guardrail and onto the Undertaker as he made his way to the ring. I miss that format of TV. I think eventually, they'll have to go back to it.
  3. JJMc

    The Unreal Story Of Professional Wrestling

    It'd be funny to watch now, since it was first aired in May '98 right when wrestling started to really boom. If I remember, it was also aired in about 2002 under the name "Ringmasters" or something, but exactly the same show except for maybe a few different clips.
  4. JJMc

    Owen Hart's accident

    Yeah, the banned one was Under the Mat by Diana Hart. I sold it on ebay for $60 about 3 years ago. Don't know what it's going for now...
  5. JJMc

    Vladimir Petrov

    Lithuania, I believe.
  6. Late '91-early '92. It was right around the time that the steroid issue was coming to the forefront. I remember that being on one of the "Wrestlecrap" comp tapes.
  7. Rick Martel tells a story about Zenk leaving the WWF in his shoot. There had just been a dress code implemented, and Zenk showed up to TV with jeans, t-shirt, etc. Martel warned him, but apparantly Zenk was an asshole about it. Also, as someone else said, I believe he did bitch about his money. Anyway, finally, Martel chewed him out for acting the way he did, and Zenk left, having cleared it with Vince, who really couldn't have cared less.
  8. JJMc

    Most forgettable stint in a promotion

    Yeah, that was in '91/'92. They used to bring guys like that in (Carlos Colon in '93, Doug Gilbert in '96, Squat Team in '96, etc.) because they just didn't have enough guys to fill out the Rumble.
  9. You need a video capture card in your computer. You can get them just about anywhere.
  10. JJMc

    What brand is your toliet?

    American Standard.
  11. JJMc

    MAACO paintjobs

    I've been thinking of getting my car painted recently, and everyone I've talked to says that Maaco "blows, sucks, does a half-assed job, etc." It's a hell of a lot cheaper than going elsewhere, and with my car, it would be wiser seeing as how it is 12-13 years old and has 155,000 miles on it. The way I see it, how bad can it really be? I mean, if I get 8 months or a year out of it, then the car dies on me, I'm only out a few hundred. I guess what I'm asking is has anyone themself dealt with Maaco or known someone who has? What about the work gives it such a bad rep? I'd like to hear any info.
  12. JJMc

    new years (part 24) {volume 72}

    No contractions.
  13. JJMc

    Vengeance 02 on DVD or VHS

    Yeah, I remember thinking how stupid that was at the time. I think that they thought they were releasing too many DVDs, but then quickly realized that there was too much cash to be made.
  14. JJMc

    Wrestlemania VII DVD Review.

    Nice work. I agree with your points about the fast, effective squashes. In fact, I did a review for WM VII about 3 years ago (my only one ever) and brought up the same point for the Demolition match and a couple others. And that Rockers pre-match interview...was that done live from the PPV or was it tacked on from another show? Either way, it must be a DVD exclusive because it isn't on the Coliseum or VHS box set versions. Weird.
  15. JJMc

    Best squash/one-sided matches

    Not sure if it fits your criteria exactly, but there was that match in '01 where Mike Bell fucked up a hip toss, so Saturn threw him out of the ring and he landed right on his head. Ouch.
  16. JJMc

    Doink the Clown

    A few years ago, there was an ad for this bottom of the barrel show around here advertising "Doink the Clown from the WWE" and showing this guy in a horrible Doink costume and wearing make up that looked like it had been applied by a four year old.
  17. JJMc

    Those hippie ink-refill kits...

    This is about what I have heard from people I know who've used them.
  18. That's like when I used to be able to get HBO/Cinemax on TVs without a cable box. Then they fixed it so the channel is scrambled.
  19. JJMc

    Andre The Giant Stories

    Did KM ever come back from its hiatus? I haven't been able to find it since. Do you have a link?
  20. JJMc

    Your Height and Weight

    6'3", 185 lbs.
  21. JJMc

    How do you tansfer vhs to dvd

    Yeah, that's one of the main drawbacks. I just try not to focus too closely on stuff like that.
  22. JJMc

    Your favorite song of 2005

    Definitely a candidate. One of the most solid CKY tunes overall, too.
  23. JJMc

    How do you tansfer vhs to dvd

    Without a doubt. If you're just doing straight transfers, that's the best way to go. Shit, when I got mine, they were over $700!
  24. JJMc

    How do you tansfer vhs to dvd

    Not sure if you were asking me.. I don't know anyone, but I'm a video production student and I'm just starting to scratch the surface with visual effects. I'm looking to get into post productionm when I graduate.