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Everything posted by BorneAgain

  1. BorneAgain

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Harmony's still a vamp, but for some reason she acts exactly like she did as a human, something of a rarity in the Buffyverse. Eve's got nothing on Lilah, but I'll wait until the season progresses before I judge. I can't wait to see Spike and the Angel crew interact next week, especially between him and Harmony. Oh, and the lack of Connor made me enjoy this episode so much more.
  2. BorneAgain

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    If you can do stuff like in the video (ie Rey grabbing the top of the cage, RVD jumping from wall to wall), then the elimination chamber will fucking rule, but I have a sneaking suspicion those shots will only be used in cutscenes or in the opening.
  3. BorneAgain

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    The girlfriend bot created by Warren before he met Katrina.
  4. BorneAgain

    "The Name Game"

    William Regal
  5. BorneAgain

    Enterprise changed to Star Trek: Enterprise

    DS9 owns Enterprise, Voyager, and even TNG sometimes.
  6. BorneAgain

    100 Most Challenged Books to be Banned

    I'm sorry, I couldn't stand Catcher in the Rye, I didn't sympathize with Holden, I didn't identify with him, all I thought was "man, what a whiney little bitch". Holden's hypocrisy, combined with his extreme denial, prevented me from seeing him as a role model, though I did sympathize with him at points.
  7. BorneAgain

    I'm the New Ask411 Movie Guy

    Okay I've got one. edit: I guess my question really doesn't fit into your criteria, but I'll leave my post here because I'm genuinly curious about it. SPOILERS!!!!!! Is the ending to Taxi Driver all a dream by Bickle or is it real, because quite frankly either could work.
  8. BorneAgain

    The One and Only Raw Thread (9.22.03)

    And gets you laid, can't forget about the other commercial.
  9. BorneAgain

    The One and Only Raw Thread (9.22.03)

    Cut to the main event janitor's closet.
  10. BorneAgain

    The One and Only Raw Thread (9.22.03)

    Good god, Lloyd's a bigger dork than Cole and Coach combined.
  11. BorneAgain

    The One and Only Raw Thread (9.22.03)

    Nah, he's just taking a few months off Hartfan. After all, aren't the fans on Smackdown the same as the fans on Raw?
  12. BorneAgain

    The One and Only Raw Thread (9.22.03)

    Ah, the Triple H goodbye speech.
  13. BorneAgain

    The One and Only Raw Thread (9.22.03)

    Will Orton turn on Flair too, or will Ric serve in a coach role like Nash did for the Thrillers?
  14. BorneAgain

    The One and Only Raw Thread (9.22.03)

    Even though Goldberg's a shitty champion, it brings a smile to face to HHH without the belt.
  15. BorneAgain

    The One and Only Raw Thread (9.22.03)

    Unless this is about Savage's new Rap album, I could care less.
  16. BorneAgain

    The One and Only Smackdown! Thread

    Bret/Shawn is considered ***** by some, while others see it as a ** 60 min arm lock Its not as bad as two ** but the HHH-Rock Iron Man match blows it out of the water in my opinion.
  17. BorneAgain

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    You are correct sir.
  18. BorneAgain

    25 most overrated games of all time

    Most of the people I talked to said the Mario Sunshine dissapointed them, so I fail to see how its overrated.
  19. Jerry O'Connell, pretty much everything after Stand By Me. edit: Christopher Lloyd: Baby Geniuses, My Favorite Martian, Angels in the Endzone, Suburban Commando.
  20. BorneAgain

    Take a look at Vince's office...

    Possibly, though considering he has the Divas as his disposal, I don't know why he'd need them.
  21. BorneAgain

    Take a look at Vince's office...

    That room looks tacky, ridiculous and outdated. It fits him.
  22. BorneAgain

    New WWE DVD

    I have been waiting years for the WWE to release something like this. This very well could be there best Non-PPV DVD yet. One is left wondering if they'll release best of the ladder match anytime soon.
  23. BorneAgain

    A Real Life Superhero!

    He's got nothing on that Batman who attacked that guy in London a few weeks back.
  24. BorneAgain

    Hurricane Parteee!

    *Curses to himself that he lives in the mid-west, then realizes he set to be hit by tornado sometime*
  25. BorneAgain

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    You couldn't have picked two happiers shows to cheer you up... *cries for Amanda* Well I was hoping they would make me cry, but it didn't work. Damn, I just can't cry anymore. *slaps mole* AMANDA DIED YOU HEARTLESS BASTARD~! sh...she's dead... *slumps against wall and slides down to fetal position, sobbing uncontrollably* And yet Rona lived. God dammit, that's unfair.