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Everything posted by BorneAgain

  1. BorneAgain

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 8/6/2007

    I'm not sure whether to be happy or sad that Booker's fued with Lawler is getting some of the biggest heat on the show.
  2. BorneAgain

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 8/6/2007

    Its funny that Kennedy has had more than a few losses on Raw, and Booker hasn't actually been pinned once since the draft.
  3. BorneAgain

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 8/6/2007

    McMahons on TV and Regal as the authority figure? They really do want to recapture 2000.
  4. BorneAgain

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 8/6/2007

    I remember Lance Storm talking about how Disco and Russo's booking problem back in WCW was trying to make everything funny, regardless of how important it was or if it was in a good position to draw money. Seems like a similar problem exists with Cena.
  5. BorneAgain

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 8/6/2007

    That's not how lesbian stalker tendencies work! JR: Anything can in happen in WWE!
  6. BorneAgain

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 8/6/2007

    Because Jillian's beaten Mickie, she's inherited the latter's lesbian stalker tendencies.
  7. BorneAgain

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 8/6/2007

    Vince: And that Coach, is why the waste and plumbing industries just plain suck. *He walks off* TL Hopper: What's his problem? Duke Drose: No idea.
  8. BorneAgain

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 8/6/2007

    Should we expect a new jobber named Kahn Gress, so Vince can get his jollies having him beat up?
  9. BorneAgain

    WWE General Discussion for August 2007

    The important thing is that its a reference to popular culture that Vince is actually aware of.
  10. BorneAgain

    Super Smash Bros. Brawl

    Ladies and Gentlemen I give you... Ike. From Fire Emblem, Ike appears! The fact that he can wield a two-handed sword with a single hand is a testament to his magnificent strength. He brings his special move "Aether" with him as he crashes the Brawl party. Try for a single-stroke finishing blow with his mighty blade! I wonder if these means Marth and/or Roy are gone.
  11. BorneAgain

    Smackdown Spoilers...

    Is there some unofficial rule that states some members of the SD Six have to wrestle each other every year at Summerslam? As for the spoilers, I'll probably catch this as other than Kane/Masters it looks pretty solid.
  12. BorneAgain

    WWE General Discussion for July 2007

    With all these injuries in the last six months and with Hardy's possible departure is there a chance the developmental system might change? Are the facts that so-and-so can't work WWE style or creative doesn't have any ideas for someone really a solid excuses in the face of at least two shows that really could use more talent (ECW and SD)?
  13. BorneAgain

    Futurama is back...

    Futurama Trailer from Comic Con
  14. BorneAgain

    Pictures I Like

  15. BorneAgain

    WWE General Discussion for July 2007

    No, that's ridiculous. Credible works at Target.
  16. BorneAgain

    OaO ECW on Sci-Fi 7/17

    A shame that we never got a "celebrity inspired last name" battle between Johnny and RVD.
  17. BorneAgain

    The Youtube Thread

    John Cena's first night as a rapper
  18. BorneAgain

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    In the days of tri-brand PPVs, stuff like this doesn't get on PPV.
  19. BorneAgain

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    Foley just gave that match more story than the actual build has.
  20. BorneAgain

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    Hey its Orton Edge and the Undertaker Kane with mind games. I want a TV title rematch between Regal and Duggan.
  21. BorneAgain

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    Provided he twirls it before he does the RKO, it'll work.
  22. BorneAgain

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    Watching the Hall of Fame ceremony the other day left me wondering if Dustin's daughter Dakota will ever get involved in the business in a few years.
  23. BorneAgain

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    I'd love for Booker to attack him and then take over commentary for the rest of the night.
  24. BorneAgain

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    I'm seeing an odd facial resemblence to the Miz here.
  25. BorneAgain

    OaO 7/16 Raw Thread

    Val on TV two times in one month, impressive.