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Everything posted by BorneAgain
Is Mickey going to fued with Maria for the next couple of weeks or are they just doing fluff until Trish comes back?
From PWI VELOCITY TAPING: William Regal & Sylvan over Amish Roadkill & Casey James w/ Michelle McCool. Road Warrior over Paul Birchell w/ a lady friend (?). Bobby Lashley over TJ Dalton. Gregory Helms over Mike Altiri (?). Mike Altiri announced from Cincinnati but appears to be Mikey Batts formerly of TNA. Matt Hardy over Orlando Jordan. SMACKDOWN TAPING: Smackdown opened when Rey Mysterio came out to talk about being champ. JBL came out and confronted him. JBL mentions the illegal immigrant protests. blah blah blah - JBL says that he beat both him & Eddie. Rey says that he doesn't back down from a fight. JBL brings out Rey's opponent for tonight: Mark Henry. Mark Henry left the ring after a staredown so apparently that is the main event. Booker T over Gunner Scott. Booker got on top of the announce table after the match and said too bad Angle got hurt because he was going to beat him. Kendrick & London v. MNM was announced for the belts but MNM came through the crowd from behind and took them out. Vignette shown on Tatanka featuring a "cleansing" ceremony with the Lakota nation. Another vignette promised for next week. Tatanka previously announced these at the WM22 breakfast in Chicago. KOTR: Finlay over Chris Benoit - mostly technical mat work but pretty good. Gymini w/ Simon Dean over Scotty 2 Hotty & Funaki. #1 Contender match for Cruiserweight Title: Nunzio v. Kid Kash v. Super Crazy - No Contest after Great Khali took them all out. Mark Henry w/ JBL over Rey Mysterio. DARK MATCH: Time for the dark main event, and what was locally advertised as the main event, JBL v. Mark Henry v. Rey Mysterio. The match saw Rey pin JBL.
I'm still curious as to what they're going to do with the United States Title when JBL beats Mysterio. Another tournament? A Battle Royal? I'd have Booker win KOTR by cheating, JBL brags about being double champion on Smackdown, Lashley comes out and challenges him, Long says that Bradshaw has to defend the U.S. title, Lasley wins thanks to possible Mysterio interference. You can do a rematch with Booker and make King vs. U.S. Champion and continue the stuff with Rey and JBL until whenever Batista comes back.
One I've been wanting to see for some time. Sting takes out the nWo at Uncensored 97
Uncensored 1996: Lord Steven Regal vs. The "Belfast Bruiser" Fit Finlay. Part 1 Part 2 My body hurts watching it. Plus Finlay with a mustache and even busting out a senton!
I thought about this... I believe one of them will turn face due to Joey's "fucking cheerleaders" comments. I think one of them needs to stand up to Vince as the "Why did you make us dress up like f'n cheerleaders for?" guy. Play a little outside of kayfabe and maybe talk up some Ohio Valley in the process... The other ones can play kiss ass to Vince and still be his crew, or maybe one or two more of them can follow the first one. I'm honestly expecting them to kick Mitch out for the sole reason his name doesn't with a y.
Spoilers are complete.
Best I could do on short notice.
Transcript of Joey's promo: Styles: You wanna apologize like nothing happened. Like you didn't knock me on my ass in front of millions worldwide. I'm not coming back! And now thanks to the magic of live television I'm gonna show the whole world why for seven years I was the uncensored, unscripted loose cannon of commentary. Six months ago called me – I didn't call this company because I was looking for a job. I didn't need a job. WWE called me because they had humiliated and fired – again – Jim Ross. So I get JR's spot and from week one – week after week – I've got an ongoing lecture about the differences from professional wrestling and sports entertainment. I'm not allowed to say pro wrestling. I'm not allowed to say wrestler. I'm supposed to say sports entertainment and call wrestlers superstars. I'm told to deliberately ignore the moves and the holds to tell stories. Well ignoring the moves and the holds is insulting to the wrestlers – not entertainers – to leave their families 300 days a year to apply their craft in that ring. Well – since I'm not a sports entertainer storyteller I get pulled from WM because I don't sound like Jim Ross who is the guy they fired in the first place – does that make sense? Then I get bumped from Backlash? I'm not good enough for Backlash? In ECW – I called live pay-per-views by myself! Wasn't done before me, hasn't been done since. But I'm not good enough to call Backlash because I'm not a sports entertainer storyteller. I am sick of sports entertainment. I am sick of cheerleaders and boogers and bathroom humor. I'm sick of our own chairman who talks about his own semen and who mocks God – he mocked God! He makes out with divas. Most of all – I am sick of you fans who actually buy into this sports entertainment crap. I never needed this job and I don't want this job anymore. I QUIT!
Man, they've given away a lot of the movie at this point. Not that I was planning on seeing it, but it seems to be going against their promotion strategy.
I really wonder how much time off Angle is willing to let himself have these days. I'll say three weeks at most. On the plus side, if anyone can play this up for heat for themself, its Booker.
Welcome to Oz
UNHOLY Wedding! Actually, the story I had was that it was a "Pre-emptive" wedding. The Undertaker had a vision, seeing the McMahon/Helmsley era in the future, and tried to prevent it. Either by gaining ownership of WWF, or by being married to Steph so she couldn't get married to Triple H. However, the ignorance of everyone prevented them from realizing this, and in disgust after a while Taker took some time off. Of course his wedding to Stephanie indirectly caused the McMahon-Helmsley Era to begin so it ended up being his fault anyway. I am STILL convinced that it was the Bulldog's fault. Triple H took advantage of Stephanie while she had the amensia which was caused by Bulldog throwing the metal garbage can and it hit Stephanie. Undertaker knew this would happen, so he tried to stop it by forcing Stephanie to marry him but that dastardly Austin screwed that up. 'Taker tried to warn Vince around september of that year just before Bulldog injured Stephanie. Vince, wouldn't listen to 'Taker so 'Taker decided to say "fuck it, it's on you now" and left. Stephanie gets hurt, Triple H sees his chance to talk Stephanie into believing that they had something together and they designed the Test marriage hoax and the turn on Daddy to take over for good. Undertaker, who disappeared to take over a rebel bike gang heard through the grapevine that Triple H was controling all of WWF and had to come back. That was my whole "thought process" during that storyline. Taker's concern and growing disgust would explain his slightly odd behavior the summer of 99, abandoning Show in a match, and attempting recruit Kane as a possible ally.
UNHOLY Wedding! Actually, the story I had was that it was a "Pre-emptive" wedding. The Undertaker had a vision, seeing the McMahon/Helmsley era in the future, and tried to prevent it. Either by gaining ownership of WWF, or by being married to Steph so she couldn't get married to Triple H. However, the ignorance of everyone prevented them from realizing this, and in disgust after a while Taker took some time off. Of course his wedding to Stephanie indirectly caused the McMahon-Helmsley Era to begin so it ended up being his fault anyway.
From PWI: Velocity: - Chris Benoit beat Vito via submission with the Crossface - Matt Hardy beat Andy Simmons with a Twist of Fate - Paul Burchill made his introduction swinging on a rope from the top of a London Bus to take on Nunzio. Burchill won with the C4. - Orlando Jordan beat Scotty 2 Hotty with a Fame-Asser type move to end the Velocity tapings. Smackdown! - Promos were shown for Rey Mysterio vs Kurt Angle as well as Lashley vs Mark Henry in a King of the Ring match. - JBL cut an anti-UK promo as it was announced that he would defend his US Title against William Regal to kick off the show. Regal came out in his Lord Regal ring attire to a huge pop and slated JBL before the match got underway. During the match, Regal tried to put on JBL’s cowboy hat which resulted in a lariat for his troubles. JBL retains via pinfall. - Kristal interviewed Booker T and Sharmell backstage, who said Booker would win the King of the Ring tournament. - The Hooligans (Kenrick and London) & Super Crazy beat MNM & Gregory Helms in a six-man tag team match after London pinned Helms. - Another video showing Angle winning the WWE Title played before MNM were shown backstage. Melina was angry with her men for losing tonight. Jillian Hall walked by and was offered a job by Melina as their makeup artist. She accepted, but it led to a catfight with make-up being thrown around. - Lashley cut a promo ahead of his King of the Ring match talking about great wrestlers who have won King of the Ring in the past, mentioning Bret Hart, Steve Austin and Triple H. - Lashley beat Mark Henry via countout to advance in the KOTR tourney. Post-Match, Henry returned to the ring and splashed Lashley in the corner. Lashley was really over with the crowd. - The Mysterio-Angle video package from the start of the show was shown again before Mysterio was interviewed backstage by Kristal who asked if his luck was running out. Mysterio said whatever happens tonight, he’s enjoyed being champion. - Another video package showing Kurt Angle winning WWE gold was shown. - Finlay beat Gunner Scott after interference by Booker T. Booker and Sharmell did commentary for this match. After the match, Gunner Scott was attacked 2 on 1 until Chris Benoit made the save. - Kristal was in the ring but quickly interrupted by The Great Khali and Daivari who cut a promo. Kristal fled. - Yet another Kurt Angle promo was shown. - Rey Mysterio vs Kurt Angle for the World Heavyweight Title went to a no-contest after Mark Henry interfered. He laid Angle out on a table and hit a running splash on it to close the show.
Interesting. Curious if they let him have past the European tour though.
And here's an alternate set lifted from DVDMB. Velocity: Chris Benoit d. Vito: Benoit was super over, and I was bummed to see him working Velocity. This was quite a good match, Benoit gave Vito a ton. Benoit wins via crossface. Matt Hardy d. Local Jobber: Didn't catch his name, squash for Hardy. Paul Burchill d. Nunzio: Crowd was way into Burchill, and popped big for his finish. Solid match here, though Burchill looked rough in spots. Orlando Jordan d. Scotty 2 Hotty: Decent match, but went on a bit too long. Jordan blocked the worm and won the match. Smackdown Spoilers: JBL arrives, and cuts a typical anti-UK promo to a lot of heat. He said he has issues an open challenge to the toughest Brit, which is a bit like trying to find the tallest midget. William Regal responds, making me a happy camper. JBL d. William Regal: This may have been match of the night. Crowd was of course very into Regal, and hated JBL. Regal really didn't do much of anything, it was the JBL heel show, but he did get a good nearfall countering the Clothesline From Hell with what looked like an exploder. JBL survived the Regal stretch, and won with an eyepoke and his clothesline. Booker T cuts a promo backstage, and is interrupted by Gunner Scott, who reminds Booker that he beat him weeks ago, and apparently wants a rematch. Booker tells us he is far too sick to wrestle tonight, but he'll find someone to wrestle Gunner. London/Spanky/Super Crazy d. MNM/Gregory Helms: Unfortunately not as good as it looks on paper. Solid match with the heels beating down Spanky for most of it. London looked great in there, and the crowd was popping for him. Spanky and one of the MNM guys totally blew a springboard spot near the end, but the match was still solid, and that spot will probably be edited out. London wins with a rollup on Helms, and Melina sulks. Lashley d. Mark Henry (COR): Basic stuff with Lashley trying to knock Henry off his feet all match. Henry dominates for the most part until Lashley finally knocks him down and hits a big bodyslam. In a finish that was totally out of nowhere, Henry blind charges over the top rope and loses via countout. Fit Finlay d. Gunner Scott: This was actually real good, but the crowd didn't give it a chance. If anything most chanted for Finley because they wanted it to end. Too bad, Albright looked solid. Finlay wins with Booker's help, and then they beat Gunner down postmatch until Benoit makes the save. It looked like Benoit and Gunner established some sort of team or friendship post match. I guess they may go in the direction of Gunner being a Benoit protege. The Great Khali came out for a promo. Well, I should say Diavari came out for a promo. This was an utter waste of time, they just rambled on and on about how they scared off the Undertaker and how he is never coming back. The most amusing part of this whole thing was Khali giving a promo in Gibberish with the crowd yelling "what!?" after everything he said. One of the first good uses of the chant ever. Kurt Angle NC. Rey Mysterio Jr: Good match with good heat. This was definitely not one of their best, but it was still very good. Crowd was about 50/50, all of the kids and girls for Rey while all the men were for Angle. Rey is experiencing the Cena effect, but to a much less intense degree. It's no wonder either, they had him cut a total cornball underdog promo early in the night. That shit just doesn't get over anymore. Rey hit the 619, and went for the springboard rana, but Angle countered that into the ankle lock. As Rey was about to tap, Mark Henry attacks Angle, causing the DQ. That finish left an awful taste in my mouth. Henry throws Rey out of the ring, and then beats up Angle before putting him through a table with a big splash off the apron.
Rock never threw the Intercontinental title off the bridge. In December 97 Austin threw Rock's IC belt off the bridge, then a year and half later Rock threw him and the Smoking Skull belt off the bridge.
Now I want to see a Stryker/Masters with a dumb jock/cowardly nerd dyanamic.
Has Stryker really done anything since that Angle Invitational last year?
And thus it begins.
Is tonight's show a Supershow taping?
Holy SHIT! Haas of Pain, bitch!