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Everything posted by BorneAgain

  1. BorneAgain

    OAO RAW Thread for 1/16/06

    If Boogeyman and Shelton's mama appear in a skit the board will explode.
  2. BorneAgain

    OAO RAW Thread for 1/16/06

    That had to do with Edge how?
  3. BorneAgain

    OAO RAW Thread for 1/16/06

    Even the older fat black females are attracted to Vince... which makes one wonder about Saphire back in the day.
  4. BorneAgain

    OAO RAW Thread for 1/16/06

    Its Shelton's Mama who's waiting.
  5. BorneAgain

    OAO RAW Thread for 1/16/06

    They're not even trying to have an illusion of Raw tag team champions anymore.
  6. BorneAgain

    OAO RAW Thread for 1/16/06

    Van Dam can't get here soon enough.
  7. BorneAgain

    OAO RAW Thread for 1/16/06

    Like the neat smirk Flair has in the backround.
  8. BorneAgain

    OAO RAW Thread for 1/16/06

    Heh. Maria: That was mean.
  9. BorneAgain

    OAO RAW Thread for 1/16/06

    Kurt running down Davari on Unlimited.
  10. BorneAgain

    OAO RAW Thread for 1/16/06

    I swear I've heard "Angle Lock" more than once.
  11. BorneAgain

    OAO RAW Thread for 1/16/06

    Let Bret Hart be the ref and call it even Shawn could spit on Vince, stiff Shane, and spell T - N - A with his fingers If this leads to midget HBK the next week, I'm all for it.
  12. BorneAgain

    OAO Smackdown Discussion 1-13-06

    She needs to get rid of the blond skunk streaks.
  13. BorneAgain

    OAO Smackdown Discussion 1-13-06

    They had one already. Summer of 02. I believe that was where it came out that Angle liked to play with little boys, was it not? Sadly that would only be the first mention of Angle's odd sexual tastes.
  14. BorneAgain

    OAO Smackdown Discussion 1-13-06

    Watch they make another horror movie staring Rey Mysterio. Can Rey fit in that Chucky costume?
  15. BorneAgain

    OAO Smackdown Discussion 1-13-06

    I would be awesome if at one point in Chris's sig there would be three world champions: Edge, Christian, and
  16. BorneAgain

    OAO Smackdown Discussion 1-13-06

    I've always been impressed by that twirling, arms in the air, taunt of his.
  17. BorneAgain

    OAO Smackdown Discussion 1-13-06

    I have to give credit to the writers for actually compensating pretty well in the best of seven. Utilizing Orton as a replacement, and actually bringing up past continuity (him beating Benoit in the past, Randy getting the chance to prove himself after HIAC) has made this series of matches pretty interesting.
  18. BorneAgain

    OAO Smackdown Discussion 1-13-06

    Kick-ass! Arn Anderson cameo.
  19. BorneAgain

    Edge is the new WWE Champion

    Steph and HHH as parents to be.
  20. BorneAgain

    SD/Velocity non-spoilers

    Lashley's just like Lesnar, right down to the inappropriately high voice.
  21. BorneAgain

    First RAW of 2006 Thread

    Another positive crowd towards Cena. edit: Did I hear a faint "Let's Go Angle" chant?
  22. BorneAgain

    First RAW of 2006 Thread

    Oh good god...
  23. BorneAgain

    First RAW of 2006 Thread

    HHH has reached the point of self-parody when it comes to drawing out simple statements to 15 minute monologues.
  24. BorneAgain

    First RAW of 2006 Thread

    Man, Orton had no place in that match in 2003. Flair would have easily been a better choice.