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Everything posted by BorneAgain

  1. BorneAgain

    Smackdown! Spoilers

    If these are real, I can't see myself watching Smackdown this week. Velocity maybe, but not the main show.
  2. BorneAgain

    Smackdown! Spoilers

    If these are real, I see they didn't feel like dragging out that Jindrak-Reigns, odd considering they're doing the exact opposite with Heidenreich-Booker.
  3. BorneAgain

    Smackdown! Spoilers

    The same thing was said about last week's spoilers, and those turned out to be true. Could Marty go through the Barbershop Window, again? Yeah, but some of the things on last week's show were expected. Of course they were continue the lame feud between Booker and Heidenreich, and hell I predicted JBL costing Cena the title after the Rumble. This stuff here is just plain weird.
  4. BorneAgain

    Smackdown! Spoilers

    These spoilers sound strange/fake. Another ladder match at WM? Booker and Heidenreich as a dark match? Cena FU'ing Long? Marty Jannety?!
  5. BorneAgain

    Angle/HBK Feud

    Throw Marty Jannety through plate glass window?.
  6. BorneAgain

    When TV Shows get Serious

    Wasn't there the storyline about one of the blonde bitches getting beaten on by her boyfriend too Yes, Donna was getting hit by her then boyfriend Ray. I once saw a funny interview with Jamie Walters (Ray) in which he was saying how angry fans were sending him letters saying "Quit Hurting Donna!" Very Amusing.
  7. BorneAgain

    Jim Neidhart threatens promoter

    Under the Mat? What is this? Diana Hart's book.
  8. BorneAgain

    When TV Shows get Serious

    Of course, Dinosaurs ended up doing a "special episode" for the finale, where the dinosaurs went extinct because Earl messed with nature and killed some plants, or something like that. I think it was something about the carnivores suddenly developing a taste for plants and ate all of them up, forcing the herbivores to declare war on them and a nuclear war erupts, causing a nuclear winter that freezes them all to death. I might be mixing episodes, but I clearly remember Robbie being "drafted" to fight in a war in an episode that was made to look like an old newsreel. The war against the herbivores was the war over cashews. I distinctly remember the "We Are Right" campaign, the attempt to pronounce the acronym "W.A.R." and their war flag which was of course, a bullseye. I believe the extinction episode dealt with Earl's company Wesayso building over some sort of environmental area that caused plant to go extinct and having a domino effect in the food chain. The last thing that happens is the Wesayso boss guy trying to make clouds by blowing up volcanoes and having the ash fly up into the sky. Of course this causes the Ice Age and the TV reporter signing off with "...and goodbye." And to digress: "I'm the baby, gotta love me/Big, purple eyes I'm very cuddly/Especially when I hit my dad with a frying pan" Damn I can't believe I remember all of that stuff. Curse you Ced for being more descriptive and informative then I was.
  9. BorneAgain

    When TV Shows get Serious

    Of course, Dinosaurs ended up doing a "special episode" for the finale, where the dinosaurs went extinct because Earl messed with nature and killed some plants, or something like that. I think it was something about the carnivores suddenly developing a taste for plants and ate all of them up, forcing the herbivores to declare war on them and a nuclear war erupts, causing a nuclear winter that freezes them all to death. I might be mixing episodes, but I clearly remember Robbie being "drafted" to fight in a war in an episode that was made to look like an old newsreel. Actually you are mixing episodes. The series finale was entilted Changing Nature and what happened was that all the trees were pushed down and thus to make more, they tried to create rain by setting off bombs in all the volcanos, so that they would make clouds of ash which ended up blocking out the sun. The war episode you're referring to was Nuts to War which had the four legged dinosaurs and two leggers going to war over pisctachio nuts. As silly as the subject matter sounds if was actually a fairly serious episode compared to some of the others. The last sequence between Robbie (the son who went to war) and Earl (the father) actually got to me. Charlene: "I heard somebody got killed." Robbie: "Yeah, it was some new guy, but we had those four leggers on the run!" Fran: "What?" Robbie: "Well I'm just saying it's horrible that guy got killed and all, but we had those four leggers on the run, we could've won it." Earl: "A boy died, don't you see the fight didn't settle anything?" Fran: "Come on, Robbie, let's get you out of that uniform, you have school tomorrow." Robbie: "Forget school, a lot of the guys are talking about setting up base for when they come back, they're working on a whole new line of weapons!" Earl: "Stop it! You're not a solider, you're a kid. You're going to go to school, you're going to take girlfriends to dances, you're going to drive me crazy like you always have, until it's time for you to grow up." Robbie: "Dad?" Earl: "It's allright Robbie, it's over now, you're home."
  10. BorneAgain

    When TV Shows get Serious

    tvtome.com's epsiode guide. Link to paticular episode, entitled Papa's Gotta a Brand New Excuse
  11. BorneAgain

    When TV Shows get Serious

    Ah yeah. That was also the loudest moment on Fresh Prince when he is yelling about how he will be better than him and Uncle Phil hugs him when he wants to know why his dad doesn't want him. That was the first time I felt that this acting thing might work out for Will Smith. I saw this episode again recently, and it gave me the chills. I've been trying in vain to find Will's monologue since. A great, great scene. Here you go. Will: Hey, you no what, you ain't got to do nothing, uncle Phil. You kow, ain't like I'm still five years old, you know? Ain't like I'm be sitting every night asking my mom "when's daddy coming home," you know? Who need's 'em? Hey, he wasn't there to teach me how to shoot my first basket, but I learned it, didn't I? And I got pretty damn good at it too, didn't I, uncle Phil? Phil: Yeah, you did. Will: Got to do my first date without 'em, right? I learned how to ride, I learned how to shave, I learned how to fight without 'em. I had fourteen great birthdays without him; he never even sent me a damn card. THE HELL WITH HIM!! (pause) I didn't need 'em then I won't need 'em now. Phil: Will,... Will: No, you know what, uncle Phil? I'm get through college without him, I'm get a great job without him, I'm marry me a beautiful honey and I'm having a whole bunch of kids. I'm be a better father than he ever was. And I sure as hell don't need him for that, 'cause it ain't a DAMN THING HE CAN EVER TEACH ME ABOUT HOW LOVE MY KIDS! (long pause) How come he don't want me, man?
  12. BorneAgain

    SD! Spoilers

    Actually, he didn't. The RVD/HHH match was title vs. title and when HHH won the IC Title, he just unified it into his World Title and it was promptly forgotten about. No, S_D is correct, RVD did lose the IC title prior to his match with HHH at Unforgiven 02. It was Kane who had the Intercontinental Championship and lost it at No Mercy 02 to Hunter that unified the titles.
  13. BorneAgain

    SD! Match List

    I'll agree with that. While I do suspect a lack of motivation (For proof his tournament match on Smackdown 2 weeks ago with Cena was easily better than anything in their best of five series) Booker has been wrestling for 15 years now. Heck, he's actually a few months older than Michaels! That has had to have taken a toll on him.
  14. BorneAgain

    SD! Match List

    I will say that Snitsky has shown signs of potential though he still seems a bit awkward in the ring.
  15. BorneAgain

    SD! Match List

    Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU. Seriously, I hate when people bash Booker, or Jericho, or someone else who has been buried nonstop for years now, talking about them not being any good without stopping to consider this. When Booker moves at half speed he's ripping off the people who pay good money to see a show. It's not their fault he's not being used well. It's amazing he's still getting the pop he does In a company that showcases talent like Kenzo, Heidenreich, Masters, and Snitsky, trust me I hardly feel ripped off watching a Booker T match. edit: And the knee move he does is no worse than something like the Five Knuckle Shuffle or the French Tickler.
  16. BorneAgain

    SD! Spoilers

    Except for those times they did the triple title match gimmick. and there is no such rule considering how often People have held two titles at once. They just havent had a champion vs champion match as high profile as WM6 since. Correction: Stupid WWE Rule #8743: Can't have a guy with a singles title wrestling another guy with a World title for the World title, unless a stipulation is that the titles are being unified (rule implemented after Wrestlemania 6). No Mercy 03 HHH(World Champ) vs. Kane( IC Champ) No Mercy 02. 03 was Smackdown exclusive. And the titles were unified there. (Though they would be de-unified 8 months later.) edit: You're quick Bacon.
  17. BorneAgain

    SD! Match List

    I agree somewhat, but I just don't feel like completely writing him off yet. I think he can do better when he's motivated. Perhaps its just a matter of opinion.
  18. BorneAgain

    SD! Match List

    Eh, he's had some good stuff with Cena and Eddy lately (yes I know that's not really hard with the latter). Plus he was decent in the tags with Eddy against Rey/RVD. Heidenreich just plain sucks.
  19. BorneAgain

    SD! Spoilers

    This would be the best opportunitu to break out the Million Dollar belt from Vince's vault. I would fucking mark out if that happened. Sadly, it'll probably end up having bullhorns or just go back to being the same ol US title that we all once knew. For some reason I see Orlando putting a picture of JBL on the belt.
  20. BorneAgain

    SD! Match List

    Not to be an ass, but while you do have it, you're telling the ending to it.
  21. BorneAgain

    SD! Spoilers

    Thank God. I hear that. Hopefully this is the last of this feud.
  22. BorneAgain

    SD! Spoilers

    I knew these two things were going to happen this week. The question now is will they have Booker/Jordan at WM like I predicted in the Wrestlemania thread I expect an 8-man next week with Booker/Eddy/Cena/Rey vs. The Cabinet, probably with either Cena pinning JBL or Booker pinning Jordan.
  23. BorneAgain

    Generic Post-Raw Thoughts Thread

    Who do you have in mind? it would probably be Booker, not that I expect that match to happen. It would be more interesting than a straight RAW match though Technically, he never specified what brand the other five guys had to be on, so your idea is possible. Here's the entry from the WM 21 website. With some of the biggest matches in WrestleMania history already named, Chris Jericho decided to make some waves of his own. After defeating Maven on Monday Night RAW, Y2J provided a rather cryptic message concerning his idea for WrestleMania. According to Jericho, his idea is a chance of a lifetime, and it includes five other elite Superstars. And finally, Jericho proclaimed that it includes a large steel ladder. What does Chris Jericho have in mind? What is the chance of a lifetime he was referring to? Who are the other five Superstars? Be sure to watch RAW each Monday night (9/8 CT) on Spike TV as this story continues to develop. I guess we'll have to see.
  24. BorneAgain

    Generic Post-Raw Thoughts Thread

    Who do you have in mind? Only ones I can think of are Haas (Cause they haven't had him do anything except team with Holly) or Booker (if just based on the Raw-Smackdown showdown at the Rumble).
  25. BorneAgain

    Wrestlemania 21

    At least with Orlando, we'd know the match could stay above negative stars. Seriously, Heidenreich is too green and is lost half the time unless a veteran's holding his hand in matches (See taker feud). Either ship him off to OVW or just drop him.