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Everything posted by BorneAgain

  1. BorneAgain

    Worst match of the year 2004....

    Alright, I'll give you Jesus/Cena as at least it made Cena look good and reluctantly JBL/Taker since I haven't seen it since it first aired, but I can assure that watching Tomko/Richards is easily one of the most painful experiences you'll have. The fact that poor Stevie is in bra and panties just makes you feel pity in addition to disgust. As for Holly/Mordecai, well the whole Great Amercian Bash (with the exception of the 3 title bouts) is a guidebook in shit matches so I guess you'll have to see it yourself.
  2. BorneAgain

    Worst match of the year 2004....

    I can think of at least four matches off hand that were worse than Booker/JBL JBL vs Taker at Summerslam (so great the fans did the wave to show their appreciation) Tomko vs Stevie at Unforgiven (the less said the better) Cena vs Jesus at Armageddon (Boring squash) Bob Holly vs Mordecai at the GAB (just plain bad)
  3. BorneAgain

    Most Shameless Shilling in Wrestling

    Bam Bam Bigelow pushing around those carts full of Surge bottles. Chucky showing up to promote his new movie and Rick Steiner idiotically talking to him. God, the XFL ones were endless: Poor Jericho having to wear a He Hate Me jersey. Heyman wearing the XFL hat. During one brawl I distinctly remember seeing XFL on one of the semi-trucks in the back. Off-topic, but still pitiful: JR nearly begging fans to watch the XFL.
  4. BorneAgain

    Sell me on... Hating JBL

    Who I believe, unless I'm mistaken is the only man to pin Bradshaw since he's been champion, so that could negate his pin on Booker if you choose to look at it that way.
  5. BorneAgain

    New John Cena United States Championship

    For a slightly better look at it. (No offense Taker)
  6. BorneAgain

    Armageddon or Turning Point?

    I haven't seen either but I know shit when I see it. Reading about Turning Point is probably more entertaining than watching Armageddon period.
  7. BorneAgain

    Underrated Match of the Year???

    Though not a fantastic match, I liked the concept and execution of the Smackdown relay match they had in August, I'd love for it to make a return. It would certainly be more interesting than your usual six man tag, that's for sure.
  8. BorneAgain

    OAO Armageddon Thread.

    *Is so glad that he took a break from WWE in the summer of 2003*
  9. BorneAgain

    OAO Armageddon Thread.

    (^ In response to Shadow's post to prevent rampant quoting) A heel Rock vs face Orton would be interesting to see, though I can't help but fear the crowd could turn Rock face on his promos alone.
  10. BorneAgain

    OAO Armageddon Thread.

    I'm curious, what's your ideal Wrestlemania card? edit: Huzzuh, 900 posts. I just put it up there a few minutes ago. Ideally, Jericho/Benoit and Eddy/Angle main event. that won't happen. Within reason, here's my ideal card once again (Didn't want to take up space so I just quoted the first part) Not a bad undercard. A shame Eddie and Booker are low on there but at least they're in decent matches. An interpromotional battle royal on Heat would be something to see. I presume Orton would turn heel for this card correct?
  11. BorneAgain

    OAO Armageddon Thread.

    Royal Rumble 03 says different. October 2000-February 2001, and the Summer of 2003 disagree with that disagrement. Does September 2001-October 2001 have anything to say?
  12. BorneAgain

    OAO Armageddon Thread.

    I'm curious, what's your ideal Wrestlemania card? edit: Huzzuh, 900 posts.
  13. BorneAgain

    OAO Armageddon Thread.

    Honestly, I think the ending hurt JBL more than anybody. Had he somehow won clean despite the odds stacked against him, it probably would have garnered him some needed credibility.
  14. BorneAgain

    OAO Armageddon Thread.

    I'm hopeful that we get an Eddie v. Benoit cross-brand match, because at the rate they're going I'm going to have a lot of trouble justifying $50 for two world title matches I don't want to see. Eddie vs. Benoit is always a possibility, considering we had two major cross brand matches last year, but for some reason I see him going up against someone like Edge or Batista.
  15. BorneAgain

    OAO Armageddon Thread.

    Though not a bad match by any means, I'd say the ridiculously long ref bump and Triple H's dreaded fall onto padding prevents it from being known as a Wrestlemania classic.
  16. BorneAgain

    OAO Armageddon Thread.

    Perhaps so, but that doesn't mean that a title reign by any of them now could be worse than JBL's. btw, Taker's best reign in my opinion was in 97, but that may just be me.
  17. BorneAgain

    OAO Armageddon Thread.

    I really wish I could believe that, if just to somehow justify this booking more than "Vince likes his character"
  18. BorneAgain

    OAO Armageddon Thread.

    Well with JBL retaining what should we expect for Wrestlemania now on the smackdown side? JBL vs Cena Angle vs HBK Taker/Kane vs. Snitski/Heidenreich Eddie vs. Booker perhaps?
  19. BorneAgain

    OAO Armageddon Thread.

    But the question is: Who would he next defend it against? Show is a possibility if they're finally getting him away from Angle. But who else besides Show? EDIT: OK, forgot about Cena. But he has to find a way to get rid of the US title unless they're going the Warrior route with that. We've got Show at Rumble I'm guessing, then we've got No Way Out, I'd expect he won't actually defend it here and they'll be some kind of tag match leading up to Mania like there usually is and we have him vs Cena at Mania. Pure guess work, but it seems logical enough. Well they won't have to worry about No Way Out as that's a Raw PPV anyway.
  20. BorneAgain

    OAO Armageddon Thread.

    If this and Orton-HHH is the main event, Wrestlemania better have one of the greatest undercards of all time, cause otherwise I won't be ordering this.
  21. BorneAgain

    OAO Armageddon Thread.

    How exactly did Eddie lose his chance?
  22. BorneAgain

    OAO Armageddon Thread.

    Why because that means JBL will retain or a face will win in the main event?
  23. BorneAgain

    OAO Armageddon Thread.

    Nothing. F-5 is the highest, most dangerous grade of either hurricane or tornado. Indeed, as F-5 hurricanes are ones that have winds faster than 155 mph. *shakes head at realizing that hurricane and clone discussion is more interesting than the PPV*
  24. BorneAgain

    OAO Armageddon Thread.

    I'm more worried about Taker in a 35 minute match than Booker. 'Taker has gone 35 minutes on a few occasions. Booker hasn't and I don't think he is the worker capable of it. Hopefully both of them can make it, cause that's only the only way this main event will be watchable. Eddy is in the match. The match being anything decent rests on his acne scarred shoulders. One can only hope.
  25. BorneAgain

    OAO Armageddon Thread.

    I'm more worried about Taker in a 35 minute match than Booker. 'Taker has gone 35 minutes on a few occasions. Booker hasn't and I don't think he is the worker capable of it. Hopefully both of them can make it, cause that's only the only way this main event will be watchable. I don't know if Eddy can carry the whole match himself.