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Everything posted by BorneAgain

  1. BorneAgain

    OAO Armageddon Thread.

    I'm more worried about Taker in a 35 minute match than Booker.
  2. BorneAgain

    OAO Armageddon Thread.

    Man, Santa always jobs.
  3. BorneAgain

    OAO Armageddon Thread.

    Considering Miz's odds of winning this, I believe "No Chance in Hell" would be most appropriate.
  4. BorneAgain

    OAO Armageddon Thread.

    IC wasn't on the line. I don't remember the cruiser belt being on the line either, it may have been on Heat.... Cruiserweight was defended in Chavo's invitational.
  5. BorneAgain

    OAO Armageddon Thread.

    I don't think so. At neither Wrestlemania XIX or Wrestlemania XX was the IC Title on the line.
  6. BorneAgain

    OAO Armageddon Thread.

    They fucked it up by putting Triple H in the match in the first place, if you ask me. Especially considering in the weeks leading up to Armageddon, HHH did literally nothing as the focus was on Kane vs. Goldberg the entire time.
  7. BorneAgain

    OAO Armageddon Thread.

    I'm wondering who will get pinned by the respective winner. If Taker wins: JBL no doubt. If JBL wins: Probably Eddie. If Booker wins: most likely Eddie, though I could see JBL as a possiblity. If Eddie wins: JBL.
  8. BorneAgain

    OAO Armageddon Thread.

    First Pin. They keep going over how JBL doesn't need to be pinned to lose the title.
  9. BorneAgain

    OAO Armageddon Thread.

    London and Chavo. This crowd needs something to keep them happy on this card.
  10. BorneAgain

    Strange storyline/angle ideas:

    Thought of another one the other day. Basically its a Mr. Champion gimmick. It would involve a comedic heel who starts wearing old, discontinued belts from old promotions and then claims he's the repective champion even though all of them are long dead. When asked how precisely he got these championships he claims that: A) He won it in a tournement, even though there was no one who witnessed it, nor was it taped. B) He won it in a battle royale, despite the fact he can't name any other wrestlers who were in it. Or C) He was the number one contender for the title when the previous champion vacated it and it was awarded to him, but wasn't in the promotion the title was in, nor did the last champion even vacate it. It gets to the point where he's carrying 8 or so dead titles to the ring, forcing the ring announcer to name him the champion of each one, and taking a ridiculous amount of time taking the belts off and putting them back on. The backstage segments would be great. Wrestler A: Man, would you stop it with this title nonsense, people think you're a damn joke. Mr. Champion: Oh I see, you're just jealous that you're not the AWA Television, FTW, WCCW, Million Dollar, SMW, USWA Southern, WCW Six-Man champion; (whipping out a trophy) and winner of the Crockett cup. Whenever he loses a match, he quickly gets on the mic and explains that none of his titles were on the line. He eventually does end up losing all of them in one match to a confused face, who claims that he doesn't want any of them. The heel meanwhile then challenges the him to a winner take all match, because he (the heel) does have one title to put on the line. That's right, the WCW Women's Cruiserweight Championship! When asked how he can hold it even though he's not a woman nor a crusierweight, he shrugs: "Champion's perogative."
  11. God I loved that ending. Great to see the return of the Frog King. "Paris Hilton, you must find a way out of this place, or you will surely die."
  12. BorneAgain

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Well at least we can all agree that Clem is a champion.
  13. BorneAgain

    Return of the King EE.

  14. BorneAgain

    Create a tag team

    Ultimate Warrior and Lex Luger : Smoke and Mirrors Ricky Steamboat and Yoshihiro Asai: Double Dragon Rick Martel and Curt Hennig: Models of Perfection
  15. BorneAgain

    The OAO Survivor Series 2004 Thread

    Backlash Chavo regained the Cruiserweight title at Judgement Day from *shudder* Jacqueline.
  16. BorneAgain

    The OAO Survivor Series 2004 Thread

    Heat Match: La Resistance beat Rosey/Hurricane Spike retained against Kidman, Chavo, and Rey Shelton retained against Christian Team Eddie beat Team Angle; Survivors: Eddie, Big Show, Cena Trish retained against Lita via DQ Undertaker pinned Heindenreich. JBL beat Booker T thanks to Orlando's interference. (sigh) Team Orton beat Team HHH; Survivors: Orton
  17. BorneAgain

    Most inaccurate statement Jim Ross??

    I rememer this one which seemingly came out of nowhere. "King, don't encourage those 16-year-old kids to go out and get fake driver's licenses...so they can play Little League baseball!" - J.R. Even Lawler was confused. "J.R., what in the world are you TALKING about?!" - The King
  18. Better make that a Royal Rumble match. Armageddon is a Smackdown PPV this year. Good call. So Raw doesn't have a PPV at all in December? Nope. The first PPV after Survivor Series for Raw is New Year’s Revolution on January 9th.
  19. Better make that a Royal Rumble match. Armageddon is a Smackdown PPV this year.
  20. I'm going as me four months from the future. I'll mention how messed up things are under President Nader (cursed Vote or Die program) and how we're in the midst of the Australian-American war. Your plans?
  21. BorneAgain

    GTA: San Andreas

    I've discovered a new passion. Ramping off the moutain on a bicycle and then jumping off and parachuting to the ground. That shit never gets old.
  22. BorneAgain

    Best Kubrick Movie?

    Dr. Strangelove, narrowly beating out A Clockwork Orange.
  23. BorneAgain

    Ashlee Simpson on SNL

    Funny how Mad TV mocked her a few weeks ago for lip-synching, and now this happens.